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Concerns about loved ones led to reduced social distance and negative attitudes towards vaccines


Many have heard messages about wearing masks and following social distance guidelines to limit the spread of COVID-19, but resistance remains. A new study found that this resistance could be overcome by raising people’s concerns about their loved ones. And it may also affect encouraging people to get new vaccines.

In a recent study, those who stated that social distance and COVID safety guidelines violate personal liberties said these thoughts when their loved ones felt at risk of a serious illness of COVID-19. Reacted more positively to.

“Emphasis on the benefits of being a guardian of another person (rather than yourself) seems to be more effective in facilitating adherence to recommended practices,” said an associate in Michigan Medicine. Dr. Lawrence Ann, MD, a professor and co-director of research authors, said. Health Communication Research Center, Rogel Cancer Center, University of Michigan.

As the coronavirus pandemic continues to hit the United States, messages focused on embarrassing people, wearing masks, and pressure to avoid the crowd are flashing back.

People who react negatively to being “told” about what to do are much less likely to wear a mask on a daily basis (50% or more). But at the same time, concerns about others increase the wearing of masks, especially among those who report greater negativity. “

Lawrence Ann, MD, Associate Professor of General Medicine, Michigan Medicine

Said a colleague and surveyed 1,074 people across the United States about their attitude toward the coronavirus. They have discovered two different sets of attitudes towards social distance.

  • Positive beliefs that largely reflect the message of public health
  • Negative beliefs, including the idea that social distance violates the rights and freedoms of individuals

Concerns about the risk of severe COVID-19 infection in loved ones have been linked to both higher positive and lower negative attitudes towards social distance. When people considered their own risks, they had a higher positive attitude, which did not affect their negative attitude.

“When thinking about protective behaviors that people should follow, negative beliefs (awareness of external controls) invalidate positive beliefs. It is effective to simply repeat that people should follow public health guidelines. That means it’s not, “says research author Dr. Kenneth Resnikov. .D. , Professor of Health Behavior and Health Education, UM School of Public Health, and Associate Director of Community Outreach and Engagement at the Rogel Cancer Center.

“But according to our data, the approach to risk is different given that people become guardians of others. Personal beliefs and politics are less likely to discourage COVID protection practices. Increasingly, emphasizing the act of protecting others may help those who do so, otherwise they are reluctant to practice COVID protection to feel independent and strong rather than obedient or obedient. It’s a target, “he says.

Recognizing that these clear positive and negative attitudes about social distance can help shape social distance policies and inform efforts to encourage people to follow them, An and Resnicow Collaborated with CULTIQUE, a LA-based company that advises the entertainment industry on cultural issues. Encourage messages on content, social media, and news about protecting your loved ones from the coronavirus.

According to the latest data from the CDC, 40% of the population is at high risk of serious illness due to COVID-19. People with chronic health problems are 12 times more likely to die of COVID-19.

“For those who care for people with cancer or other conditions, it’s important to protect your loved ones,” says Anne.

Parents can be responsible for protecting against illness by monitoring COVID exposure of endangered individuals and limiting exposure to others. This includes making purchases, maintaining cleaning protocols and PPEs, and providing secure transportation to bookings.

“Knowing that we can fall into this pandemic home stretch, the chances of losing someone are even worse. COVID-19 is coming sooner as the vaccine is imminent. It’s more important than ever to follow social distance measurements to get it done, “says Resnicow.


Journal reference:

Ann, L. , et al. (2020) Development of coronavirus social distance attitude scale. Patient education and counseling.


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