Differences in blood pressure between your arms may be a sign of heart problems, studies say

The next time you ask your doctor to measure your blood pressure, consider asking your nurse to measure your blood pressure with both arms.
A significant difference in systolic or systolic blood pressure measurements between the two arms is a warning sign of a future heart attack or stroke, according to a new meta-analysis of 24 global studies published in the journal Hypertension on Monday. There is a possibility.
“Patients who need a blood pressure check should be expected to be checked with both arms at least once,” said Dr. Chris Clark, a senior author of clinical lectures at the University of Exeter School of Medicine in the United Kingdom, in a statement. Stated. ..
Blood pressure is measured in millimeters of mercury (abbreviated as mmHg). It consists of two numbers: an upper or systolic measurement that indicates the maximum pressure in the artery and a lower or diastolic measurement that indicates the pressure in the artery. Arteries when the muscles of the heart are stationary between heartbeats.
A new study found that the risk of new angina (chest pain), heart attack, or stroke increased by 1% over the next decade for every degree of difference between the arms over 10 millimeters of mercury.
Research results show that a difference of more than 5 millimeters of mercury between the two arms “predicts all-cause mortality, cardiovascular mortality, and cardiovascular events.”
“We have long known that the difference in blood pressure between the two arms is associated with worse health outcomes,” Clark said.
This study shows that the greater the difference in blood pressure between the arms, the higher the cardiovascular risk, so it is very important to measure both arms to see which patients are at significantly higher risk. “Clark said.
Difference in systole is the key
The· American Heart Association If the upper number is less than 120 and the lower number is less than 80, blood pressure is considered normal.
Differences of less than 10 millimeters of mercury between arms are considered normal by AHA and do not need to worry. However, if the reading between the two arms is high, the arteries may be narrowed or hardened, which can affect blood flow.
Unlike the guidelines of USA, Both the United Kingdom and the European Union recognize that “the systolic difference between the two arms is greater than or equal to 15 mmHg as a threshold for additional cardiovascular risk.”
Victor Aboyans, a research co-author and professor and dean of the Department of Cardiology at the University Hospital in Limoges, France, said the study showed the need to reassess international guidelines. ..
“We believe that the difference of 10 mmHg can reasonably be considered the upper limit of normal systolic blood pressure when both arms are measured in sequence during a normal clinical appointment,” Aboyans said in a statement. It is stated in.
“This information should be incorporated into future guidelines and clinical practice in assessing cardiovascular risk. It is for treatments that can reduce the risk of heart attack, stroke, and death by more people. It would mean that it was taken into account, “Aboyans added.
In addition, healthcare professionals need to measure blood pressure in both arms during a health check, the report said. Currently, international guidelines recommend that practice, but it is “widely ignored.”
“Currently, international guidelines recommend doing this, but due to time constraints, it usually takes at most half the time,” Clark said.
“Checking one arm with a routinely used sphygmomanometer and then the other arm is cheap and can be done in any medical environment without the need for additional or expensive equipment. “Clark said. “Our research shows that taking a little extra time to measure both arms can ultimately save lives.”
Take your own blood pressure
AHA suggests that people who are concerned about blood pressure should monitor their blood pressure at home and keep track of their measurements.
The first step is to choose your blood pressure cuff carefully — AHA is recommended An automatic cuff-style upper arm monitor, rather than a wrist or finger monitor, is less reliable.
AHA tells you to measure your blood pressure at the same time every day, such as in the morning or in the evening. Follow these steps to get an accurate reading.
Do not smoke, drink caffeinated beverages, or exercise for at least 30 minutes before measuring your blood pressure. Go to the bathroom and empty your bladder.
Sit with the backrest straight. That is, instead of sitting on a sofa, you sit on a desk or table without a backrest.
“You should keep your feet flat on the floor and not cross your legs. Your arms should be supported on a flat surface (such as a table) with your upper arms at heart level,” AHA recommends. ..
Roll up your sleeves — do not make measurements on clothing. Take a quiet break for at least 5 minutes before starting the measurement.
Follow the diagram on the sphygmomanometer. One of the important steps is to make sure that the bottom of the cuff is located directly above the elbow bend.
Make multiple reads and record the results. “Every measurement, we take two or three measurements at 1-minute intervals and record the results using a printable tracker. The monitor has a built-in memory for storing the measurements. If so, take it to your booking. Some monitors may allow you to register your profile and then upload your readings to a secure website, “AHA recommends.
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