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I’m lying to you about herd immunity


I can’t remember the last time I heard about civil servants, especially influential civil servants. Admit To deceive the masses.

No, please wait. When I think about it now, I remember.

That’s … Anthony Fauci, back in June, Americans Intentionally gave ass advice early on about masks To maintain the existing supply to healthcare professionals.

So why weren’t you initially told to wear a mask?

“Well, that’s because we were concerned about the public health community. Many people said this, but when there was a huge shortage of personal protective equipment such as N95 masks and surgical masks. Supply. And we are brave enough to hurt ourselves, to take care of those who know that they are infected with the coronavirus and are at risk of infection. In other words, I wanted to make sure that the medical staff was. “

Recently Times Before herd immunity began, he noticed that his estimates of how much of the population needed to be vaccinated began to change. Early on he said it would be 60-70 percent. Recently, he says “75, 80, 85 percent” or “75-80 plus percent”. Was he previously sloppy, or has something in science changed since the first estimate?

There was some new data, Fauci said. But again, he has been lying:

In a telephone interview the next day, Dr. Fouch admitted that he was slowly but intentionally moving the goalpost.He does, he said, partly based on new science, and Partially to his gut sensation that the country is finally ready to hear what he really thinks..

It may be hard to hear, but he believes that nearly 90% of the immunity may be needed to stop the virus-as much as it is needed to stop the outbreak of measles …

“When pollsters said that only about half of all Americans would be vaccinated, I said that herd immunity would take 70 to 75 percent,” Dr. Forch said. “Then, when a new survey said more than 60 percent would take it, I thought,’I can raise this a bit,’ so I went to 80, 85.

The last person in the government who should lie to the masses is the national pandemic chief spokesman, In particular Mass vaccination efforts are underway. Adherence to precautions requires trust — trust that nasty social distance rules are fair and effective, trust that vaccines are safe, trust that authorities are leveling with you about risk, and Follow the guidance and trust how quickly the pandemic will end. That’s why we’re all surprised when we find people like Gavin Newsom eating out against his own COVID hygiene protocol. Not only does it make him look like a hypocritical choir, but people are destined to conclude from his actions that the collection is less risky than it really is.

Trust is essential. At least twice now, Fouch has given Americans a good reason not to trust him by misleading them and then dealing with them.

Reading the passage above, I remembered his clash with Rand Paul during this year’s Senate testimony.Pole Warning to fouch He may be an expert, but his words are not law. Elected civil servants create rules for their members, not scientific bureaucrats. That’s right, Forch said. As I am a scientist, my job is simply to give you a difficult scientific truth and let you take it from there.

Except that he didn’t do it. He hid difficult scientific truths to shape public opinion — at least twice. He plays the PR guy, among all the people in the government, when he needs to deal only with the facts and drop chips everywhere.

We are left with an unavoidable question: was he previously lying about herd immunity, or is he now lying? I haven’t previously understood the logic of lying to Americans about this. Whether herd immunity is 60-70 percent or 75-85 percent, the point of the average Joe is that most of us need to get a jab to crush the virus. I think the lie was to give the public the false hope that the path to pre-pandemic normality was a little shorter than it really is, but for most of us, the 70% immune threshold and 85%. The difference in thresholds is meaningless. The bottom line is that the majority of the population needs to be vaccinated before party time, so we all need to play our part.

So why do you lie? Why are the numbers so cute? If anything, I suspect that Fouch is lying by artificially inflating the number required for immunity. He thinks raising the bar could cause fence sitters to bite bullets and get vaccinated. Everything he says can be questioned in those terms, as he turns out to be practicing social engineering through deceptive public comment.

I think the new data that seems to have influenced his assessment are related to a new strain of coronavirus growing in the UK. “The more contagious the pathogen, the more people have to get immunity to stop it,” the Times said. The UK stock is said to be 70% more contagious than the current predominant stock and is almost certainly already here. Scientists who scrutinized it say “Oh” — literally:

Michael Worobey, a biologist at the University of Arizona, has seen over 100,000 different strains of the virus that causes Covid-19. But when he saw a new variant from England, he noticed something different.

“This is the first variant I said step back across the pandemic.” Wow, “he remembers …

“There are 17 unique mutations in this virus that we haven’t seen anywhere else, which is really rare,” said Wolobay.

At least one of the spike protein mutations occurs in different parts of the world, suggesting to scientists that the mutation actually provides evolutionary benefits to the virus. There is no reason to panic yet. Until further research is done, scientific consensus shows that the vaccine may be a little less effective against British strains, but it still seems to be strongly effective. However, the situation may be even more severe with the monoclonal antibody treatment given when Trump, Chris Christie, and Rudy Giuliani were infected with COVID. “In the preprint survey on December 1, the mutation was [in the UK strain] It changed the segment of the virus very close to the region recognized by the monoclonal antibody produced by the pharmaceutical companies Eli Lilly and Regeneron, making it more difficult for the antibody to bind to and neutralize the pathogen. ” Scientific American Reported today.

This is why you should be vaccinated as soon as possible. Take a shot before getting infected with the virus and be protected (in most cases). Get the virus before you are shot, and hospital doctors may not be able to do as much for you as they wanted.

By the way, there is still a week, but December is now Worst month A breakdown of the entire US pandemic, with 57,683 Americans killed by COVID by last night. Total number of Americans killed in theaters during the 10-year Vietnam War: 58,220..


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