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A 3-year-old child has a stroke with COVID-19.Doctors and families call the best Christmas gift ever recovered

A 3-year-old child has a stroke with COVID-19.Doctors and families call the best Christmas gift ever recovered


Columbia, Missouri-A team of family and doctors at the University of Missouri Healthcare call it the best Christmas gift ever after a 3-year-old boy was infected with COVID-19, which caused a stroke.

“We thought we would definitely lose him,” said Tim Paris, the father of Colt Paris. “I don’t care how tough you are. You cry. It can’t be helped when you’re three years old lying there.”

That’s something parents never want to do.

“His behavior is so different that I can’t even put it into words because your child is suffering,” said Colt’s mother, Sarah Paris. “You couldn’t even touch him and didn’t know it didn’t hurt him.”

Tim and Sarah were hospitalized at MU Women’s and Children’s Hospital in Colombia for over a week because their 3-year-old son was lying in a hospital bed.

“I’m just trying to explain to him why I’m holding him down,” Tim said. “The nurse is trying to stick a needle in his leg. The pain he has. He was so swollen and his body was hurt everywhere that you could touch him for a few days. I could not do it.”

Last week Colt stopped eating and drinking. His mom took him to a local clinic near his hometown of Salisbury, Missouri, where he tested negative for COVID. The clinic recommended that the family go to the hospital.

“They were tested by the time we were hospitalized, and that’s when we got a positive antibody to know that it was COVID,” Sarah said.

A few hours later, Sarah noticed something different about her son.

“I noticed that his speech was a little off on Wednesday, but to be honest, I thought he was very distressed and very tired,” Sarah said.

Then she began to notice that he lost the ability to move his right arm and leg when he tried to hand him his stuffed animal.

“So I went to hand him his boo, and I realized he didn’t use his dominant arm to grab it,” Sarah said. “He reached out to grab the bunny, and again, I knew something else was wrong.”

After running the test, doctors said Family Colt had an obstruction in his brain.

“When the results came back, I saw it and it was an obvious stroke,” said Dr. Paul Kearney, a MU Healthcare Pediatric Neurologist who diagnosed the boy. “So there was a lack of blood supply to the left side of the brain.”

Kearney said he had been practicing for 20 years and had never seen anything like this.

“It was the kids that were different here. As I said, there are no other cases like this,” Kearney said. “If this were someone over the age of 40 or 60, they would probably have very different results.”

Late Wednesday night, MU Healthcare Neurologist Dr. Kamirogomes removed the Colt from Colt’s brain using a procedure called thrombectomy.

“COVID diagnosis is important because it is believed that this COVID patient, including children, has stroke and a variety of other problems because of their tendency to form blood clots,” Gomez said.

After completing the procedure, Sarah said she soon noticed the difference between her sons.

“He was out of sedation, his speech was there, and his words were there,” Sarah said. “It wasn’t clear, but it was more than Wednesday morning.

Through his work, Kearney found another case like Colt, but said the child did not survive.

“If your child is infected with COVID and finds that they have trouble walking or talking, instead of just chalking it, they say,” Oh, they just have a fever. ” Kearney said. “It may be a nervous system problem.”

Colt’s parents want their story to make others aware of COVID-19.

“Masks and the like, people need to wear them,” Tim said. “It’s important. People need to be more aware if they don’t want their children to experience this.”

Kearney wants people to know that this can happen to anyone.

“Once the kids get it, get the COVID. In particular, there seems to be an increasing number of heart-related system or system problems.” It can hurt your heart. “

Now the stupid, stupid and energetic 3-year-old boy is on his way to recovery.

“As you said, we have already spent our Christmas,” Sarah said. “It’s sitting on the bed in the room. I don’t think I could ask fr any more.”

Both Sarah and Tim said they didn’t know where Colt was infected with the virus. Earlier this year, Paris began homeschooling children to avoid contact with the outside world.

“In our situation, we minimized public interaction to the maximum,” Sarah said. “We don’t go out, so we can’t be COVID because we’re not around anyone in our heads.”

Doctors say Colt intends to fully recover in hopes of his three older brothers going home next week. He will rehabilitate for his right leg, his ability to move his arms and his speech.

Paris said he couldn’t thank the MU Women’s and Children’s Hospital team enough. Their son may not be alive today without them.

“The team is the most amazing and amazing people,” Sarah said.

Because of this, Colt is at no further risk of stroke, according to Kearney, and will be taking anticoagulants or aspirin for the next six months.

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