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Separation anxiety after a pandemic: how to help pets


When one of my colleagues found a little orphan kitten who needed a home a few months ago, he didn’t hesitate to adopt it.

He says his new companion has helped significantly reduce the stress of months of COVID-19 quarantine at home.

He is not alone.Animal shelters and breeders across the country report Record number of adoptions for dogs and cats In the last few months.

But after my colleague returns to work, he says his adorable kitten has begun Pissing at the kitchen counter While he is away.

Another friend is worried about how her dog reacts when she returns to the office. Her big, goofy Labrador retriever chases her everywhere, down to the bathroom. When she leaves to perform a quick errand The dog sits at the back door and whispers, Waiting for her return.

What should owners of these pets do?

Problems with sudden changes in routines

Changes in daily life, such as suddenly being alone for hours every day, Separation anxiety for both dogs and cats..

Separation anxiety is a bit daunting when you exit the door.that is Major unwanted behavior It happens every time you leave or leave.

for dog And Cat, This can mean excessive pacing, barking, howling, barking, or self-grooming when preparing for departure. In some cases, it can also mean urinating or defecation around the house. Often destroy household items in scented areas such as bedding and rugs, or in the absence. Extreme scolding and need are another symptom.

Separation anxiety does not go away on its own and can be difficult to completely eliminate. However, there are several ways to manage it.As Clinical Veterinarian and Professor, I am often asked to help people find ways to relieve their pet’s anxiety.

Something you can not do

First of all, it’s important to understand that it’s not about you – It’s about your pet.. Your dog or cat is not trying to teach you lessons or take revenge. Animals nevertheless do not act.

Instead, it is a signal of extreme pain and frustration that should be approached like any other medical illness. Your pet does not want to experience separation anxiety more than you want to experience the consequences.

For this reason, punishment is by no means the answer. For one thing, your pet doesn’t tie punishment to something that happened hours or minutes ago. And punishment may only exacerbate your pet’s anxiety and stress.

Similarly, go to the opposite extreme Give praise or affection It also exacerbates the problem when your pet is suffering from anxiety.

The goal is to create a balanced relationship that allows your pet to be alone.First, let your vet check out your pet to rule out urinary tract infections and other physical conditions. If your pet urinates in an inappropriate location..

Next, make sure your pet is well exercised and mentally stimulated. For dogs, this can mean long or active walks every day. Exercise just before leaving home It may keep your dog more relaxed while you are gone. The higher the level of endorphins, the harder it is to feel stress. For cats, this can mean changes in the environment due to being outdoors in a safe, closed place such as “”.catio.. “

How to treat separation anxiety in pets.

Photo by bradleypisney of Unsplash

Treat separation anxiety with behavior modification

Here we will talk about your actions.The goal is to make your absence It doesn’t seem to be a big deal.. Making a fuss about your pet when you leave or return home only exacerbates the problem. If you treat it as you normally would, your pet will learn to do the same.

please try Understand when your pet begins to show signs of anxiety And turn it into a modest activity. For example, when picking up a handbag, practice picking it up and putting it back several times over several hours. Similarly, get dressed or put on your shoes sooner than usual, but stay home instead of leaving immediately. Start the car engine, turn it off, and try returning to the car.

Then practice a short absence. When you’re at home, it’s a good idea to spend some time in another room. In addition, leave home enough time to perform one or two errands, then gradually increase the time you leave so that going out for a full day becomes part of your family’s daily routine.

Environmental changes

Boredom exacerbates separation anxiety. Offering activities to your pet while you’re on the go, such as puzzle toys packed with treats or hiding treats around your house, reduces the stress of your absence.Includes other options for dogs and cats Collars and plug-in devices that emit calming pheromones..

To keep your pet on the go, put your recently worn clothes on a prominent place such as a bed or sofa to comfort your pet. Similarly, you can leave your TV or radio on (there are special programs dedicated to pets). Alternatively, you can set up a camera to remotely observe and manipulate your pet. Some of these are equipped with laser pointers or treats that you can distribute.

Use of supplements and medicines

In some serious cases, medications and supplements may be needed if the animal injures itself or causes property damage. These alter the neurotransmitters in the brain to create calm.

Some are readily available without a prescription, Get advice from your veterinarian To determine the safest and most effective one for your pet’s situation. Medications help reduce anxiety and help pets learn new coping skills. Behavior change plan associated with drug use Helps manage this issue.

Separation anxiety is difficult for both you and your pet. But as life returns to normal, some simple changes can make a big difference.conversation

Lori M Teller, Clinical Associate Professor, Veterinary Telemedicine, Texas A & M University..

This article will be republished from conversation Under a Creative Commons license.Read Original work..

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