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Oxygenation of pregnant women during labor and childbirth is “often unnecessary”


Studies suggest that giving pregnant women extra oxygen during labor and childbirth is “often unnecessary”

  • U.S. researchers compared 16 studies assessing the benefits of oxygen in childbirth
  • It turns out that there is no clear or significant advantage in providing additional oxygen
  • Researchers say that making oxygen smarter can reduce childbirth costs

Oxygenizing the mother during childbirth is almost always an unnecessary intervention, according to a new study.

This habit has been a staple food for decades of work to prevent babies from suffering from oxygen deficiency and can lead to serious health problems, including brain damage.

If an abnormal fetal heartbeat is detected, the mother is oxygenated. The theory is that the amount of oxygen the baby receives increases.

However, this remains unproven, and the true benefits of oxygen during childbirth divide scientific views.

A new study reviewing 16 separate studies found that there was no benefit to providing oxygen to the mother during labor and childbirth.

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Oxygenizing the mother during childbirth is almost always an unnecessary intervention, according to a new study.Practice is a staple food of decades of labor to prevent babies from suffering from oxygen deficiency

Oxygenizing the mother during childbirth is almost always an unnecessary intervention, according to a new study. This habit has been the staple food of decades of labor to prevent babies from suffering from oxygen deficiency.

Researchers in the United States have focused on the potential benefits of this practice to see if the cost of childbirth in the country can be minimized.

In the UK, the NHS offers oxygen and all other aspects of the process free of charge. However, in the United States, even insured women can be slapped with large bills due to unexpected costs, including the supply of oxygen.

Dr. Nandini Lagraman, the first author of Washington University in St. Louis School of Medicine, said:

“But the results of this study suggest that oxygen is useless in these cases, and that for many women this habit can be safely stopped.”

Oxygen supplementation is very common because abnormal heartbeats are associated with fetal health and oxygen deficiency.

Therefore, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommends oxygenating mothers who give birth to arrhythmic babies.

“But there’s about an 80% chance that women giving birth fall into the middle category, which isn’t completely benign and not at high risk,” says Dr. Raghuraman.

“And in these cases, supplementing with oxygen has no additional benefit.”

If an abnormal fetal heartbeat is detected, the mother is oxygenated. The theory is that the amount of oxygen the baby receives increases.However, this remains unproven, and the true benefits of oxygen during childbirth divide scientific opinion.

If an abnormal fetal heartbeat is detected, the mother is oxygenated. The theory is that the amount of oxygen the baby receives increases.However, this remains unproven, and the true benefits of oxygen during childbirth divide scientific opinion.

1% of women carry a gene that allows them to give birth without anesthesia

Studies have shown that about 1 in 100 women have a gene that raises the pain threshold and allows them to give birth without anesthesia.

A rare genetic variant called KCNG4 is thought to act as a “natural epidural” by inhibiting how pain is handled by the nervous system.

Researchers at the University of Cambridge found that it was present in the woman who carried her first child to maturity and did not require pain relief during uncomplicated vaginal delivery.

As a study, it remains unclear whether some men have pain-resistant genetic mutations. I saw only women in the severe stress of childbirth.

The researchers surveyed a study dating back to 1982, involving thousands of women and children, and compared the overall results.

Dr. Raghuraman said: ‘Overall, the study produced a variety of results, some showing benefits and others not.

“That was the reason for doing a meta-analysis. By pooling the number of patients throughout the study, we were able to get a clearer answer than looking at individual studies.

Researchers evaluated the acidity of the baby’s blood from a sample taken shortly after birth and used it as a gauge of oxygen deficiency. Measurements below 7.1 are considered abnormal and are indicators of oxygen deficiency at birth.

Dr. Raghuraman said: “Comparing the health status of babies whose mothers received and did not receive oxygen, we found that the difference was essentially zero.”

She said stopping oxygenation would help reduce unnecessary intervention and perhaps reduce medical costs.

Dr. Raghuraman said: ‘Despite having health insurance, mothers often have high out-of-pocket costs associated with childbirth.

“Oxygen is generally a cheaper intervention compared to other labor and delivery services, but it is important to minimize unnecessary steps.”

The full findings can be found in JAMA Pediatrics.



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