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The CDC wants to double the number of coronavirus samples checked for new mutations.


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention hopes to more than double the number of sequenced coronavirus genomes to monitor new mutations in the United States over the next two weeks, officials said Sunday. ..

According to Dr. Gregory Armstrong, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, CDC’s National Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the United States is currently sequencing about 3,000 samples a week, and CDC more than doubles it to about a week. I hope it will be 6,500. Infection.

Scientists sequence the genome (the entire genetic map of the virus) to find mutations that can affect the spread of the virus.

British scientists have discovered that a new variant of the virus is spreading there and says that the pattern of mutations makes it easier to spread, but it appears to cause more serious illness. not.

It is currently found in at least 37 countries, including the United States, where cases have been confirmed in California, Colorado, and Florida.

“It’s important to be able to monitor the virus and understand these trends affecting public health and clinical medicine,” Armstrong told CNN.

To strengthen the sequence, the CDC donated approximately $ 15 million to the state medical laboratory in December. In September and December, the CDC donated about $ 8 million to seven university laboratories, Armstrong said, and plans to fund more university laboratories in the coming months. He added that the agency has contracts with two private-sector laboratories, Illumina and LabCorp, for genome sequencing.

The United States has been criticized for not sequencing enough virus samples.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, the United States has submitted approximately 57,000 genomic sequences to GISAID. This is a centralized database used in countries around the world. By comparison, the UK is far less infected, but has submitted about 141,000 sequences.

Armstrong has a more centralized system for sequencing in the United Kingdom and several other countries, with several different types of laboratories working in the United States: federal, state, academic, and private. I said there is.

“It’s a slightly patchy system,” Armstrong said.

A World Health Organization official said results are expected this week from a laboratory studying whether the new mutants first identified in the UK could pose a challenge to the coronavirus vaccine.

According to Maria Van Kerkhove, WHO’s technical leader in coronavirus response, scientists in the UK and elsewhere draw blood from vaccinated people and protect the antibodies produced by the vaccine from new variants. I’m testing it in the lab to see if it’s true. ..

They also draw blood from people infected with the new variant and test it in the laboratory to see how well the vaccine works against it, she told CNN.

Two US-licensed vaccine makers, Pfizer and Moderna, are working in their lab to see if the vaccine is effective against various variants of the virus.

On Wednesday, Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said the immune response from the vaccine was “very likely” to protect against new mutants.

There are 17 mutations in British variants, an unusually high number.

Scientists are also conducting tests to evaluate the efficacy of the vaccine against the 22 mutant variants found in South Africa, Van Kerkhove said.

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