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Dietary and lifestyle improvements can reduce the symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease-fitness

Dietary and lifestyle improvements can reduce the symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease-fitness


Large-scale, long-standing studies on diet, lifestyle, and health have shown that following certain guidelines can reduce women’s incidence of symptoms by more than one-third.

The results of the Nurses’ Health Study, one of the longest-running studies on women’s health, show that five dietary and lifestyle factors, including regular exercise, contribute to gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) or heartburn. It shows that it can have a big impact. It was published as a letter in JAMA Internal Medicine.

GERD is a common condition, affecting about one-third of the US population. The main symptom is heartburn, which is often controlled with medication. However, this new study suggests that following diet and lifestyle guidelines can significantly reduce symptoms and may eliminate the need for medication for some patients.

Five factors include normal weight, smoking cessation, moderate to intense physical activity of 30 minutes or more per day, limiting coffee, tea and soda to two cups per day, and a “careful” diet. ..

“This study provides evidence that common and debilitating gastrointestinal symptoms are often well controlled by diet and lifestyle changes,” said Andrew T. Chan, lead author of the study. MD, MPH states.

“Given the long-term health effects of GERD and the protracted concerns about the side effects of drugs used to treat GERD, lifestyle should be considered the best option for controlling symptoms. “

Chan is a gastroenterologist, head of the clinical and translation epidemiology unit at MGH, and a professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School. The lead authors of the research letter are Raaj S. Mehta, MD, Fellow of Gastroenterology, MGH and Harvard Medical School.

The Nurse Health Study II is a national survey established in 1989, with participants returning a detailed health questionnaire twice a year. It started with 116,671 participants and had over 90% follow-up. The study includes data from approximately 43,000 women aged 42 to 62 years who were asked about the symptoms of GERD or heartburn between 2005 and 2017. This is equivalent to about 390,000 man-years.

Researchers have created a statistical model that can calculate the “group contribution risk” of GERD symptoms associated with each of the five antireflux lifestyle factors. In other words, we estimated that each lifestyle factor could reduce risk. To experience symptoms. They found that following all these guidelines could reduce the symptoms of GERD by 37% overall.

The more specific guidelines a woman follows, the lower the risk of symptoms. Adhering to the guidelines also reduced symptoms among women using common heartburn treatments (proton pump inhibitors and H2 receptor antagonists).

“We were particularly interested in the effects of physical activity,” says Chan.

“This is one of the first studies to demonstrate its effectiveness in controlling GERD.” He said the effect may be due in part to the effect of exercise on gastrointestinal motility. Suggests. “Physically active can help remove stomach acid, which causes heartburn symptoms,” he says.

(This story is published from the Wire Agency Feed without changing the text. Only the headline has changed.)

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