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Bristol GP Surgery “London Real Estate Company Donated £ 5,000 For Spare Corona Vaccine”

Bristol GP Surgery “London Real Estate Company Donated £ 5,000 For Spare Corona Vaccine”


A London real estate investment firm apologized and admitted that it had donated £ 5,000 to Bristol’s doctor’s surgery to buy the remaining spare coronavirus vaccine.

The Hacking Trust said the staff wanted a vaccine, but said the offer was misinterpreted by a general practitioner in Bristol who complained on Twitter.

Robin Clark has received an email from The Hacking Trust, one of London’s top real estate acquisition companies, offering to donate £ 5,000 to a charity of her choice or any designated individual. Said. A spare vaccine she may have.

Ms. Clark is the practice manager at the Kingswood Health Center, one of the largest general practitioners in eastern Bristol.

She wrote on Twitter about her approach, which said she would “vaccine from vulnerable people,” along with a tweet that was later deleted.

She writes: “I received an email from The HackingTrust offering £ 5,000 to a particular individual in my clinic, either as a charitable donation or if I provided my staff with an unused vaccine.

“London-based companies involved in real estate purchases and acquisitions are followed by medical staff on patches, as if not calling all eligible patients found, and other high-risk patients. Followed. Really ?! “” She added.

Pfizer vaccines have logistical issues that limit the shelf life of vaccine administration. Vaccinated people report that some remain, as it must be stored at -70 ° C, is delivered in approximately 800 packs, and lasts outside its deep freeze for a limited time. I am.

In Bristol, NHS staff at hospitals in the city can receive jabs because they regularly receive preliminary vaccine notifications at the end of batches initially targeted at ages 80 and over. In Nottingham, yesterday, a few police officers responded to a petition from a local health trust to vaccinate rescue workers, so the last few in a large batch weren’t wasted.

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However, an email offering £ 5,000 from a London real estate investment firm suggested that in return for a “donation”, a reserve vaccine dose be effectively purchased.

HackingTrust is the trade name for The Hacking Partnerships Plc, which its website describes itself as the “market leader in the sector” and specializes in the purchase of residential and commercial real estate.

“The Hacking Trust is the market leader in the sector and acts as the principal of our investment. Our skills are the legal and financial of professionals who enable us to get things done professionally and efficiently. It’s about building a deal with support, “said the website.

“We have a strong team with extensive asset knowledge. We make up the acquisition either by acquiring the asset or by acquiring a legal entity that raises the legal entity that owns the asset,” he added.

In a statement to Bristol Live, the company confirmed that it had made an offer.

“The Hacking Health Trust has openly responded to some GPs and provided charitable donations to staff and surgery during this difficult time for unused vaccines,” a spokeswoman said.

“I heard that some vaccines are not being used because I missed my appointment.

“We apologize for the misinterpretation of our good intentions,” he added.

According to The Telegraph, emails from The Hacking Trust’s Health Division address were sent to about 20 general practitioners “as a private health care company … with the aim of immunizing frontline staff as soon as possible.” I introduced myself to an email. ..

The email with the subject “Unused Vaccine Reward” continues as follows: “We need about 20 vaccinations. We also run a Covid-19 vaccination center. Many reservations are not kept and some people are not present. all.

“Based on this, I would like to notify you as soon as possible about’no-shows’ or cancellations that lead to unnecessary waste of vaccination. Donate a total of £ 5,000 to individuals for each success. Vaccine for staff. This can be paid as a charitable donation or directly to the staff.

“You can attend within a few hours of replying by phone or email. We look forward to hearing from you soon.”

After verifying that the email was genuine, Kingswood’s Practice Manager said he had deleted the original tweet to give the company a suspicious benefit.

“Since then, they have issued a statement that it was a misunderstanding, but the email is genuine. Make it what you do,” she said.

Ms. Clark is a founding member of the Association of General Practice Managers, a national industry association for people who run doctors’ surgery and health centers.

“The IGPM is frightened that companies will fund all capabilities to effectively jump the vaccine queue. These are the most vulnerable, ensuring that vaccines are in the priority group set by the JCVI. We are doing our utmost to be given to the NHS, which is free, fair to patients, and will always be, “she added.


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