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Denver Clinic hit by coronavirus helps Native Americans get vaccinated


Denver — Denver Indian Health and Family Services held its first clinic in Denver on Friday, giving 120 Native Americans a modern shot.

The pandemic caused cruel damage to Native Americans and Alaskan natives. 0.56% of Colorado’s population and 0.65% of COVID-19 deathsAccording to the State Health Department website. A Research by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Native Americans were found to be almost twice as likely to die of COVID-19 as Caucasians.

Charlene Irani is a board member of Denver Indian Health and Family Services. She received the vaccine on Wednesday. On Friday, she helped people fill out forms and prepare for vaccination.

Irani calls COVID-19 an “invisible virus”. She says it killed her people.

“I didn’t believe it was real, so I had my friend die,” Irani said. “This is reality.”

Denver Indian Health and Family Services Established a clinic in Denver Indian Center.. Staff have scheduled more than 100 patients who meet the state’s vaccination phase system to book Moderna vaccination.

Karen Hoffman Welch, director of primary care at Denver Indian Health and Family Services, says their patients are nervous and worried about shots.

“(They) asked a lot of questions. Will they get sick? Are we actually giving them the virus?” Hoffman-Welch recalled.

To reassure them, the staff helped answer their questions and provided facts about the COVID-19 vaccine.

“We were able to call about 200 patients and answer” yes “to about 150 patients,” said Hoffman-Welch.

History between the government and Native Americans is hesitant about getting vaccines.

“As for the medical community, there is a historic kind of trauma because it was tested without permission,” said Hoffman Welch.

She adds that American Indians are more likely to receive advice from local leaders than medical professionals. That is why supporters like Irani are also vaccinated. Irani says it’s important to share her story and ensure that the shots are safe for her people.

“I feel good. I have to say that no side effects happened,” Irani said.

She is begging the community for vaccination.


Scott Arnold / SRA Photo for CU Communication

“This vaccine is here to help us, not to disturb or hurt us,” she said.

Delmar Hamilton got his shot on Friday. He says too many people are dying and he wants to help protect and preserve his history.

“Tribes are an oral tradition, and if no one goes through that oral tradition, it will be lost forever,” Hamilton said.

Vaccine came from Indian Health Service, Federal Health Program for Native Americans and Alaskan Natives. A student at a pharmacy at the University of Colorado voluntarily shot.

Hoffman-Welch said he wanted to vaccinate 150 people, but only 120. The processes are targeted and each needs to be tracked.

“Each vial has 10 doses and must be used within 12 hours of opening the vial, so make sure there are at least 10 people each time the vial is opened to administer the vaccine. There is, “she said.

The dose left from the clinic on Friday will be frozen in storage. Within 4 weeks, the person receiving the shot will return for the second dose.

Hoffman-Welch plans to set up more clinics in the coming weeks. Shots are managed only by appointment.

If you are an American Indian or Alaskan Native and want to be on the list for vaccination, you can sign up online for free. click here Register as a new patient. Denver Indian Health and Family Services will contact you by phone to schedule your booking if you meet the phase requirements. (303) You can also make a reservation by calling 953-6600.


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