The COVID-19 pandemic has caused at least 16,000 deaths from heart disease in the United States.
In 2020, at least 16,000 more people will die of heart disease than in 2019, according to a new study.
Researchers at the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC) found that about 1.25 people died during a pandemic in 2019 for all those who died of heart disease in the United States.
Between March 18th and June 2nd, deaths from two specific types of heart disease surged across the United States when pandemics actually occurred in states such as New York and New York. Michigan..
So Coronavirus Cases surged during these months, threatening to overwhelm hospitals, and Americans avoided seeking treatment for fear that they were at a worse risk of COVID-19 than dying from a heart attack.
By mid-April, more than 34,000 Americans had died of COVID-19, but by 2020, far more had died of heart disease and the pandemic could have been prevented. Was causing a pandemic.
At the peak of the spring coronavirus pandemic in the United States, deaths from ischemic heart disease, which narrows the arteries, surge by 129%.
The coronavirus may have been the leading cause of death for weeks in 2020, yet it did not kill as many people as heart disease in a particular year.
By December 31, 2020, COVID-19 had killed an astonishing 342,495 Americans.
Many public health experts have suggested that more deaths were not caused by COVID-19.
However, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), this is just over half of those who die of heart disease each year.
The CDC estimates that heart disease kills about 655,000 Americans annually and one in four.
Between January 1st and June 2nd, 2020, 397,042 Americans died of some form of heart disease.
This included over 199,000 during the “pre-pandemic” period from January 1st to March 17th, and another 197,731 from March 18th to June 2nd.
New York City was the epicenter of the spring pandemic worldwide.People there were afraid to go to the hospital, and deaths from ischemic heart disease surged 179%
Despite the high death toll during the pre-pandemic period, the proportion and trend of deaths from heart disease was favorable in the typical year until mid-March.
Both the cold itself and the additional risk of the cold and flu season cause death from heart disease each winter.
When the temperature is low, the body pumps blood into the heart, making it difficult to supply oxygen. On the other hand, I get nervous because I walk faster and rub snow shovels and windshields. With exertion, our minds must work harder to get less oxygen.
This can easily strain the heart, especially in people whose heart muscle, veins, and arteries are no longer optimally shaped.
It also increases the risk of heart attack during the winter months, when blood clots are more likely to form.
Therefore, spring should be a time when people with heart disease can sigh for relief, but not in 2020.
The coronavirus pandemic had little difference in lethality due to some heart problems-it was about the same in 2019 and 2020 for heart failure and heart failure, cerebrovascular disease, or other cardiovascular disease.
However, mortality from hypertension and ischemic heart disease surged and peaked in mid-April.
Heart disease mortality was more stable in Massachusetts and COVID-19 was less critical (above), but Michigan saw a surge with increasing cases, due to COVID-19 and heart disease. A strong association with mortality was suggested.
Nationally, deaths from ischemic heart disease (a form caused by narrowing of the arteries that prevent the heart from getting enough blood and thus oxygen) increased by 139% in 2020 compared to 2019.
In April 2019, the number of deaths from ischemic heart disease fell from the winter hazard, slightly above 2 in 100,000.
In contrast, these deaths surged to nearly three of the 100,000 deaths in April 2020.
The largest increase was in New York, where 179% more people died of ischemic heart disease in 2020 than in 2019.
For all who died of cardiovascular problems in 2019, about 1.25 died of all types of heart disease during a pandemic in the United States.
Therefore, if 179,755 people died during the 2020 pandemic, a new study found that at least 16,000 more people died than in normal years.
“Our findings suggest that a pandemic may have caused indirect damage to patients with cardiovascular disease, which avoids hospitals and medical care for fear of exposure to the virus. This may be due to increased tensions in the system and postponement of semi-selective procedures and care, “said lead research author Dr. Risi Wadera.
“US public health authorities and policy makers need to improve their public health message to encourage patients with acute conditions to seek medical care.”
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