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Update: Tennessee identifies first case of UK COVID-19 variant | News

Update: Tennessee identifies first case of UK COVID-19 variant | News


The Tennessee Department of Health confirmed on Thursday the diagnosis of the state’s first case of a highly contagious new British coronavirus variant.

This makes Tennessee one of at least 21 states reporting variant cases since it was first discovered in the United States last month.

Bill Christian, a spokesman for the Ministry of Health, initially said that five cases of B.1.1.7 strains were confirmed in the state, but later corrected the number in an email, two at the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Said it was confirmed by. Thursday. A total of 7 specimens were sent to the CDC for confirmation.

Christians did not say where the new strain was detected and the follow-up email was not returned immediately.

“The virus is constantly changing and new variants are expected to emerge over time,” Christian said. “This does not change our response to COVID-19 in Tennessee, but we all can take continuous vigilance and practice simple actions to prevent further spread of COVID-19. It reminds you of the need. Keep social distance, wear a mask in public, and be vaccinated if qualified. “

Dr. David Kirshke, director of health care for the Northeastern Community Health Department, said there are more likely cases of unspecified mutants. He also said that rapid identification of people infected with it is unlikely.

According to Kirshke, the state has passive surveillance of variant testing, where the lab contacts when samples are atypical and active and sends a large number of samples to the CDC for genotyping each week.

“Because of the circulation of more contagious mutants, it is more important than ever to follow public health guidance on mask use, hand washing, and physical distance,” said Kirschke.

The new strain was first diagnosed in the UK last September and was blamed on the country’s recent surge in infections, prompting another blockade on January 4. A CDC model that predicts it will become the dominant stock in the United States by March.

Although not fatal in nature, the variant is about 50% more contagious than the previous variant.

“(G) This new strain is more contagious, so of course it infects more people, and as it spreads to infect more people, we encounter older people with diabetes and heart disease. “Mr. William,” said Schaffner, a professor of infectious diseases at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, in an interview Wednesday morning. “Therefore, as a result, individuals are less likely to get seriously ill, but more individuals are infected, resulting in more hospitalizations and perhaps more deaths.

“The expectation is that, in fact, it’s likely to put a strain on our healthcare system,” Schaffner continued.

In northeastern Tennessee, Ballad Health officials said at a press conference Tuesday that the emergency command center was focusing on reducing hospitalization before the variants gained a foothold in the area.

“I don’t want to spike from 300, I don’t want to spike from 200, I really want less than 100 hospitalizations before the variant comes here, so I need to keep reducing the number,” said Jamie Swift. , Ballad’s Chief Infection Prevention Officer, added that she was “extremely worried” about the variant.

“I’m worried,” Swift said. “That’s what we all are working on right now.”

Swift and Schaffner are also concerned that in the current declining state case, masking and social distance compliance may decline, giving new stocks the openings necessary for it to spread rapidly. Expressed.

“That’s exactly the scenario we’re concerned about,” Schaffner said.

Also, while public health authorities in the region were already under pressure to vaccinate as many people as possible as soon as possible, it is becoming more important to vaccinate as many people as possible.

“We are undoubtedly concerned about the potential for more contagious COVID mutants and their impact on our community,” said Kirshke. “(But) I already feel the urgency to release the vaccine as quickly and efficiently as possible, so this is not always the case. The threat of a new variant will affect it.”

In a statement Thursday evening, Ballad said the region was in competition to vaccinate as many people as possible before the variant gained a foothold in the community. “” This variant affects locals. Ballad Health is a vaccine to give to those who are eligible to receive it as soon as possible and when the supply becomes available. “

Previously reported:

Five more contagious UK new coronavirus variants have been identified in Tennessee. It is one of more than 20 states to identify mutant cases since it was first detected in the United States last month.

This variant, known as B.1.1.7, is a strain of a new virus that was first identified in September and accused the UK of a recent surge in a recent blockade on January 4. Researchers estimate that there are about 50% more variants. There is no evidence that the virus itself is more deadly, but it is contagious.

Bill Christian, a spokesperson for the Tennessee Department of Health, confirmed that at least five cases of this variant were detected in the state and confirmed by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

“The virus is constantly changing and new variants are expected to emerge over time,” Christian said. “This does not change our response to COVID-19 in Tennessee, but we all can take continuous vigilance and practice simple actions to prevent further spread of COVID-19. It reminds you of the need. Keep social distance, wear a mask in public, and be vaccinated if qualified. “

Christians do not say where in the state new variants were found.


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