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Latest: Immigrant vigilance is a hurdle to vaccine efforts | Area


Mecca, California — Advocates are heading to California farmlands to provide vaccines and information to migrant workers in Spanish and other languages.

Some migrants in the country may be afraid that the information they get during vaccination will be handed over to the authorities and they will not look for a vaccine. People who speak little or no English may find it difficult to access the shots.

These challenges are of particular concern to Latin migrants, who make up the majority of the workforce in high-risk industries.

In California’s vast Riverside County, home to the $ 1.3 billion agricultural industry, a non-profit healthcare organization went to the vineyards and registered workers to book vaccines. The Desert Healthcare District and Foundation also shares information about the virus and how to test it on WhatsApp in Spanish.

The National Day Laborer Organizing Network uses Spanish radio programs to share information on social media.


Outbreak of virus:

British doctors urge government to review policy Delay the second vaccination with the virus for 12 weeks.Blockade of Hong Kong To contain Coronavirus.Mexican President OKs says Obtaining a vaccine.. French doctors have suggested ways to slow the spread of the virus. Don’t talk about public transport.Life in Wuhan City, China It is normal one year after the fatal pandemic occurs. ———

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What else is happening:

Prescott Valley, Arizona — The Prescott Valley Multipurpose Arena will be the newest and largest venue in Arizona and the COVID-19 vaccination site.

Cottonwood-based Spectrum Healthcare will open a reservation-based site called “Vaccination Station” on Monday at the Findlay Toyota Center, a 5,100-seat facility that hosts events such as basketball games, rodeos, concerts, and ice shows. I will. Daily Courier reports that Spectrum plans to manage shots for as many as 1,000 people each day.

Pima County has already opened a drive-through vaccination site at the Kino Sports Complex in Tucson. The state plans to open a site at Phoenix Municipal Stadium on February 1.

Arizona has the lowest infection rate in the country, with one in 141 inhabitants diagnosed with the coronavirus in the past week.

The Health Service Department on Friday reported 8,099 new cases and 229 deaths. This resulted in a total of 708,041 confirmed pandemics in the state and 12,001 deaths.


Mexico City — President of Mexico Andrés Manuel López Obrador has given the Governor permission to obtain the coronavirus vaccine himself.

Due to recent record highs of coronavirus infections and deaths from COVID-19, the federal government has not received sufficient vaccines for the country’s 750,000 front-line health care workers.

As a result, the governor is seeking permission to obtain the vaccine himself, and the president notified federal officials on Friday that he could do so as long as he used only approved vaccines.

Lopez Obrador also announced plans to begin vaccination of teachers and other school staff in one of Mexico’s 32 states this weekend, with the aim of resuming face-to-face lessons in late February. Did.

The day after the country listed a record 22,339 cases, authorities reported more than 21,000 confirmed infections on Friday. The number of virus-related deaths in the last 24 hours has reached 1,440.

Mexico ranks fourth with more than 147,000 deaths, behind the United States, Brazil and India.


Lisbon, Portugal-Portuguese medical institutions say they have identified the first case in the country of a new coronavirus variant believed to have originated in South Africa.

The agency says a new variant was found in a South African resident of Lisbon. Medical officials have already suggested that the massive outbreak of infection is due to the epidemic of the variants identified in southeast England.

On average, the COVID-19 ward and ICU of a Portuguese hospital are about 90% full. The daily death toll was 234 on Friday, setting a new record for the fifth consecutive day, bringing the total to 9,920 in 10.3 million countries.

The country also faces the challenge of holding a general election on Sunday.


London-A major Wales politician resigned from senior positions after he and his colleagues had a drinking session inside the Senedd Cymru building while pubs and bars were closed during the blockade of the coronavirus.

Paul Davies says he has resigned as a Welsh conservative leader “for my party, my health, and my own conscience.”

Another Welsh conservative lawmaker, Darren Miller, has resigned as party secretary.


Paris-French doctors have new advice on slowing the spread of the virus. Stop talking on public transport.

The French Academy of Physicians has issued guidance that people should “avoid talking and making phone calls” in subways, buses, or public places where social distance is not possible. Masks have been needed since May, but travelers often loosen and remove masks to talk on the phone.

Other French experts are calling for more dramatic measures, especially a third blockade.

French hospitals have more COVID patients than in October, when President Emmanuel Macron imposed a second blockade. Virus patients make up more than half of the country’s intensive care units.

Infectious diseases in France are gradually increasing this month, exceeding 20,000 cases per day. France currently has the longest curfew in Europe from 6 pm to 6 am, with restaurants and tourist destinations closed from October.

The government has so far sought to avoid a completely new blockade. Protests against virus-related layoffs took place across France on Saturday and are expected to help those arrested for hosting techno rave parties despite virus restrictions.

France has registered 72,647 confirmed virus-related deaths.


London — The UK’s leading medical organization has decided to give people a second dose of the coronavirus vaccine up to 12 weeks after the first dose, rather than the shorter gap recommended by manufacturers and the World Health Organization. Shows concern.

The UK, with the most deadly coronavirus outbreak in Europe, has adopted this policy to give as many people as possible the first dose of the vaccine as soon as possible. To date, approximately 5.5 million people have received their first dose of either a Pfizer vaccine or a vaccine developed by AstraZeneca.

AstraZeneca says it believes the vaccine will have a protective effect after 12 weeks, but Pfizer says it hasn’t tested the effectiveness of jabs after such a long gap. ..

The British Medical Association has urged the UK Chief Medical Officer to “urgently review” the Pfizer vaccine policy. “As the UK’s strategy is increasingly isolated from many other countries, there is growing concern from healthcare professionals about the delay in the second dose of Pfizer vaccine,” he said.

Pfizer states that the second dose should be given 21 days after the first dose. According to WHO, the second dose of coronavirus vaccine can be given up to 6 weeks after the first dose.


Hong Kong — On Saturday, thousands of Hong Kong residents were trapped in their homes in an unprecedented move to contain the exacerbation of the coronavirus outbreak in the city.

Officials said 16 buildings in the city’s Yau Tsim Mong District would be closed until all residents were tested. Residents will not be able to leave the house until they receive the test results.

“People subject to compulsory testing must remain on the premises until all identified people in the area have been tested and the test results are nearly confirmed,” a government statement said.

The government said the limit announced at 4 am in Hong Kong was expected to end within 48 hours.

Hong Kong has been working since November to contain the fresh waves of coronavirus. More than 4,300 cases have been recorded in the last two months, accounting for nearly 40% of the city’s total.


Wuhan, China — A year ago, a notification sent to Wuhan’s smartphone at 2:00 am announced the world’s first blockade of the coronavirus, effectively shutting down the bustling central China industry and transportation center almost overnight. I did. It will last for 76 days.

However, early Saturday morning, residents of the city where the virus was first detected were practicing jogging and tai chi in a foggy park near the mighty Yangtze River.

Despite other parts of the world working on the spread of more contagious variants of the virus, the lives of 11 million people in cities have returned to near normal. The tragedy killed more than 2.1 million people worldwide.

Wuhan’s traffic was light, but there were no signs of a barrier that isolated the neighborhood a year ago and locked people in their homes or even apartments.

Wuhan accounts for the majority of China’s 4,635 deaths from COVID-19, a number that has remained largely unchanged for months. The city has had few more outbreaks since the blockade was lifted on April 8, but Wuhan and Chinese authorities acted fast and transparent enough to prepare the world for a pandemic where the virus broke out. The question remains as to whether or not it was done.


Sacramento, CA — California reports a daily record of 764 COVID-19 deaths, but the rate of new infections is declining.

The California Public Health Service reported more deaths on Friday than the previous 708 deaths set on January 8. In the last two days, California has recorded 1,335 deaths.

However, hospitalizations and newly confirmed cases are declining, and health officials are optimistic that the worst of the recent surge has ended.

The 23,024 new cases reported on Friday are less than half of the mid-December peak of nearly 54,000. Hospitalizations fell below 20,000, a decrease of more than 10% in two weeks.


Portland, Oregon — On Friday, Governor Kate Brown defended her decision to reject federal guidelines and prioritize COVID-19 vaccine teachers before seniors, and all seniors in Oregon were vaccinated. The year and many students will not return to face-to-face learning if they receive the first teacher said they are likely not vaccinated before school.

Oregon Health Department officials delay vaccination eligibility for seniors aged 65 to 69 until March 7, and postpone vaccination for seniors aged 70 to 74 to February 28, a new vaccination schedule Was presented.

Last week, Oregon officials announced a change in vaccine distribution — instead of simultaneous vaccination of teachers and seniors, teachers will be vaccinated from January 25 and people over the age of 80 will be vaccinated from February 8. receive.


Washington — A new study found that full doses of anticoagulants such as heparin can avoid the need for respiratory and other organ support in moderately hospitalized COVID-19 patients.

Preliminary results have been obtained from three large international studies testing various coronavirus treatments and have not yet been published. The National Institutes of Health and other sponsors announced results on Friday to help doctors decide on proper care.

Currently, almost all hospitalized COVID-19 patients are receiving low doses of anticoagulants to prevent the formation of blood clots.

Dr. Matthew Neil, a trauma surgeon at the University of Pittsburgh, said the new results are that “administering high doses of anticoagulants to patients who are not yet severe has great benefits in preventing them from getting sick.” It shows that. Medical center and one research leader.

However, researchers say these drugs are useless and can harm people with more serious illnesses.



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