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Nova Scotia reports three new COVID-19 cases.Active cases increase to 11


Halifax-Nova Scotia’s health authorities reported three new cases of COVID-19 on Saturday, and one of the previously reported cases is now considered resolved.

The state currently has 11 active cases of the disease, up from the total of 9 active cases on Friday.

In a news release on Saturday, Dr. Robert Strang, director of health at Nova Scotia, said, “At the end of January, Nova Scotia is proud to continue working to keep our cases low. “. ..

“COVID-19 is still in our state and we can’t relax our vigilance. If you continue to wear masks, limit social contact, practice social distance, adhere to meeting limits, and feel sick. Please stay home and wash your hands. “

Of the new cases on Saturday, one is in the western zone and two are in the central zone. All three cases relate to travel outside the Atlantic Canada, and all are self-isolated if necessary.

“Thanks to everyone for their efforts to slow the spread of the virus, we’re still small, but we’re not happy,” Prime Minister Stephen McNeill said in a news release on Saturday.

“We are well aware of how fast the virus can move when it has settled, so we must continue to follow public health protocols in place to keep each other safe.”

Nova Scotia encouraged seeking asymptomatic tests

Public health strongly encourages Nova Scotian citizens to seek an asymptomatic COVID-19 test. This is especially true if you have participated in several social interactions, even in your own social circle.

COVID-19 test can be booked through state Online self-assessment COVID-19 tool, Or by calling 811.

People can also visit many of Nova Scotia Quick pop-up test site It continues to operate throughout the state.

There are requirements that must be met before accessing a quick pop-up test site.

These requirements are as follows:

  • Must be 16 years or older

  • No symptoms of COVID-19

  • You are not traveling

  • You have not visited a potential exposure site

  • I haven’t contacted anyone who tested positive

Scheduled rapid inspection sites throughout Nova Scotia are located at the following locations at designated dates and times:

  • Friday, January 29-Amelia Sapt Center, St. FX, Antigonish, 1 pm-7pm

  • Friday, January 29 – Halifax Convention Center, Argyle Atrium, 3 pm-10:30pm

  • Saturday, January 30-Amelia Sapt Center, St. FX, Antigonish, Noon to 6 pm

  • Saturday, January 30 – Halifax Convention Center, Argyle Atrium, 3 pm-10:30pm

2 in the hospital, 1 in the ICU

The Nova Scotia Health Authority lab completed 1,467 tests on Friday.

Since October 1, Nova Scotia has completed 160,339 tests. There are 491 COVID-19-positive cases and no deaths. The age of the cases ranged from less than 10 years to over 70 years. Currently, 480 cases have been resolved.

Due to COVID-19, two people are currently hospitalized, one of whom is in the intensive care unit.

Since the pandemic began, Nova Scotia has completed 283,517 tests. Cumulatively, there were 1,580 confirmed cases of COVID-19, and 1,504 cases are thought to have recovered.

Since the pandemic began, the state has reported 65 COVID-19-related deaths, with an average age of 80.

Since the onset of the pandemic, confirmed cases in the state have been between the ages of 10 and 90 and over.

55% of the cases are female and 45% are male.

There are cases identified throughout the state, but most have been identified in the central zone, including the Halifax municipality.

The state government states that the cumulative cases per zone may change as data is updated in the state’s electronic information system, Panorama.

The numbers reflect where people live, not where the samples were collected.

  • Western Zone: 93 cases (1 active case)

  • Central Zone: 1,281 (5 active cases)

  • Northern Zone: 127 cases (2 active cases)

  • Eastern Zone: 79 (3 active)

The state of emergency, first declared on 22 March 2020, was extended to 7 February 2021.

Sports, arts and theater collection restrictions have been raised

On Friday, Dr. Robert Strang, Chief Health Officer of Nova Scotia, announced an update to the limits reported last week surrounding the organized sports, arts and culture sector.

“We have increased the number of people who can gather in groups from 50 to up to 60 for sports, practice, games, competitions, arts and culture rehearsals and performances, without social distance. We are increasing, “Strang said in the news. Friday meeting.

Strang reminded Nova Scotia that only teams and individuals who regularly compete with each other are allowed to schedule matches together for sporting events.

Vaccine renewal

Nova Scotia’s COVID-19 Online Dashboard Provides up-to-date information on the amount of vaccine administered to date.

As of Friday, 14,589 COVID-19 vaccines have been given so far, and 2,714 Nova Scotians have received a second dose.

Of the vaccines given, 7,678 were health care workers and 954 were caregivers.

Return to NS Students after higher education

Post-higher education students returning to Nova Scotia must be quarantined for 14 days upon arrival. Government officials also strongly recommend taking the test on days 6, 7, or 8 during the quarantine period.

The COVID-19 test for post-secondary students Pre-book online 3 days ago.


The Canadian COVID-19 Alert App is available in Nova Scotia.

The app, which can be downloaded from the Apple App Store or Google Play, informs users if they may have been exposed to someone who tested positive for COVID-19.

List of symptoms

Do people who experience fever or a new or worsening cough, or two or more of the following new or worsening symptoms, need to take an online test or call 811 to have a COVID-19 test? It is advisable to judge.

  • sore throat

  • headache

  • Dyspnea

  • Runny nose / stuffy nose


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