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“Everything tastes like fresh blood 11 months after being infected with the virus”-Victim of Longcovid

“Everything tastes like fresh blood 11 months after being infected with the virus”-Victim of Longcovid


The stage actor says that his “long covid” means that a sip of coffee or a sip of food tastes like “fresh blood.”

In the strange and disturbing complications of the fight against the coronavirus, Jonathan Vickers says the illness robbed him of the enjoyment of food and drink.

Despite having only mild symptoms of the virus, the stage actor is still affected for almost 11 months and reports to be one of an estimated 770,000 British suffering from long Covids. mirror.

Jonathan said he is now consuming only blood, metal, yeast-like odors and tastes. All he can do is wait and hope that his senses will return to normal soon.

A 32-year-old woman, who was also influenced by her wife Lucy, “explains that it tastes like fresh blood, probably yeast. There is no natural smell or taste at all.

“For a long time it made meal times incredibly unpleasant. It’s very painful and very difficult to deal with.”

(Image: Jonathan Vickers)

Jonathan from Burnham, Buckinghamshire, said, “We couldn’t identify more or less tasty foods. For some time, we found that almost everything had a distinctive” taste “, which recently. It’s just starting to disappear. “

In the UK, it is believed that thousands of people suffer from parosmia (smell distortion) or parosmia (taste distortion) after being infected with Covid-19.

For people with parosmia, the usual odor has been replaced by unpleasant or vomiting-inducing odors such as rotten meat, feces, cigarette smoke, and chemicals.

Dysgeusia, also known as dysgeusia, can make everything unpleasant, foul-smelling, or metallic.

Several studies have investigated the association between Covid-19 and parosmia and dysgeusia, and further studies are underway.

What is Parosmia?

Parosmia is a persistent condition in which the sense of smell is distorted and the patient experiences an unpleasant odor.

Certain scents (or all odors in some cases) are different, and unpleasant odors can be everything from burning or feces to rotten meat or chemicals.

In some cases it is very severe and the odor can induce vomiting.

For some, unpleasant odors are caused by certain odors, but for others, they can react to any scent.

Viral infections of the upper respiratory tract and head trauma are one of the most common causes of parosmia.

Parosmia occurs in patients with coronavirus who have damaged nasal tissue and nerve endings.

It can be debilitating and depressing, but it is a sign that odor function is returning-this process can take a long time.

According to a new study, one in five coronaviruses develops long-term symptoms ranging from loss of odor and malaise to fog and depression in the brain.

About 186,000 people have problems for up to 12 weeks.

Jonathan lost his sense of smell (anosmia) and taste (ageusia) for two months after being infected with the coronavirus just before the blockade in March last year. He had no fever or cough, but lost £ 12.

“It was pretty sudden. One day I woke up, but I didn’t have a sense of taste or smell. It wasn’t an official symptom at the time, but it was reported anecdotally.

“The illness was purely about the loss of taste and smell, the complete loss of taste and smell.”

Immediately after finally regaining that sensation, he was overwhelmed by the strange, strange metallic smell found in the taste of food and drink.

One day, when I opened the cupboard full of medicine, I was attacked by a “great smell”. Also, I have come from nowhere during my walk.

Sweat smells like chemicals.

Jonathan from Aberdeen said: “For me everything was perfectly uniform. That’s the most disastrous thing. It’s this uniform taste and aroma that spans coffee, meat, vegetables and much more.

(Image: Jonathan Vickers)

What is dysgeusia?

Dysgeusia, also known as dysgeusia, is a persistent distortion of taste.

As the taste changes, it can make food and drink taste dirty, foul-smelling, salty, or metallic.

Known causes include upper respiratory tract infections, medications, cancer treatments, chronic illnesses such as dementia and diabetes, and vitamin deficiency.

Dysgeusia has been reported by people diagnosed with the coronavirus.

In many cases, dysgeusia does not go away until the underlying health condition is addressed.

However, it may not be possible for patients suffering from certain chronic illnesses.

“It’s not like any other taste or smell I’ve never known.

“I can step into the environment and something can really complement it. I walk down the street and explode it, or open the cupboard and feel it intensely. maybe.

“My wife was also experiencing it. When we were walking down the street, she would say,” Can you sniff it? ” Suddenly we smelt it together.

“At that moment, there must have been some trigger for us two to refine it very hard.”

Enjoy the aroma and taste of a hot cup of coffee, which was part of Jonathan’s daily routine. But now it tastes like blood.

He said: “Loss of that little morning ritual was a blow. I’m certainly looking forward to a decent tasting coffee again.

“I tried to eat a lot as usual. This turned out to be the best way to monitor my progress.

“Given the lack of fun I get from food and drink, it was certainly a challenge.

“I avoided trying to relieve the symptoms and simply wanted it to pass.”

Anosmia, a loss of smell, occurred in patients with coronavirus who had damaged nasal tissue and nerve endings.

Parosmia, which can occur when nerves are healing, is a sign that olfactory function is restored.

However, it can take months, or even a year or two, to restore normal function, said Sarah Oakley, secretary-general of the olfactory loss charity AbScent.

AbScent has set up a Facebook group and, with the support of the British Nasal Science Society (BRS) and ENT UK, has set up an online guide called Nose Well to help British people suffering from anosmia and parosmia. ..

Ms. Oakley said the demand for information “passed through the roof” during the Covid-19 pandemic. If you don’t know why it’s happening, sudden loss of odor or the appearance of an unpleasant odor can be “very scary”.

According to BRS, about 60% of Covid patients experience olfactory and taste loss, but 90% of them recover their sense of smell after a few weeks.

According to the BRS, it is estimated that 10% (about 231,000 people) have persistent olfactory dysfunction.

Oakley, who lost his sense of taste and smell for several weeks in a suspected case of Covid-19 last spring, added: “For people with long-term olfactory loss and parosmia, it is usually a sign that the olfactory nerve has. It is damaged.

“I don’t know why it happens or why it affects some people and not others.

“The experience of parosmia is common in the recovery process, which is the learning of nerves to regenerate themselves and smell again.

(Image: Jonathan Vickers)

What are the symptoms of long Covid?

According to the NHS, common long Covid symptoms include:

  • Malaise
  • Dyspnea
  • Chest pain and tension
  • Problems with memory and concentration (“brain fog”)
  • Sleep disorders (insomnia)
  • Palpitations
  • dizzy
  • Pins and needles
  • Joint pain
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Tinnitus, earache
  • Feeling sick, diarrhea, stomach pain, loss of appetite
  • High temperature, cough, headache, sore throat, changes in smell and taste
  • rash

“People reported sewage odors, fecal odors, and cigarette smoke odors, otherwise they were really intense, sweet, and sick.

“It’s hard to spend a day to live with that day.”

“It’s really debilitating and devastating in some cases. It really has a real impact on our emotional well-being.

“But that’s a good sign. It’s a sign of recovery.”

The NHS has established more than 60 specialized clinics across the UK for people suffering from long-term Covid symptoms.

Breathing consultants, physiotherapists, GPs, etc. who support the evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment of people with symptoms such as dyspnea, chronic fatigue, brain fog, anxiety, and stress are on standby.

A new study shows that one in five coronaviruses develops long-term symptoms.

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There are approximately 3.9 million confirmed cases of Covid-19 in the United Kingdom, suggesting that approximately 770,000 have long-term symptoms.

According to the National Bureau of Statistics, about 186,000 people have problems for up to 12 weeks.

Many long-haul carriers say they’re out of breath after doing simple tasks such as walking short distances, flushing and removing trash cans, and can’t operate at full capacity for months.

The NHS said: “The time it takes to recover from a coronavirus varies from person to person.

“Many people feel better in a few days or weeks, and most recover completely within 12 weeks.

“But for some people, the symptoms can last longer.

“The potential for long-term symptoms does not seem to be related to the illness when first infected with the coronavirus.

“Even those who initially had mild symptoms can have long-term problems.”


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