Coronavirus survivors fear long-term consequences
They may have survived the pandemic, but survivors of Coronavirus Still fighting
Persistent damage to COVID-19 is now apparent not only to physicians, but to patients acclimatizing to life on the other side. Some, such as Tony’s six-time candidate Tony Burstein, say the long-term consequences of the disease, which has almost killed him, are difficult to address.
Burstein who appeared “Moulin Rouge: Musical!” Before the city was closed on Broadway, he sang and danced on stage for 40 years to build a strong lung.
But now, a few weeks after recovering from the coronavirus, he just got his garbage down two stairs, and he was completely involved.
“When we’re talking, sometimes we don’t get enough air, which is the hardest part,” Barstein, 55, tells The Post. “It’s frustrating. It was a very slow recovery. In most cases the symptoms disappeared, but what remained was damage done to my lungs.”
Will they recover?
Tens of thousands of patients have already recovered from COVID-19. But the long-term effects of the disease are just beginning to emerge. For example, Burstein and many other patients are still experiencing breathing and other problems several weeks after they start feeling better.
“One of the biggest questions … [whether] Minarafikk McCarius, MD, a pulmonologist at Northwell Health, says these patients are fully recovered.
Makaryus says it is “overwhelming” to consider the number of patients who may have long-term lung problems.
“The community does not have enough pulmonologists to handle this number of potential chronic lung injuries,” he added.
So far, there are very few data on patients who have recovered. Even the first diagnosis of COVID-19 in China is 3 months old. However, in a small study of 34 patients, researchers found COVID-19 Affected metabolism Caused other “physiological changes”. another Early research in China Heart failure was found in 12% of patients who had no respiratory problems.
“We don’t have enough data yet,” Macarius told Post. “You are particularly worried about the patients who had to go to life support and what their long-term consequences will be.”
For Shawn Kubuchan Dani (30 years old), recovery from the coronavirus was not easy. A few weeks after his diagnosis, breathing still made his lungs feel “burning.” Soho residents said he was “completely recovered”, but four weeks after his positive COVID-19 test, he can’t help wondering if he has prolonged lung damage. .
“I have recovered for a long time,” Kubuchan Dani told the post. “At my age, I didn’t expect this at all. It wasn’t a mild flu.”
He had symptoms for 3 consecutive weeks. But after they subsided and felt better, “I felt like my lungs were burning,” he says. “I couldn’t take a deep breath. At that point, I started to worry.”
Recovery is a false alarm
Kubu Chandani also said the virus was a sneaky virus. Even after two weeks, he was often “fooled” into thinking he was better.
“I had some false alarms and I felt like I was fully recovered, but the next day the fever came back,” he says.
“Towards the end, when I started to feel chest pain, I was worried that I probably had lung damage or some long-term problems, but I had a chest x-ray. I could see it clearly. “
Burstein, who documented diagnosis and hospitalization, said:Hollywood reporterIs familiar with the “false alarms” that COVID-19 brings.
“As if it were gone, and you would have these weird flare-ups,” he told Post. “One day, it’s crazy sweat and headaches, and then backaches. When people leave, people come back. It’s like claws clinging and clinging.”
Burstein and Khubchandani both used a spirometer to improve breathing. Burstein also says he will inflate the balloon “on an hourly basis” to strengthen the lungs, based on doctor’s advice.
“Patients tell me that their breathing is improving overall,” says Macarius. “But we’ve seen many patients still needing oxygen a few weeks after diagnosis.”
2 steps forward, 1 step backward
“I’m also worried about the long-term psychiatric consequences,” says Macarius. “One thing that makes this more difficult is that it is a lonely illness for both patients and families.”
Most of the survivors are forced to recover by themselves, fearing that the disease will spread further. And if they are attached to the ventilator, Experience may cause post-traumatic stressThe doctor says.
For actress Briana Cohen, who lives in Hoboken, NJ, the symptoms after two weeks were worse than in the first two.
“Symptoms have continued to change,” says 32-year-old Cohen. “It was always two steps forward and one step back.”
She’s still experiencing residual symptoms such as lung pain after more than 5 weeks of initial sickness and a month of positive reactions — “My lungs seem to be burning. I feel like that. ” And anxiety.
“At some point, about three weeks after COVID [diagnosis], My blood pressure went through the roof, my heart rate [extremely high]”She says.” I got a lung x-ray and an electrocardiogram, and everything was fine. They gave me a small amount [anxiety] Medicine and now my heart rate is fine. ”
Mr Burstein says his mortality rate has been greatly appreciated due to his disastrous experience. After 20 hours at the ER, when his test returned positive for COVID-19, a hospital staff member told him he was sending to a COVID-19 unit.
“I was asked if I was an organ donor shortly after they said,” Burstein says. “It was a calm lesson.”
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