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Why Canada’s vaccine deployment slowed


A large batch of Pfizer vaccines landed in Canada from a Belgian factory this week could represent a turning point in the country’s vaccination deployment, even if a winter storm delays the arrival of shipments.

When Pfizer and Moderna cut back on vaccine shipments to Canada due to manufacturing issues, and when Pfizer temporarily stopped shipping, the two companies Nationwide manual wave And a torrent of heated political rhetoric. Nonetheless, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau claims that the government will reach its goal of 6 million doses, enough for 3 million people, by the end of March.

[Read: Delays Turn Canada’s Vaccination Optimism Into Anxiety]

Anger, anxiety, and general dissatisfaction with the pace at which vaccinations are initiated are not limited to Canada. My European-based colleague reports similar feelings in Europe.

[Read: France Stalls Between Stubbornly High Infection Rates and Slow Vaccine Rollout]

[Read: Vaccine Shortages Hit E.U. in a Setback for Its Immunization Race]

for My article About Canada, announced Thursday, I spoke with people from a variety of disciplines, including vaccine development, epidemiology, infection control, and the healthcare supply chain. They all said they understood the frustration of the Canadians. But no one was a little surprised that the first wave of vaccine delivery did not go as planned. They said it was the nature of the new vaccine.

They also cited two factors for slow start. The lack of an established vaccine manufacturer headquartered in Canada and Canada’s modest vaccine production capacity. But they said there was little the government could do to get such a plant up and running.

Until last summer, Mr Trudeau and other members of his cabinet repeatedly suggested working to get the vaccine out of the Canadian factory by the end of 2020. Testimony of the Week At Parliamentary Commission, Mark Lievonen, Vice Chairman of the Federal Vaccine Task Force, said there was never a Canadian manufacturing option that could speed up delivery. And in earlier testimony, Anita Anand, the minister of the department that traded vaccines, said last year the government could not convince any of the major vaccine makers to open a store in Canada.

There are domestic vaccines, but that doesn’t happen well after September, the government’s goal of vaccination of all Canadians. Federal-funded factories in Montreal and Saskatoon are expected to be operational by the end of the year. This is also the delivery date for Canada’s first homemade vaccine. Its developer, Calgary-based biotechnology startup Providence Therapeutics, is in the early stages of vaccine testing and has signed a contract to manufacture year-end batches for Manitoba, subject to regulatory approval. Did.

Canada may also need less vaccine than initially thought.Currently, four studies suggest that people are already infected with the coronavirus. One shot is enough Of the other two-dose Pfizer and Modana vaccines for immunity.

It is unclear at this time whether Pfizer and Modana can continue to expand production, and some of the other five companies Canada has ordered to bring the vaccine to market.

After reading Last week’s Danvillevsky Canada Letter Regarding travel restrictions between Canada and the United States, many of you write why vaccinated people are not allowed to re-enter Canada across the border to Canada or are exempt from Canadian quarantine measures. I asked.

While The rules now allow extended familiesMany, including dating and grandparents, visit Canada to enter Canada, and many point out that a two-week quarantine will unrealistically lengthen their visit. And for months, I’ve heard from Americans who own villas in Canada that they can’t visit now.

There are several reasons. But one major answer pertains to the ongoing recommendations of Canadian and US public health authorities to avoid travel of all kinds.Early data from Israel show that the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine is certainly available Very effective for protection People who receive it. However, there are blind spots in this study. It is not yet known if vaccinated people can be transmitted.

[Read: Help! I’m Vaccinated, but What Do I Need to Know to Protect Others?]

On top of that, there is the issue of vaccination proof.on the other hand Denmark has proposed a digital vaccination passport In addition, the International Air Transport Association has a Digital Vaccine Travel Pass and there is no international agreement on how to handle this issue.

Misdocumentation is a problem with Covid-19 test results that passengers must present before boarding a flight. On Thursday, Transport Canada said it fined one person $ 10,000 and another $ 7,000. Boarded a plane from Mexico to Canada last month after they tested positive.. Unnamed couples presented fake test results showing that they were not infected.

  • Brian Voucher Winnipeg artist Divya Mehra In Los Angeles, “It contains only one piece, but it’s amazing. It’s about 20 feet high, with inflatable waves and jar emojis that represent the” tsunami of sadness. ” When the exhibition was held in mid-January, 2 million people died of the coronavirus. “

  • Sweep changes Canadian gun control Support local government pistol bans with federal penalties, including prison time. You can also easily get your gun license.

  • Families in the suburbs of Montreal “Speakeasy Hockey” Move.

  • Two tech giants have moved this week. This could probably preview what would happen later this year when Canada introduced legislation regulating digital giants. Google has agreed to pay the Australian press, Facebook restricts sharing of news articles By users in that country.

Originally from Windsor, Ontario, Ian Austen is educated in Toronto, lives in Ottawa, and has reported on Canada in the New York Times for the past 16 years. Follow him on Twitter @ianrausten.

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