A single dose of Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine reduces the risk of infection by 72%, according to a UK study
A PHE siren study of healthcare workers under the age of 65 found that a single vaccination reduced the risk of infection after 3 weeks by 72% and two vaccinations reduced the risk of infection by 85%. I found out that This high level of protection was extended to the B.1.1.7 coronavirus variant first identified in the United Kingdom in December.
“There were a lot of asymptomatic tests,” said Dr. Susan Hopkins, PHE’s Director of Strategic Response, and healthcare professionals were tested for Covid-19 infection every two weeks using PCR tests. It was tested twice a week using the lateral flow test. ..
“Overall, it has a very strong effect on reducing asymptomatic and symptomatic infections,” Hopkins said at a press conference held by the UK Science Media Center on Monday.
PHE also analyzed routine laboratory data based on more than 12,000 symptomatological disorders. This showed that a single dose of the Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine was 57% effective against symptomatological COVID-19 disease over 80 years of age 4 weeks after the first dose. This increased to 88% one week after the second dose.
Early data also show that subsequently infected vaccinated people are much less likely to die of the virus or be hospitalized with the virus. People over the age of 80 who became infected after vaccination were 41% less likely to be hospitalized for the virus and 57% less likely to die from the virus.
PHE predicted that a single dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine would be more than 75% more likely to protect against serious illness.
“The good sign is that overall, hospitalizations and mortality are beginning to decline in the vaccinated age group. [and] At least part of it is due to the vaccination program. ” Dr. Mary Ramsey, Head of Vaccination for PHE, said at a press conference.
She said the current blockade in the UK contributed to the reduction in hospitalizations, but “the faster rate of reduction may be due to vaccination programs in some respects.”
With the release of PHE, Ramsey warned, “We still don’t know how much these vaccines reduce the risk of transmitting Covid-19 to others,” and vaccinated people should continue to comply with the stay-at-home order. I added that. Home order.
The UK is focused on immunizing as many high-risk people as possible with the first dose.
Ramsey said the findings “strengthen the policy of giving more people that single dose to prevent more deaths and more hospitalizations, and then go back and last longer. Receive a second dose that provides protection. “
British Health Minister Matt Hancock said the data were “extremely encouraging” for the UK government’s support for “a decision to maximize the number of people vaccinated with a single dose.”
At a press conference, Ramsey referred to early data from a Scottish study of the effects of Pfizer and Oxford-AstraZeneca shots: “Protection against severe illness is at least 75%, which is seen from Scotland. It matches the one. ” Community / community.
Significant reduction in hospitalization
In that study, also published Monday, the deployment of Covid-19 vaccination was associated with a significant reduction in the risk of hospitalization due to Scottish illness.
The researchers compared the hospitalizations of those who received the first dose and those who did not.
The Pfizer vaccine reduced the risk of hospitalization from Covid-19 by up to 85% by 4 weeks after the first dose.
The Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine reduced the risk of hospitalization by up to 94%.
A preliminary study that has not yet been peer-reviewed was the first to examine the effects of the two vaccines on the prevention of serious illnesses that lead to hospitalization nationwide, and previous efficacy results were obtained from clinical trials. is.
The EAVE II project is carried out by researchers at the University of Edinburgh, the University of Strathclyde, the University of Aberdeen, the University of Glasgow, the University of St Andrews and the University of Public Health (PHS), and is a dataset that covers almost the entire population of 5.4 million in Scotland. Was analyzed.
Researchers analyzed weekly data from December 8th to February 15th. During this period, 1.14 million vaccines were given (about 650,000 shot Pfizer, about 490,000 shot Oxford-AstraZeneca), and 21% of the Scottish population received the first vaccine. Dose, according to a press release from the University of Edinburgh.
Among people over the age of 80, one of the highest-risk groups, vaccination has been associated with an 81% reduction in hospitalization risk with Covid-19 at week 4, which combines the results of both vaccines. I did. Press release.
“These results were very encouraging and gave us a great reason to be optimistic for the future. Currently, there is national evidence that vaccination provides protection against Covid-19 hospitalization. Yes, “said Senior Researcher Aziz Sheikh. The University of Edinburgh’s Usher Institute said in a release.
“To overcome this dreaded disease, we need to accelerate the deployment of the first vaccine worldwide.”
“We need to understand how long this protection lasts with a single dose of the vaccine,” added Arne Akbar, president of the British Society for Immunology.
“More research is needed, but overall, these new discoveries should reassure us around the UK’s decision to provide two doses of the vaccine at 12-week intervals.”
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