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Medisafe Raises $ 30 Million For Predictive AI That Encourages People To Take Tablets


MedisafeThe startup, which is developing a personalized healthcare management platform to keep patients on prescriptions, announced today that it has raised $ 30 million. According to the company, the new investment will allow it to expand its solutions while accelerating revenue.

according to Review In Annual report of internal medicine, 20% to 30% of drug prescriptions are never met, and about 50% of chronic disease drugs are not taken as prescribed. This lack of compliance caused about 125,000 deaths and Costs of the US healthcare system Between $ 100 billion and $ 289 billion annually.

In 2012, Medisafe co-founders and brothers Omri Short and Rotem Short faced a family health emergency. Due to a misunderstanding about his dosing schedule, their diabetic father accidentally took extra insulin. To address this type of mistake and prevent it from happening in the future, the brothers created Medisafe to help manage prescription schedules with AI and big data.

Medisafe employs what is called a “digital drug companion” to ensure that prescriptions are executed by the recipient. After the patient enters the drug into Medisafe’s smartphone app, the app collects release forms and guides the process of assisting the titration schedule. Equipped with Just-in-time-Interventions (JITI), Medisafe’s predictive AI engine, the app content changes as patients enter after treatment and recovery, explaining how to manage medications, and eligibility for financial support programs Gather information for providers through sexual assessments, replenishment orders, and research.

Medisafe can send an email and a text message to the patient to inform them to take the drug on time. In addition, the platform can target “risk” patients with real-time behavioral assessment-based analysis and insights, increasing compliance rates by up to 20%.

“AI integration alerts users’ friends and doctors if they miss a dose, if certain steps are not completed, or if a patient experiences any challenging event during their journey. You can, “a spokeswoman told VentureBeat in an email. “Use [Medisafe’s] On the platform, the company offers an average user compliance rate of 86%, well above the industry standard of 50%. Billions of successful dosages are managed through Medisafe’s platform to prevent over 500,000 potentially harmful drug-drug interactions. “

On the back end, Medisafe’s in-app care connector allows clinicians to connect remotely with patients when additional assistance is needed. The company’s Maestro products also provide an overview of patient census, compliance configuration settings, access to program reports, and integration with other vendor data.

Medisafe competes directly with Walmart’s CareZone, Shop Apotheke’s MyTherapy, TrialCard’s Mango and Healthprize, but claims to be one of the world’s largest drug management platforms with over 7 million registered users. Over the past eight years, through partnerships with pharmaceutical companies, including Merck, the company has accumulated a database of over 4 billion medication behaviors to notify JITI.

“Today’s investment allows Medisafe to expand comprehensive therapeutic support for patients to influence behavioral changes and ultimately outcomes. Medisafe manages complex therapies. We are continually advancing the technology to meet the dynamic needs of our patients, “Omri Short said in a press release.

Sanofi Ventures and Alive Israel HealthTech Fund announced today with the participation of Leumi Partners, Menorah Mivtachim, Consensus Business Group and former backers Pitango Ventures, 7Wire Ventures, Merck Ventures, Octopus Ventures, Cool HealthTech and Triventures. Leaded Medisafe Series C funding. , And Our Crowd. This brings the total amount of Medisafe raised to date to approximately $ 55 million. Headquartered in Israel and Boston, Massachusetts.


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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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