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Covid Pandemic Anti-Obesity Message May Promote Eating Disorders


The anti-obesity message resulting from the coronavirus crisis may contribute to eating disorders, the Royal University of Psychiatrists warns.

Dr. Agnes Aiton, chair of the University’s Faculty of Eating Disorders, said: “The blockade has also significantly reduced people’s social networks and social support systems.

“Many public health messages About weight loss and exercise During the pandemic, and it was promoted by the government for Obesity and serious Covid risk.. But if you’re a young person worried about your weight and shape, you’ll be hit by these messages and think, “I should lose weight.” “

Dr. Eighton said the viral crisis was likely to fuel the anxiety of people with eating disorders: “There is a lot of anxiety and a lot of uncertainty during the pandemic, and there is also food uncertainty. there was.

“People are buying things that can last a long time. Some of these foods, such as pasta and biscuits, can be the foods that trigger people with bulimia or bulimia. “

Psychiatrists say waiting times for eating disorder treatment have doubled in some areas after bed numbers have been reduced to increase social distance, warning that this is life-threatening did. Currently, there are 455 adult hospital beds in the UK for eating disorders, and people may face long waits for space, but some are sent miles away from home.

“Infection control issues have reduced beds in the pandemic,” Dr. Eighton told PA News Agency. “The majority of NHS hospitals, especially those for adults, are all dilapidated buildings and very small rooms.

“During a pandemic, hospitals cannot reach the same level of capacity, which means that the list of people waiting for beds has increased. They are referred to be hospitalized for severe eating disorders. There are only a few people … but you said, “We’re talking about people who are at very high risk of dying or who are likely to die.”

Prior to the pandemic, adult patients in Dr. Eighton’s area, including Oxfordshire, Buckinghamshire, and Berkshire, “waited three to four weeks, depending on the urgency of hospitalization, but now more than two months.”

She added: [in patients] With a very low BMI [body mass index], And even in potentially life-threatening conditions. It puts a lot of pressure on everyone, obviously not only the patients and their families, but also the staff who want to help them. It’s very, very stressful. “

Dr. Eighton said NHS England is committed to investing in community services. “But we’re talking about a very slow timescale.”


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