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Israel lashes out over US expects to cut aid to IDF battalion over alleged human rights abuses

Israel lashes out over US expects to cut aid to IDF battalion over alleged human rights abuses


Tel Aviv — Israeli leaders have lashed out at the idea that the Biden administration could withhold aid to one of the Jewish state's army battalions, accused of committing human rights abuses. man in the Israeli-occupied West Bank. Sanctions against the Israeli army's ultra-Orthodox Netzah Yehuda Battalion could be announced in the coming days, according to a report from Axios.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken suggested a decision had been made Friday when asked about internal investigations under a U.S. law that prohibits sending military aid to foreign forces that violate human rights.

Asked about the U.S. investigation, Blinken said Friday it would be “fair to say you will see results very soon.” I made decisions; you can expect to see them in the coming days.”

An ultra-Orthodox Jew salutes volunteers during a military graduation ceremony May 26, 2013 in Jerusalem, Israel, for members of the Netzah Yehuda Battalion, formed in 1999 to allow ultra-Orthodox Israelis to enlist . Lior Mizrahi/Getty

The government has been investigating the IDF unit since 2022, a U.S. official told CBS News. The battalion came under heavy criticism after a 78-year-old Palestinian-American was found dead in January of that year after being arrested by IDF soldiers at a West Bank checkpoint.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reacted angrily to the possibility that his army could be sanctioned over accusations more than two years old, as it continues its war against Hamas in the Gaza Strip.

“If anyone thinks they can impose sanctions on an IDF unit, I will fight them with all my strength,” the Israeli leader said.

In a separate statement, Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant praised the Netzah Yehuda Battalion, praising it for fighting Hamas ally Hezbollah along Israel's northern border with the Lebanon, and “more recently, they are operating to dismantle Hamas brigades in Gaza.”

“The battalion's activities are carried out in accordance with IDF values ​​and in accordance with international law,” Gallant said, insisting that “any event that deviates from the aforementioned standards is treated accordingly” by the IDF and the Israeli justice system. .

“Any attempt to criticize an entire unit casts a heavy shadow over the actions of the IDF, which operates to protect the citizens of Israel. Damage to one battalion affects the entire defense establishment – ​​it is not not the right path for partners and friends,” he added. ” he said. “I call on the US administration to withdraw its intention to impose sanctions against the Netzah Yehuda Battalion.”

Israel strikes Rafah and carries out West Bank operation 02:35

A U.S. official stressed that the United States is not and is not considering sanctioning IDF units, clarifying that “without confirming what might be considered, under the Leahy Act, certain units would not be eligible to U.S. security assistance until the violations are corrected.” “.

The suggestion that the United States could cut aid to a military unit of its longtime ally has put the spotlight on the IDF as Netanyahu and his army continue to face domestic backlash for not having failed to thwart the bloody Hamas terrorist attack of October 7. which started the war in Gaza.

As the first consequence of this failure, the Israeli army announced that the head of the Israeli military intelligence agency, Major General Aharon Haliva, would resign as soon as a successor was named.

Haliva said last year, shortly after October 7, that he accepted responsibility for the intelligence failures that allowed Hamas to launch its unprecedented attack on Israel. This assault saw Hamas kill around 1,200 people and take more than 200 others hostage.

Israel's retaliatory war against Hamas, with which Netanyahu has vowed to destroy the Palestinian group, has killed more than 34,000 people in Gaza, according to the Hamas-run Health Ministry. The ministry's count does not distinguish between combatant and civilian casualties, but the majority of those killed are women and children, according to the United Nations.

A Palestinian hospital worker stands next to the bodies of Palestinian men in the morgue of Tulkarem hospital, after the Israeli army said 14 terrorists were killed in an operation in the camp refugees from Nur Shams, in Tulkarem, in the Israeli-occupied West Bank, on April 21. , 2024. WAHAJ BANI MOUFLEH/Middle East Images/AFP via Getty Images

The Israeli army released a video this weekend showing what it said was an anti-terrorist operation in the West Bank town of Tulkarem. The Israeli military said 14 militants were killed, but residents and Palestinians in Gaza say they bore the brunt of Israeli retaliation.

When IDF forces withdrew from Tulkarem, they left massive destruction in their wake, and residents told CBS News they had not seen anything like it before in the occupied Palestinian territory, which is considerably more bigger than Gaza.

During the mission, Israeli bulldozers destroyed homes and stores, destroyed roads and cut pumps and power lines, cutting off electricity and water supplies.

“The attack was savage,” said resident Salah Yousif. “They came from four different sides.”

Relatives of Palestinians killed in an Israeli airstrike cry as they transport the corpses from the El-Najar hospital morgue for burial in Rafah, Gaza, April 21, 2024. Abed Rahim Khatib/Anadolu/Getty

Meanwhile, in Gaza, the war has been going on for almost seven months, with officials in the Hamas-run enclave saying nearly 15,000 children have been killed. This includes members of a family killed in a strike this weekend in the southern city of Rafah. Gaza officials said 16 people were killed in the strike, most of them children.

The United States, along with other Israeli allies, have warned Netanyahu against continuing his plans to launch a major ground military operation in Rafah, fearing it could lead to huge civilian casualties in the city, where around 1.5 million Palestinians have found refuge. It is the only major city in Gaza that IDF forces have yet to invade since October 7, but Netanyahu has vowed to order the incursion because, he says, some Hamas combat units are hiding there. Again.

Tucker Reals and Sara Cook contributed to this report.

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