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Editorial: Health agencies must regain public trust


As the pandemic year approaches, there is one thing that is clear. It means that the country’s public health system needs to be rebuilt, including the trust of the people it provides.According to a recent report, only half of Americans trust the federal government to fight COVID-19. Axios-Ipsos Voting.. As former leaders of the CDC and FDA during the Bush and Obama administrations, we are directly aware of the importance of leadership, the work of world-class scientists and researchers, and confidence in the mission of public health institutions. I will. Building trust is essential to ending this pandemic and for future efforts to promote health and control illness. To do this, institutions promise honest and consistent communication with the general public that articulates the latest science and take transparent, evidence-based action to accelerate the country’s response to the pandemic. is needed.

Recently, we joined 12 colleagues at the Bipartisan Policy Center for development and release. Recommendations To strengthen immediate public health response to COVID-19 and help restore its credibility. The recommendations are based on five core principles. First, political and public health leadership is central to the successful coordination and management of a pandemic crisis. Second, trust in science and public health efforts are paramount to advancing the fight against pandemics. Third, national leaders need to convey, adhere to, and act as a role model for a clear, consistent, customized public health and safety message. Fourth, federal, state, and local leaders, Democrats and Republicans, must take action to uncover conspiracy theories. And fifth, federal efforts must recognize and address vulnerable communities.

Based on these principles, here are three ways the CDC and FDA can begin to regain their position with the public.

Expand testing and monitoring of COVID-19

The CDC’s ability to track coronavirus variants over the next few months through genomic screening and analysis will be critical to better coordinating the most appropriate public health measures and messaging to combat pandemics. Congress also needs to approve the CDC requiring the state to regularly submit racial and ethnic data on COVID-19 tests, cases, hospitalizations, and deaths. Currently, this information is reported only voluntarily. In the absence of consistent and comprehensive data to guide resource allocation, the color community continues to bear the greatest burden of COVID-19 cases.

Both agencies are at the heart of developing a federal standardized testing strategy that outlines the path to reducing the positive rate in each state to less than 5% and provides guidance to support the safe resumption of schools and workplaces. is. Specifically, the FDA should continue to evaluate the accuracy and accuracy of rapid antigen testing before and after marketing and provide guidance for manufacturers to improve their current testing. In addition, the CDC needs to develop more user-friendly algorithms to use screening tests to safely resume in certain risky populations and high-risk environments, as well as in schools and various workplaces and activities. There is.

Ensure transparency, fair distribution, and intake of vaccines

Undoubtedly, at this time, there is no more publicly available COVID-19 issue than vaccination of Americans. The CDC needs to successfully handle President Biden’s call for a bold vaccination campaign and continue to provide state guidance on visibility into vaccine prioritization and availability of vaccine supplies. The federal government is encouraged to consider allocating vaccines based on criteria such as population size and outbreak severity of priority groups, not just per capita.

The FDA should work with the manufacturer to ensure that clinical trial data for vaccines are published at the time of submission. This allows independent scientific researchers and experts to review the data, raise questions from the FDA, and build public confidence and confidence in the vaccine approval process. FDA leadership is also important in developing regulatory strategies for second-generation coronavirus vaccines that take into account circulating variants and supporting global vaccine efforts. We hope that a new commissioner will soon be selected to lead these important efforts, along with many other important features of the FDA.

Start national public education campaign

The CDC needs to work with key stakeholders to run a national science-based education campaign, especially tailored to vulnerable groups such as the color community. Evidence shows that focused and culturally competent messaging can improve health outcomes. Language and outreach issues. Building institutional confidence in these communities must be leveraged to increase participation in masking, testing, contact tracing, and vaccination efforts.

The campaign should also focus on medical professionals.these days National survey Shows that 11% of healthcare professionals refuse vaccination and are likely to be refused by relevant healthcare professionals. As we learn more about the durability of vaccines and new variants, it is essential to communicate that even among vaccinated people, attention should be paid to personal protection measures.

Trust in Japan’s public health agencies is essential during the COVID-19 pandemic. Strong leadership, science-based public health activities and information, and transparent and consistent communication can regain trust in these prestigious federal agencies. This public health emergency requires it.

Peggy Hamburg, MD, served as FDA Commissioner in the Obama administration. Bill Roper, MD, was the CDC director of the George W. Bush administration. They are both members of the Future Health Task Force of the Bipartisan Policy Center.


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