Can vaccination provide relief for long-distance patients?
Vaccination may provide a faint light of hope to those who have tolerated symptoms for weeks or months after recovering from COVID-19.
About 10% to 30% of people infected with COVID-19 exhibit long-term symptoms, commonly known as “long-distance COVID” or “long-distance COVID.” Most people with protracted problems had severe seizures with the disease, while others had few symptoms.
Although still preliminary, a new theory has emerged that vaccination with the COVID-19 vaccine can help some of these long-suffering people.
In a survey of about 600 people who self-reported protracted symptoms after COVID-19, 47% felt no difference after vaccination, 39% improved after vaccination, and 14% felt worse.The survey was conducted by Survivor corps, A grassroots group of people with long-term COVID-19.
Their most common protracted symptom was malaise, which was reported by almost everyone and lasted more than 100 days. Other frequent long-term symptoms included shortness of breath or dyspnea, poor concentration, inability to exercise or inactivity, diarrhea, headache, and loss of odor and / or taste.
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Akiko Iwasaki, a professor of epidemiology and immunobiology at Yale University who developed the theory, said it is biologically plausible that vaccination may help address some of these symptoms. ..
There may still be particles or fragments of the virus that cause COVID-19 in their bodies. Vaccines can theoretically stimulate the immune system to hunt down these remaining parts, remove them, and prevent them from causing inflammation.
“We know that this vaccine induces a very strong antibody that can bind to and remove the virus and its debris,” she said.
Iwasaki said it would be great, as hopefully this would be a “cure” for many people with prolonged vaccination symptoms. “Remove the sauce, that’s it.”
But that’s probably not the answer at all.
In some people, COVID-19 infection may have overdriven the immune system. For them, the vaccine may only provide temporary relief. It relieves this overreaction while the vaccine circulates in the body, but does not address the underlying problem.
But even in this case, Iwasaki, who knows it’s important, said he suggests that treatments that suppress the immune hyperreactivity may help.
“We really need to study their immune system,” she said.
Researchers are planning trials to identify “the first and only treatment for long COVID”
Iwasaki et al. Are planning a large prospective study to see if vaccination will eliminate symptoms in some people in the short term or permanently.
“I think this is especially important because it’s not only the first and only cure for long COVID, but it can help us understand the mechanisms of people who help,” said Founder and Director. Dr. Eric Topol said. The Scripps Research Translational Institute in California is collaborating on research.
The group has applied for federal funding to support the trial.
Angelaras Musen, a virologist at Georgetown University’s Center for Global Health Sciences and Security, said he believes Iwasaki’s hypothesis makes sense and is keen on research to see if it is correct. ..
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“If all we have to do is really solve the problem, it will be a big win,” Rasmussen said of vaccination. “It’s the most pleasing surprise in the world that it was so easy … it may not be that easy, but I hope it really is.”
Dr. Anthony Fauci, considered America’s top infectious disease expert, said at a parliamentary subcommittee on Wednesday that the National Institutes of Health considered these protracted symptoms as a major public health problem for a long term of over $ 1 billion. He said he was assigned to study COVID.
He said that large-scale trials are essential to ensure that vaccination is not just over time, but that these improvements are credited, which makes a difference to most people.
Fauci described two types of long-suffering patients. Patients who have severe seizures with a disease that leaves permanent damage to the heart, lungs, or liver and is unlikely to be resolved by vaccination. And people who didn’t suffer much at first, but have struggled to shake their physical symptoms in the months since then.
Brent Boschetti fought COVID-19 for months: “I was just not bouncing back”
Brent Boschetti, 44, from Los Angeles falls into the second category.
Medical representative and training enthusiast Boschetti caught COVID-19 on March 10, 2020, before blockades or masks were recommended. By March 15, he had lost his sense of smell and taste, and by April he had palpitations, severe migraine, dyspnea, malaise, muscle and arthralgia.
“I was mostly in bed until May,” Boschetti said.
He finally tested negative for the virus and was ready to return to his six-day weekly training routine and daily running. But his body wasn’t.
“The energy wasn’t there,” he said. “I wasn’t just bouncing back.”
Each time he pushed himself, he retriggered his symptoms and went back to bed for a few days.
He managed to catch up with his work Zoom call, but traveled most of the summer between specialists such as rheumatologists, cardiologists, immunologists, and gastroenterologists. He started a weekly acupuncture session and joined the survivors for moral support.
By November, he was almost feeling better. “People will say,’What do you think, and I say 90%?’ I didn’t feel completely like myself,” he said.
He made an appointment for the vaccine in early February, but was worried that it might re-trigger his symptoms.
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But within a day, he again felt like his old self. His energy has returned to 100. “It was just like clearing whatever I had left,” Boschetti said.
He felt good for three weeks and worriedly approached the second shot, wondering if he could undo all the benefits of the first shot. It looked like that for the first few days. All symptoms of his initial infection recurred.
Then slowly, they all disappeared.
“I’ve just noticed that it’s subsided,” Boschetti said. “I have regained all my energy. Yesterday I ran like 5 miles and exercised as usual.”
Contact Karen Weintraub at [email protected].
Health and patient safety coverage at USA TODAY was partially made possible by grants from the Masimo Foundation for Ethics, Innovation and Competition for Healthcare. The Masimo Foundation does not provide editorial input.
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