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Africa’s second coronavirus wave was much worse than the first

Africa’s second coronavirus wave was much worse than the first


According to a study published in The Lancet Journal, daily new infections across the continent were about 30% higher during the second wave. The author says it is the first comprehensive continent-wide analysis of a pandemic in Africa.

Data show an average of 18,273 new cases per day across the continent during the first peak of the mid-July epidemic, with 36 out of 55 African Union cases averaging 23,790 by the end of December. Has increased. Did the state experience? Experience the second wave..
Dr. John Nkengasong, director of the Africa Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and one of the authors of the study, said the second more aggressive wave was masking, social distance, and the emergence of new things. More infectious variants..

“These insights also reveal the need to improve testing capabilities and revitalize public health campaigns, the subtleties between controlling the Covid-19 epidemic and sustaining the economy and people’s lives. He reiterates the importance of following measures aimed at balancing. “He added in a statement.

But CNN’s public health measures alone aren’t enough to stop another wave of pandemics in Africa, Nukengason said. “Without an urgent scale-up of vaccines, we will certainly see a third wave that has already begun in some African countries,” he said.

“Vaccine protection trade principles will undoubtedly exacerbate the situation … and negatively impact global efforts to win the fight against Covid 19”, he added.

The discovery of coronavirus variants in the United Kingdom and South Africa began with a bet on a bottle of wine.
African countries lag behind other parts of the world Deployment of vaccinationThis is because the majority of countries on the continent have not yet received vaccines.

African countries rely heavily on the COVAX scheme, a global vaccine sharing initiative that offers discounted or free doses to low-income countries. However, the supply is very limited. According to the World Health Organization, an estimated 90 million doses will be delivered to Africa earlier this year. Enough to vaccinate only 3% of the continent’s population. As more vaccines become available, the goal is to vaccinate at least 20% by the end of the year, WHO said.

In comparison, the United States plans to make a vaccine Available to all adults by May 1st.. The UK has already vaccinated more than half of adults and aims to provide the vaccine to all by the end of July. The European Union said Wednesday that it would like to vaccinate 70% of its citizens by the end of summer.

Some countries have been hit hard

Studies show that the number of cases and deaths Africa as a whole was still low Compared to many other parts of the world, some countries have experienced very high infection rates.
Covid-19 has expelled hundreds of Africans from Guangzhou.The generation of mixed-race children is their legacy

Of the approximately 3 million Covid-19 cases and more than 65,000 deaths reported in Africa from mid-February to the end of 2020, more than 82% were reported in only 9 countries. South Africa was the hardest hit, with more than 38% of all African cases reported in South Africa. About 16% of all cases were seen in Morocco, while about 5% of all cases were reported in Tunisia, Egypt and Ethiopia respectively.

Cape Verde, South Africa, and Libya had the highest cumulative incidence, but 18 of the 55 states had higher case fatality rates than the world average, and the percentage of people officially diagnosed with Covid-19. Is high.

The authors of the study stated that early intervention in many African countries put the first wave of pandemics relatively under control.

Last year’s CNN writingMushfiq Mubarak, an economist at Yale University, said his experience dealing with previous epidemics encouraged some African leaders to respond quickly.

Senegal, Rwanda, Mauritius and Liberia began planning a response as soon as virus warnings were sent internationally and started screening and quarantine of travelers at the airport. Ghana and Nigeria have banned travel between cities and enforced a curfew.

Mubarak added that many African countries are also focusing on expanding testing and contact tracing very early in the pandemic. Senegal has built an infrastructure that can generate coronavirus test results within 24 hours. Rwanda and Sierra Leone have reused HIV and Ebola equipment for coronavirus tracking, testing and quarantine. South Africa, Cameroon, Mauritania, Ghana, Rwanda, Senegal, and parts of Nigeria have set up large community visit campaigns to test, treat, and isolate potential Covid patients.

COVAX provides equal hope for vaccines across Africa

After examining 50 states for which data on public health and social measures are available, researchers find that 36 states impose strict limits in an average of 15 days before reporting the first case. Did. The other 14 countries performed them on average only 9 days after the first coronavirus case. This is much earlier than many other countries in the world.

The majority of the country has taken five additional steps, including international travel regulations, school closures, and a ban on public events and mass gatherings.

However, researchers have found that even if the second wave of the epidemic is more serious, it leads to less and less stringent public health measures. They said African leaders need to work to double public health measures and improve their testing capabilities to prevent further waves of coronavirus pandemics from getting worse.

CNN’s Stephanie Busari and Nimi Prince Will contributed to the press.


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