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Researchers identify the role of the brain in broken heart syndrome – Harvard Gazette


New research reveals potential mechanisms that may contribute to “Takotsubo Syndrome” or Takotsubo Syndrome (TTS), a temporary heart condition caused by stressful situations and emotions. The study, led by researchers at Harvard University’s Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH), shows that the heart-brain connection is likely to play a major role.

In this study, published in the European Heart Journal, the team analyzed brain image scans of 104 patients (41 who subsequently developed TTS and 63 who did not) for stress-related metabolic activity in the brain. The increase is the development of TTS.

“A region of the brain with high metabolic activity tends to be used more. Therefore, higher activity in the stress-related centers of the brain suggests that individuals respond more positively to stress. “We are,” said Ahmed Tawakol, senior author, Dean and Co-Director of the Department of Nuclear Cardiology, MGH Cardiovascular Imaging Research Center.

Imaging tests performed on patients for other medical reasons revealed that increased activity of the amygdala in the brain predicted the subsequent onset of TTS and the timing of the syndrome. For example, those with the highest amygdala activity developed TTS within a year after imaging, while those with a median developed TTS a few years later.

“It shows that TTS occurs not only because of rare and horrific disturbing events, such as the death of a spouse or child, as in the classic example. Rather, stress-related brain activity. People with high levels of illness appear to be ready to develop TTS, and even regular colonoscopy and fractures can develop the syndrome when exposed to the more common stressors. ” Mr. says.

Scientists have also identified a relationship between stress-related brain activity and bone marrow activity in individuals. Because the bone marrow produces various types of blood cells that are involved in oxygen transport, increased immune response, and blood clotting, stress-related brain activity affects the activity of cells that affect cardiovascular health. May be given.

In applying the results to the clinic, Tawakol hopes that stress-related brain activity-reducing interventions will make TTS more difficult to develop. “Studies should test whether such an approach to reduce stress-related brain activity reduces the likelihood of TTS recurrence among patients with previous episodes of TTS,” he says. I did. He also emphasized the need for further study of the effects of stress relief on heart health, or drug interventions targeting stress-related brain activity.

After publication, the treatise will be published on the European Heart Journal website. Here..

This work was supported by the National Institutes of Health and the American Heart Association. Harvard Medical School Osher Center, A. There was also support from Curtis Glia and Pamela Kohlberg.

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