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Pfizer, BioNTech and Moderna vaccines boost immunity for new mothers and their babies


The COVID-19 vaccine, especially Pfizer / BioNTech and Moderna, has proven to be effective in pregnant and lactating women. And the good news is that these women can even pass their protective antibodies to newborns, Published studies On Thursday at the American Journal of Obstetrics and GynecologyCOVID-19 Vaccine Response in Pregnant and Lactating Women: Cohort Study).

This study focused on 131 women who received either the Pfizer / BioNTech or Moderna vaccine using samples collected between December 17, 2020 and March 2, 2021. I did. Eighty-four women were pregnant, 31 were breastfeeding and 16 were not.

COVID-19 vaccine that protects both mothers and babies

Vaccine-induced antibody levels were similar in pregnant and lactating women compared to non-pregnant women. These levels were “significantly higher” than those resulting from coronavirus infection during pregnancy, the researchers said.

Read again: Pfizer-BioNTech launches trial to test COVID-19 vaccine in 6-month-old young children

Antibodies inherited by the baby were measured in breast milk and placenta. However, additional research is needed to determine how long these antibodies last in babies.

Studies show that pregnant and lactating mothers vaccinated with Pfizer / BioN Tech and Moderna vaccines have increased protection from COVID-19.

(Photo: Photo by Mario Tama / Getty Images) Pregnant and lactating mothers vaccinated with Pfizer / BioNTech and Moderna vaccines have increased protection from COVID-19, according to a study.

To Interview with NBC’s “TODAY” showDr. Andrea Edro, co-author of the study, was ecstatic to say that providing “evidence-based counseling about vaccines” in their study was “great news.”

Participants in the study used the V-safe tool from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to allow vaccines. Recipients monitor their reaction. The researchers said no evidence of side effects was observed in pregnant and lactating women than in the general population.

Women vaccinated with Pfizer / BioNTech and Moderna had similar antibody levels, so researchers found elevated levels of IgA antibodies in pregnant women vaccinated with Moderna. They state that this type of antibody may be passed on to newborns more efficiently.

Policy Guidance on Vaccines for Pregnant Women

These findings should help policy makers decide which vaccine to use for pregnant women, they said.

Previous studies have also pointed out that mRNA vaccines produce antibodies in pregnant women, which are transferred to newborns, but this particular study is the most comprehensive vaccine ever given to pregnant women. Pregnant and lactating women were excluded during clinical trials of the vaccine.

Researchers worked with healthcare professionals, pregnant women, and new mothers to spread the word, as no data were available to help pregnant women make informed decisions about the choice of COVID-19 vaccine. Adopted it in.

CDC pointed out Pregnant women with COVID-19 are at very high risk of serious illness and may be at high risk of adverse consequences such as preterm birth. The US Health Protection Agency added that it is looking forward to research on the safety of vaccines for approximately 13,000 pregnant women for each of the coronavirus vaccines available. As of March 22, the CDC will use the V-safe Pregnancy Registry for planned studies in approximately 3,612 pregnant women.

The initiative is urgent, as such prospects protect not only the mother but also her newborn, according to researchers.

Related story: Breakthrough: Vaccinated people are unlikely to get COVID-19

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