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New variants emerge as the number of cases increases and the Covid vaccine rolls out in New Hampshire

New variants emerge as the number of cases increases and the Covid vaccine rolls out in New Hampshire


Covid vaccine syringeAs New Hampshire’s Covid-19 vaccination program goes into full swing, highly contagious viral variants are widespread, the overall number of cases is increasing, and a significant portion of the population does not want to be vaccinated.

According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, at least 72 people in New Hampshire and more than 11,000 people nationwide are infected with the so-called UK variant, which was first documented in the state in February. Two members of the University of New Hampshire Durham community are among those who have signed it.

According to a study by the British Medical Journal, this variant, also known as B.1.1.7, has a higher mortality rate than previous versions of the virus, increasing mortality per 1,000 cases from 2.5 to 4.1. British studies have shown that British variants are 50% more infectious and infectious.As a result, UK variants could soon become the norm in New Hampshire and throughout the United States.

Jake Leon, a State Department spokesman, said: Ministry of Health and Social Welfare. “CDC predicts that the B.1.1.7 variant may soon become the dominant strain.”

Looking for “balance”

Meanwhile, New Hampshire health officials have reported a surge in new Covid-19 cases, with an average daily report of 346 March 22-28, up 21% from the previous week. doing.

State epidemiologist Dr. Benjamin Chan said the exact reason for the increase is unknown, but the number of infectious diseases is increasing among college students and teenagers who were not eligible to apply for vaccination until this week.

From April 2nd, permanent residents over the age of 16 will be able to register for Shot, but those who are attending school but are not permanent residents will not be eligible. They will have to return to their home state to be vaccinated.

Some other states have relaxed some face mask obligations and other precautions, and this is too much at the moment some of New Hampshire are about to turn the corner of a pandemic over just a year. There is concern that it may loosen.

Chan emphasized that people should be vaccinated as soon as possible, continue to wear face masks, and stay at a social distance.

“One of my concerns is that people have heard about some of the relaxation and restrictions,” Chan said. “And my concern is that some people interpret it as meaning that there is no need for precautions, caution, or restrictions, and because it is far from the truth, pandemic control and restrictions. Despite trying to find a balance of mitigation, we continue to emphasize the importance of paying attention to public health. Here is some advice. “

Those who do not follow the advice can endanger themselves and others. The disease has killed 1,237 people in the state, and the vaccine has been shown to be effective against the original virus and its British variants. Still, some people aren’t sure about getting their shots.

“Although data on New Hampshire vaccine repellent are limited, at least 20-30% of people have some hesitation or concern about the Covid-19 vaccine, according to a national survey / survey,” Leon said. Stated.

Promotion of continuous vaccination

According to DHHS, about a quarter of New Hampshire’s population is at least first vaccinated.

“People understand that these vaccines are safe, undergo the same rigorous scientific research as other vaccines, and have undergone scientific review by the FDA and CDC Scientific and Medical Expert Advisory Boards. It’s important to do, “Leon said. “All currently approved Covid-19 vaccines are not only safe, but also very effective in preventing serious illness, hospitalization and death due to Covid-19.”

Governor Chris Sununu said at a press conference on March 25 that New Hampshire’s emergency mask obligations and other restrictions would be renewed for another 21 days. He said hundreds of new cases continue to be reported.

“See, we have over 400 today,” he said. “Some individuals are over 65 and haven’t taken a second shot, so we’re taking that into account.”

The CDC recommends that you continue to wear a face mask in public after being fully vaccinated. Vaccinations prevent people from getting sick with Covid-19, but scientists are still studying how effective they are in preventing people from spreading the disease.

Vaccination is recommended for people who have recovered from Covid-19 infection, as it is not clear how long the immunity to the virus will last and, in rare cases, it can re-infect.

The CDC’s February 26 morbidity and mortality weekly report supports the statement that the vaccine is safe.

“Massive vaccination with a highly effective vaccine is important for controlling the Covid-19 pandemic,” the report said.

“Due to the speed of development and deployment of the Covid-19 vaccine, there were concerns among the general public about the safety of these new vaccines. In response to these concerns, the U.S. government is the most in its history. Conducted a comprehensive vaccine safety monitoring program.

After receiving the Covid vaccine, there were some cases of anaphylaxis (severe allergic reaction), but the proportions are similar to those reported with other vaccines, the report said. “Initial monitoring did not identify any unexpected reaction patterns or other safety concerns. The CDC and FDA have announced the vaccination policy and to maintain public confidence in the Covid-19 vaccine. We will continue to monitor safety. “

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