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Side Effects of Covid-19 Vaccine: Why You Shouldn’t Be Surprised By What These Happened To You

Side Effects of Covid-19 Vaccine: Why You Shouldn’t Be Surprised By What These Happened To You


You don’t have to panic, doctors say. The side effects of the Covid-19 vaccine will not last long. And they actually prove that your immune system is working as expected. (However, the vaccine is very effective without any side effects.)

Here are some of the most common side effects of Covid-19 vaccines, how to manage them, and why you shouldn’t use them as an excuse to skip vaccination:

“We see arm pain, body pain, sometimes malaise, and sometimes low-grade fever,” said Dr. Peter Hotez, a vaccineologist and dean at Baylor College of Medicine’s National School of Tropical Medicine. I am.

Why should I be vaccinated when I have been infected with Covid-19?

“I had a few hours of chills,” Hotez said after he received a second dose of the Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine.

“And I know why this happens because the vaccine is so powerful in eliciting an immune response, which is one of the reasons why it has such a high level of protection against Covid-19. is”.

Other side effects include pain at the injection site, redness, and swelling. Probably headache or nauseaSaid the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Wait-Did you get Covid-19 from the vaccine?

No. Obtaining Covid-19 from vaccines used in the United States is literally impossible. This is because it does not contain any real coronavirus.

How many people have side effects?

That’s not certain, as millions of Americans are vaccinated daily, and those who get side effects may not report them to the Commonwealth. Vaccine adverse event reporting system..
But in the vaccine test, About 10% to 15% Many of the vaccinated volunteers developed “quite significant side effects,” said Monsef Slawi, a former Operations Warp Speed ​​Chief Scientific Advisor, late last year.

“Most people will have less noticeable side effects,” he said.

After being vaccinated, it is important to continue masking in many places (for now).This is the reason
When it comes to that Anaphylaxis -Or severe allergic reactions- “Currently, that percentage is about 2-5 per million people,” Hotez said.

That is, about 0.0005% (or less) of people who receive the Covid-19 vaccine have a serious negative response.

Fortunately, even with serious consequences, “usually in the first 30 minutes,” Hotez said.

“Therefore, the vaccination site keeps people there for the next 15-30 minutes to make sure there is no anaphylactic reaction.”

The CDC recommends people who have a severe allergic reaction to another vaccine or a history of anaphylaxis. Stay for 30 minutes After vaccination. Others were able to leave after 15 minutes.
Wherever you administer the vaccine Armed with epinephrine to fight quickly in all cases Anaphylaxis, CDC said.
By the end of March, more than 150 million vaccines had been administered. So far, there is no evidence of death caused by the Covid-19 vaccine. CDC said..

Do some vaccines cause more side effects than others?

Every body is different. Therefore, using the exact same vaccine can make one person feel sick for a day and another completely well.

According to Pfizer / BioNTech, the Covid-19 vaccine is 100% effective and well tolerated in adolescence.

That said, “mRNA vaccines (Pfizer and Moderna) are called more reactive, which means they have more side effects,” Hotez said.

“It’s not a serious side effect, but it can be unpleasant and can last for a day or two. It usually doesn’t. It usually lasts for hours.”

Both the Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine and the Moderna vaccine provide approximately 95% protection against symptomatic Covid-19, and both are virtually 100% effective against severe Covid-19 disease. In their clinical trial, none of the vaccinated people died of Covid-19.

Johnson & Johnson Vaccine Not an mRNA vaccine.. Among US study participants, there was a 72% effect on Covid-19 and an 85% effect on severe Covid-19. As with the other two vaccines, no one vaccinated during the clinical trial died of Covid-19.

Is the true second dose worse than the first dose?

The Johnson & Johnson vaccine requires one dose, while the Pfizer / BioNTech and Moderna vaccines require two doses.

Certainly, some people have reported strong side effects after the second dose. Both Pfizer and Moderna..

But, again, this is another sign that the vaccine is working as expected.

Why the second vaccination can be a nuisance

“The first dose must generate an immune response from scratch,” said Michael Wolobay, a professor of evolutionary biology at the University of Arizona.

The body produces antibodies, but it also begins to produce immune cells called B cells to make target antibodies-and it takes time, Wolobay said.

“When you give a person a second shot, those cells can sit around like a clone trooper and immediately begin to produce a very large immune response. This is because people were kicked. It happens when you feel like. “

Professor Thomas Geisbert, a new viral threat expert at the University of Texas School of Medicine, said some vaccines respond well with a single dose. However, a second dose of a double dose vaccine builds a longer lasting defense.

Can I skip the second dose to avoid stronger side effects?

Pfizer states that its vaccine protection lasts at least 6 months and protects it from mutants.

That’s a really bad idea, Hotez said.

Not only will you miss the increased protection, but you may also shorten the period of protection.

“Your immune system has already been jacked up from the first dose,” Geisbert said. Therefore, the second dose “tends to build a longer and more durable response.”

Can I take over-the-counter medications if I have side effects?

“If there is no other medical reason to prevent you from taking these drugs successfully, you can take them to reduce the side effects after vaccination.” CDC said..
I am pregnant  Do I need to get the Covid-19 vaccine?

However, “it is not recommended to take over-the-counter medications such as ibuprofen, aspirin, acetaminophen before vaccination to prevent vaccine-related side effects.”

“It’s unclear how these drugs affect the effectiveness of the vaccine,” the agency said.

“But if you are taking these drugs regularly for other reasons, you should continue to take them before you get vaccinated. To prevent allergic reactions, antihistamines before you get the COVID-19 vaccine. We also do not recommend taking histamine medications. “

When should I seek help if the side effects seem to be severe?

“Most of the time, pain and fever discomfort are normal signs that your body is building protection,” the CDC said.

But you should Contact your doctor or healthcare provider If your side effects are worrisome to you or do not seem to disappear after a few days.

The same is true if the redness or softness from where the shot was taken deteriorates after 24 hours.

Do young and healthy adults really need to be vaccinated if there are potential side effects?

There are many reasons why young and healthy people should get the Covid-19 vaccine.

New dangerous and highly contagious variants are affecting young people. “In the Upper Midwest, many young adults are getting sick and are starting to see Covid going to the hospital. B.1.1.7 variant“Hotez said.

“Therefore, keep in mind that the B.1.1.7 variant is different from the past types of Covid infections we have seen. Among younger people, it is more serious and probably more serious. I am sick.”

Young people can have long-term Covid-19 complications. Although they are unlikely to die of Covid-19, many young and healthy people have become Covid-19 “long-haul carriers.”

Many people are suffering Chronic fatigue, chest pain, shortness of breath, brain fog A few months after the infection.
You can reach herd immunity and lose it. repetition.Here's what you can do to prevent this:
Young people can be easily infected with the coronavirus. Some recently reported states Covid-19 youth surge.. Dr. Ashish Jha, Dean of Public Health at Brown University, said: “It’s a group that moves around, relaxes, and is infected.”

If not enough people are vaccinated, we will never reach herd immunity. “It’s important to vaccinate as many adults as possible,” said Dr. Jorge Rodriguez, a physician. “If you want to open up America, get the vaccine.”

Do I need to take a leave of absence after vaccination?

Although not required, Hotez suggests spending a day comfortably after each shot.

“After the first or second dose, I recommend that you don’t take on the agenda too ambitious for the next 24 hours,” he said.

“In other words, if you are vaccinated, do not schedule important meetings, important presentations, or meaningful family events, and be modest in your ambitions the day you are vaccinated and the day after. Please give me.”

He said it was just a matter of caution. “Opportunity, you may be okay.”

Are the side effects worth it?

definitely. “Remember what we are protecting from,” Hotez said.

“We are protecting ourselves from illness Killed more than 500,000 Americans.. So it’s a very modest price to pay. “

He said he wouldn’t regret even those with severe side effects.

“After the second dose, we actually had some pretty serious symptoms,” said Yasir Batalvi, who volunteered for the Moderna vaccine trial.

“It was rough that night, which meant that I had a low-grade fever, fatigue and chills,” he said.

But by the next morning, Batarubi “feels ready to go.”

He said he encourages everyone to get vaccinated because the benefits far outweigh the side effects.

“I think large-scale vaccination is the only viable way to get out of a pandemic,” he said. “I was vaccinated-it was ok. I think we can get over this.”

CNN’s Maggie Fox and Ryan Prior contributed to this report.


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