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Gottlieb says infections among adolescents are fueling new COVID-19 hotspots


Washington- Former Commissioner of Food and Drugs Dr. Scott Gottlieb said on Sunday Coronavirus Infections among adolescents are causing new outbreaks in some states, but he does not believe there is a “true” fourth wave of pandemics.

“We’re seeing infection pockets across the country, especially in unvaccinated young people and school-age children,” Gottlieb said in an interview with Face the Nation. , Mentioned an increase in cases. Among school-aged children in Minnesota, Minnesota, and Massachusetts.

“We see outbreaks in schools and infections in social cohorts that have never been exposed to the virus. Perhaps they were creating better shelters. Now they are out and He was exposed to the virus and started to get infected. “He continued. “Infection is changing its outline in terms of who is infected now.”

Public health officials said coronavirus cases were on the rise in 27 states and the District of Columbia. Encourage Americans to stay vigilant In the following mitigation measures. However, the rate of vaccination continues to accelerate (4 million vaccinations were given on Friday alone), and there are about 130 million Americans already infected with COVID-19, so Gottlieb. He said US immune levels should face the fourth wave of pandemics.

As of Saturday, more than 104 million Americans have been vaccinated with the coronavirus vaccine at least once, and 59.8 million Americans have been fully vaccinated. data From the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

“There are about 200 million Americans who already have some immunity,” he said. “I don’t think we can see a true fourth wave of infection because the population is well immunized.”

While more young people are becoming infected with COVID-19, Gottlieb believes schools should not close the door to face-to-face learning, but be safer to fight the spread of the virus. Said that.

“As one epidemiologist mentioned this week, I think we need to stick to strict mitigation in schools, schools that use masks, and schools that can be some distance away.” Go to Harry Potter and try to keep students out of a large group within a defined social cohort. ” “I think schools will be safer if they take these steps. I think the benefits of being in school outweigh the risks, but we need to be aware of the fact that schools are a risk factor. Yes, children are vulnerable to infections, and schools can become the focus of community expansion if we are not careful. “

The Moderna and Johnson & Johnson coronavirus vaccines are approved for adults over the age of 18, and the Pfizer vaccine is approved for people under the age of 16. However, Pfizer and Moderna are testing the vaccine in children over the age of 12 and are in clinical trials. Toddler shot.

Pfizer published last week in a study of 2,260 US volunteers between the ages of 12 and 15.The vaccine is Turned out to be safe And it showed 100% effectiveness. Gottlieb is a member of Pfizer’s board of directors.

Immunizing children is important to reopen school and help the United States reach herd immunity, and President Biden’s chief medical adviser, Dr. Anthony Fauci, believes on Friday. Said that There may be enough information Make sure that children of all ages can be safely vaccinated by the end of the year.

Gottlieb believes the FDA can approve Pfizer’s vaccine for emergency use for children aged 12 to 15 before the start of the school year, but children under the age of 12. Get their shots warning that it could be longer before it is approved.

“I think we’ll be in a position to vaccinate people over the age of 12 by the fall,” he said. “Younger, I think it will take longer because I want to test many different doses to find the lowest possible dose that provides a strong immune response to my child.”

Public health officials warn Americans not to violate guidelines as coronavirus infections increase, but families continue to travel for spring break and the Department of Transportation reports a surge in airport screening doing.

Gottlieb encouraged health officials to issue guidance that the general public would follow mostly, but said it was important for them to call attention.

“You don’t want to keep pace with your aspirations, where the masses are, and what the masses are ultimately trying to engage in, so that guidance is ignored. You are in the context of what the masses are. I have to issue guidance. I’m happy to do it. ”

Still, Gottlieb emphasized that the United States remains in a “high prevalence environment” and that new coronavirus variants are widespread.

“We weren’t careful about what we were doing, so we don’t want to be in a position to spread the epidemic,” he said. “But people feel that the risk is low overall. When people are vaccinated, they feel that the risk is low and the risk is low based on the vaccination. Therefore, they are proactive. We will start working on the following, so we need to be aware of it and will issue guidance to people against their desire to see their families again. They will start dating. They Wants to start a little trip. “


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