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The UK achieves its COVID-19 vaccine goal when 60% of adults receive their first injection

The UK achieves its COVID-19 vaccine goal when 60% of adults receive their first injection


The UK began vaccination for people over the age of 45 on Tuesday, achieving the goal of at least one COVID-19 vaccine for all people over the age of 50 by mid-April.

However British Prime Minister Boris Johnson He warned on Tuesday about “more hospitalization and death” that the country might face as it breaks out of the blockade.

On Monday, unwanted shops, beauty salons, gyms, restaurant patios and beer gardens were reopened in the UK. The government provided jabs to all members of the top priority group (aged 50+, healthcare professionals, people with serious medical conditions) a few days before the April 15 voluntary deadline, and about 95% of them received jabs. Said that.

Over 32 million people, more than 60% of adults in the country, receive their first injection, and nearly 15% of adults take both doses. Vaccine eligibility was extended to people aged 45-49 on Tuesday. This is the beginning of the second phase of the inoculation campaign. The government aims to give at least one dose to all persons over the age of 18 by July 31st.

The move took place the day after several blockade rules that had been in effect for more than three months were lifted. Relieved residents flocked to areas packed with tables in narrow, closed streets, such as the nightlife district of Soho, London.

Politicians and scientists have sought to relieve euphoria with the return of some freedoms, with warnings that the virus still poses a major threat. In the UK, the most deadly coronavirus outbreak in Europe has been confirmed to kill more than 127,000 people.

Combination of Prompt vaccination The blockade has significantly reduced infection and mortality. “Of course the vaccination program was helpful, but most of the work to reduce the disease is done by blockades, so unlocking will inevitably increase the infection.

Sadly, we will see more hospitalizations and deaths.

People have to understand that. “

Some of Britain’s neighbors, including France, have imposed new blockade regulations as virus cases surge. Chris Hopson, CEO of the NHS provider of the health services organization, agreed that there was “justification” for the UK pandemic trajectory. It’s all great and you can actually get it back to normal because you really need a new normal, “Hopson said.

The pace of vaccination drives in the UK has slowed in recent weeks and the number of first doses has dropped sharply as the campaign focuses on providing second shots. Like many other countries, the United Kingdom is receiving lower doses than expected as a result of India’s decision to stop exporting the Oxford-AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine from the Serum Institute. To date, UK vaccination efforts have used the AstraZeneca coronavirus vaccine and the Pfizer Bio-N-Tech vaccine.

The UK has also ordered 17 million doses of vaccine made by the American pharmaceutical company Moderna. The first batch will arrive earlier this month.

After last week the UK decided not to administer AstraZeneca jab to individuals under the age of 30, moderna doses are primarily given to young people. This is due to increased evidence that it may be associated with a rare blood clot.

Adam Finn, a member of the UK’s Joint Committee on Immunization and Immunization, said previous vaccine campaigns meant “we are on the hillside.”

“We are certainly doing an important job of communicating the importance of vaccination programs to young people,” Finn told Sky News. People can help understand that the final exit from this catastrophe involves boosting the immunity of the population. “

Health officials are also concerned about new mutants that are more resistant to the vaccine. They are asking everyone living or working in two districts in southern London to be tested after 44 cases of the first strain identified in South Africa have been identified there.


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