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Smooth sailing after my first COVID-19 vaccination


My eyelids fluttered on a new day and I mentally searched my body for signs that something was different. However, arm pain with band-aids was the only evidence of my vaccination 12 hours ago.

From the first dose of the Pfizer-BioNtech COVID-19 vaccine, headaches, fever, chills, or more fatigue than usual were unpredictable.

When I left the pharmacy for the first time, I was relieved that something strange was happening. My injection arm was numb, tingling, and later tap dancing all over my face. I felt a loop as if I drank the beer early, and soon the old familiar pain subsided in my chest.

When I got home, I looked back early and remembered that such symptoms had recurred throughout my sarcoidosis journey. By the morning, they all disappeared. There were no side effects for the next few days.

The relapse after my shot was probably a strange thing about normal sarcoidosis, I told a friend waiting for her turn. Or maybe it was my body just shocked that I went out of the darkness on Saturday.

I Ready Since 2021, I’ve rolled in for a shot in my arms. It was hard to wait, but I had enough time to dispel concerns about vaccination.

In late January report Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines pose little risk to people with rare diseases or weakened immune systems. Sarcoidosis UK, which recommends vaccination for patients with sarcoidosis, Q & A about the topic March.

But what really made me feel at ease was hearing directly from friends, family and other people in the unusual community I went to before. And the fact that there were no disturbing reports of widespread side effects also helped.

In my circle, I did a pretty good sampling, including people in their 20s and 80s who have underlying health, immunodeficiency, and ages. The worst thing they reported was fatigue. A few people in sarcoidosis commented on my column, but only one of them experienced a serious flare.

Pfizer’s vaccine has been reported to be 94-95% effective in preventing COVID-19 after the second dose.According to it, it’s also when side effects are likely to occur Survey results According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The verdict is still out Vaccine effect For people with impaired immune systems, and patients should work with their doctors to determine the best course.

There is one thing that is clear while waiting for the second shot. That is, the benefits outweigh the risks.

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bright side: We can all now use the break from the bad news. So I close my column with a positive summary until I can say goodbye to the mask, hug my loved ones, and leave the house without fear.

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Caution: Sarcoidosis news Strictly speaking, it is a news and information website about this disease. It does not provide medical advice, Diagnosis, Or treatment. This content is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Diagnosis, Or treatment. If you have any questions about your medical condition, always seek advice from your doctor or other qualified healthcare provider. Do not ignore or delay seeking professional medical advice for anything you read on this website. The opinions contained in this column are: Sarcoidosis news Or its parent company, BioNews, aims to provoke discussions on issues related to sarcoidosis.

Athena, a former journalist from Pennsylvania, was diagnosed with sarcoidosis in 2002. She is certainly addicted to books, Marvel and football. She works with humor, passion and curiosity in her life and wants to reach out to others through her writing.

What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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