“The best ever” STD case, says CDC
(NEXSTAR) – Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are said to be the highest ever. data Released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Tuesday.
In 2019, more than 2.5 million cases of chlamydia, gonorrhea and syphilis (the most commonly reported sexually transmitted diseases) were reported.
This is an approximately 30% increase in reportable sexually transmitted infections between 2015 and 2019.
The number of STD cases has been steadily increasing for 6 years. The previous year was reported as the highest record of the previous year.
According to the CDC, the most rapid increase was in neonatal syphilis cases, which quadrupled between 2015 and 2019.
Syphilis can be transmitted from mother to child in utero.
“Less than 20 years ago, the incidence of gonorrhea in the United States was at historically low levels, syphilis was nearly eliminated, and advances in chlamydia diagnosis made it easier to detect infections,” said the CDC’s CDC division. Deputy directors Raul Romaguera, DMD and MPH said. STD prevention, in a statement. “Since then, that progress has been elucidated and our defenses against sexually transmitted diseases have diminished. We prioritize efforts to regain this lost ground and control the spread of sexually transmitted diseases. You need to attach and concentrate. “
The burden of sexually transmitted diseases increased overall in 2019 and across many groups. But it continued to hurt racial and ethnic minority groups, gay and bisexual men, and adolescents the most.
According to the CDC, the burden of sexually transmitted diseases was particularly high among ethnic minority, adolescent, gay and bisexual men.
Blacks were 5-8 times more likely to have a sexually transmitted disease than non-Hispanic whites, and Hispanic or Latino people were 1-2 times more likely.
Gay and bisexual men accounted for nearly half of all cases of primary and secondary syphilis in 2019, with gonorrhea prevalence 42 times higher than heterosexual men in some areas.
Similarly, data for young people aged 15 to 24 were harsh. Its population accounted for 61% of chlamydia cases and 42% of gonorrhea cases.
“Focusing on those who have been hit is important to reduce inequality,” said Jo Valentine of MSW, deputy director of the Health Inequalities Department of the CDC’s STD Prevention Division, in a statement. “To effectively reduce these disparities, we need to address social, cultural and economic conditions that make it more difficult for some people to stay healthy. Includes stable housing, drug use, lack of health insurance or legitimate health care providers, and a high burden of sexual infectious diseases in some communities. “
The CDC said the COVID-19 pandemic “deteriorated the already extended system for STD control in the United States.”
It has identified some “new and innovative ways” where STD services can meet additional people, including the STD Express Clinic, which offers gait testing and treatment. Partnerships with pharmacies and retail medical clinics. Telemedicine can “close the gap between testing and treatment” and “ensure access to healthcare providers.”
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