Bhutan has become a global leader in the deployment of the COVID-19 vaccine from no jabs in three weeks.This is their way
When the small Himalayan country of Bhutan was given 150,000 doses of AstraZeneca coronavirus vaccine in January, they decided to consult the stars before deploying them.
The monks informed the government that the luckiest time to start the vaccination drive was in late March, and a woman born in the year of the monkey was an ideal candidate.
The 30-year-old Ninda Dema was selected — given her first dose at 9:30 am on March 27, at the time of perfect astrology.
In a Buddhist prayer chant, she received a shot from a nurse who was also born in the year of the monkey at the vaccination center in the capital Thimphu.
“Let’s help all of us get over this illness with this little step of mine today,” she was reportedly told by the national Kuensel newspaper.
Then the prime minister was lined up, then his family. In a devout Buddhist country, choosing the right time to deploy the vaccine was important for the locals to trust the jab.
And the results speak for themselves.
Since Hoax’s vaccination, Bhutan has skyrocketed across Israel, the United States and Bahrain, with the highest percentage of single-vaccinated adults in the world.
Bhutan vaccinated 93% of the adult population in just 16 days. This means that 63% of the 800,000 citizens received their first injection.
But it wasn’t just the lucky stars that led them there. This is their way.
Vaccine diplomacy, volunteer army, cold chain storage
Having a population about the same as the city of San Francisco certainly makes rapid vaccine deployment more achievable.
However, sandwiched between China and India, this landlocked country faced many other challenges in reaching the people of remote mountain villages and lowland valleys.
Even before the pandemic was declared, the small country warned of a shortage of doctors.
The· The World Health Organization recommended a doctor-to-population ratio of 1: 1000That is, 1,000 people need a doctor. This required about 700 doctors in Bhutan. Instead, they had only 337.
To deploy the vaccine, the country relied on volunteers known as “desuups” who trekked difficult terrain to deliver vaccine equipment. They also encourage locals to wear masks and maintain social distance.
Through the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and UNICEF, the government has procured the equipment needed by the Ministry of Health to transport vaccines nationwide (in this case, two refrigerated vans).
“The mass vaccination was a mass movement led by His Majesty the King,” UNICEF representative of Bhutan’s Wilparks said in a statement to ABC.
“UNICEF leveraged its expertise in sourcing cold chain equipment, critical medical supplies and technical assistance, all of which helped prepare for rapid vaccination deployments.”
The vaccine center was left open on weekends to make jabs available to as many people as possible. On the other hand, elderly people and people with mobility problems visited their homes.
The country relied on a large amount of donated vaccines from neighboring India — probably given to counter the influence of China.
We also vaccinated about 5,800 doses of Pfizer vaccine through WHO’s COVAX program to support vaccination in low-income countries.
Pfizer Jab needs to be kept below freezing, but the country already had experience in cold chain storage from previous vaccine drives.
“We achieved universal vaccination in the 1990s and have always been very successful in vaccination.” Bhutan’s Minister of Health Dasho Dechen Wangmo told the UK Telegraph.
“Therefore, current vaccinations are based on existing programs, many systems have already been introduced, and many advocacy and micro-level plans have made the introduction of new vaccines much easier.”
What other countries may learn from Bhutan’s success
According to the Atlantic, there were five important factors Bhutan’s Strategy: Leadership, readiness, swift action, leveraging existing strengths, providing adequate support to isolated people.
However, some of Bhutan’s success is due to timing. Just a month before the coronavirus was reported in China, China was working with the World Health Organization to simulate how the country could respond to a pandemic.
This allowed the country to identify potential areas of weakness and, according to WHO and Bhutanese officials, contributed significantly to the country’s success in the fight against COVID-19.
The medical background of that leadership has also played a role. Prime Minister Lotay Tshering, a highly regarded doctor before entering politics, has been involved in pandemics since last year and is taking swift action to build a national framework to prevent outbreaks.
This included the implementation of the Gold Standard for Public Health Measures: Case Detection, Testing, Tracking, Isolation, and Treatment.The country worked again Enhance the capabilities of healthcare professionals, hospitals and laboratories, And ensure the provision of essential medical services.
“We have been very focused on the epidemiology of this vaccine deployment. We have forgotten the importance of strong leadership and swift and decisive action that is happening in Bhutan,” said the supply chain. Elizabeth Jackson, an expert in the field, said. Management and Logistics from Curtin University’s School of Management and Marketing told ABC.
The government is believed to maintain trust with the masses that have emerged to be vaccinated.
However, it was also important to reduce the size of the population and give citizens a sense of duty.
“Our strength lies in the intrinsic value of our smallness and solidarity,” said Dasho Dechen Wangmo, Bhutan’s Minister of Health.
Dr. Jackson agrees that Bhutan is taking advantage of its size and sets it apart from other countries.
“”[In Australia] We have to deliver the vaccine to more people. “
“We have a much more diverse population with a much more diverse attitude towards government decision making. This is very good in some ways. It lives in Australia. That’s why I love it.
“But it adds some complexity to consumer attitudes and population generosity.
“Therefore, one of the lessons learned from Bhutan is the positive consequences of listening to and following the guidance for successful vaccine deployment and quick and decisive action with strong leadership. It’s a very different country. “
The battle is not over yet
The small Himalayan kingdom has remained largely blocked from visitors since March last year, imposing compulsory quarantine on travelers returning from abroad.
It also enacted a blockade and only recorded the first COVID-19 death earlier this year.
However, although Bhutan has already been praised for its rapid vaccination drive, public health officials have warned that they have not yet reached the end of the road.
As cases of COVID-19 are escalating again around the world, communities are being urged to stay vigilant.
“Our battle must continue with new vitality and commitment to protect our country from this horrific pandemic,” Wanmo said.
What you need to know about coronavirus:
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