What is Long Covid? What are the symptoms?
The effects of Covid-19 can last for weeks or months for some people, and the path to recovery can be long and slow.
In the first months of the pandemic, health experts said that Covid-19 is generally a mild infection, which infects very quickly for the majority of people, and a small number of patients receive serious hospital treatment. I believed I needed it.
However, in recent months, the number of people infected with the virus has increased, and it has become clear that they are experiencing protracted symptoms that can hang out for months after their first illness.
The big picture isn’t known yet, but a study found that about 1 in 5 people who tested positive for Covid-19 suffered from symptoms for more than 5 weeks, and 1 in 10 still. I have been suffering from symptoms for over 12 weeks.
Affected people report a variety of problems, including severe fatigue, shortness of breath, muscle aches, and joint aches.
What exactly is Long Covid?
The Health Watchdog NICE defines a long Covid as lasting more than 12 weeks, but some people think it will be applied in a shorter time frame.
Dr. Brian O’Connor, a pulmonologist and long-time Covid Clinic leader at, said the term describes the signs and symptoms of Covid-19 that are present four weeks after the initial infection. It states that it represents.
“Long Covid symptoms can be more extensive than Covid-19 symptoms and can affect the whole body,” said the UK Asthma and UK Lung Foundation ( Health Advice. The person in charge, Jessica Kirby, adds. ). “Many people also find that their symptoms change and can come and go over time.”
What are some of the main signs and symptoms of long Covid?
Over time, we’ve discovered more about long Covids, and experts report that people will continue to exhibit a wide variety of symptoms.
According to O’Connor, the most common are respiratory symptoms such as shortness of breath and prolonged coughing, and cardiovascular symptoms such as chest tightness, chest pain and palpitation.
“For others, it may be a common symptom of fatigue, body aches, a sensation of fever, and occasional low-grade fever and pain,” he said. “In addition, there may be neurological symptoms such as brain fog, loss of concentration, amnesia, headaches, sleep disorders, peripheral neuropathy, pins and needles, numbness, and dizziness.”
Many patients also continue to experience abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea, and loss of appetite long after the initial onset of the illness.
“Joint and muscle pain can also persist, and some patients may continue to lose their sense of taste and smell and experience sore throat, ear pain, and tinnitus,” O’Connor adds.
The long Covid’s psychological consequences should not be overlooked. “Most patients present with symptoms of depression and anxiety, especially when the effects of Covid have a significant impact on their normal daily lives,” says O’Connor.
Can a doctor see if you have a long Covid?
“Yes, doctors must be the first port of call,” O’Connor urges. GP can evaluate blood pressure, pulse rate, blood oxygen concentration, etc. These can be done with quick and easy tests (but don’t forget to get up with GP surgery if you have Covid-19 symptoms and are likely to be infectious).
If the symptoms are severe, further investigations such as blood tests, chest x-rays, and ECG may be needed.
Kirby adds: “If you are hospitalized for Covid-19, you should contact your healthcare professional six weeks after you leave the hospital to see how you are recovering and ask about your symptoms.”
Need to worry if you have a long Covid?
It is encouraging to know that the vast majority of people with long Covids do not have life-threatening complications, and based on our current knowledge, O’Connor tells us that we are Covid’s permanent. Says there is no reason to believe it has a positive effect-19 about someone’s health.
“Recovery from a long Covid varies from person to person and there is no fixed timescale,” says Kirby. “But we need care available from local health care providers, such as rehabilitation and referrals to appropriate services.”
What treatments are available and what are the prospects?
Kirby states that depending on the condition, the doctor will provide personalized advice on how to manage the condition. “This is a long covid that can be given to family, friends and caregivers, as well as advice on how to set realistic goals, social care, housing, and how to get support from employment.”
O’Connor adds: “The most therapeutic interventions focus on rehabilitation and return to normal activity through manageable exercise programs and regimens.
“Access to high-quality physiotherapy to help with dysfunction and abnormal breathing patterns has been shown to be particularly beneficial,” he says.
Unfortunately, there is currently no way to predict how long it will take to recover from a long Covid. This is because it varies from person to person. However, it is helpful to remember that protracted symptoms are not unique to Covid-19 and have lasting effects on many other viral illnesses.
If you’re worried about your health or the health of your loved one infected with Covid-19, it’s important to talk to your GP.
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