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Coronavirus: Experts have discovered a variant from Tanzania that “has more mutations than known strains”


Researchers have found a Covid variant in Tanzania that is thought to have more mutations than any other strain.

Virologists said it appeared to be more removed from the original Wuhan virus than any other strain known in science, including the variants found in Kent. South Africa And India..

After flying from Tanzania to Angola’s airport in mid-February, it was first picked up by three travelers who were tested at Angola’s airport.

Researchers examined the sample in the laboratory and found that there were 34 changes in the virus. Fourteen of them were in “spiked” proteins that were used to latch into human cells and cause disease.

For comparison, the Kent mutant has 17 significant genetic changes and the spike has eight. South African stocks are even lower.

Professor Trio de Oliveira, who discovered this variant, said: “This is the most diverse when compared to other varieties of interest or varieties of interest.”

He described the strain, known as A.VOI.V2, as “the most diverse A strain ever described.” Line A is a direct offspring of the original Wuhan strain of the virus.

However, this comparison does not include Kent and South African variants. These are strain B, dating back to another strain that became dominant in Europe last summer.

It is not known enough for scientists to determine if a variant of Tanzania is more dangerous than the existing one.

And because sub-Saharan Africa is not well tested and genetically sampled, it is impossible to know how widespread it is.

Professor Trio de Oliveira said A.VOI.V2 is “potentially interesting” simply because of the high number of mutations.

In a paper by Professor Deolibeira and colleagues, a mutant strain named A.VOI.V2 (far right) found in Tanzania was significantly more than other strains, including Kent (B.1.1.7) and South Africa (501Y). It has been shown to have many mutations.  V2)

In a paper by Professor Deolibeira and colleagues, a mutant strain named A.VOI.V2 (far right) found in Tanzania was significantly more than other strains, including Kent (B.1.1.7) and South Africa (501Y). It has been shown to have many mutations. V2)

In Angola and Tanzania, outbreaks appear to be less this year than in the United Kingdom, but test and lab facilities are less advanced.

In Angola and Tanzania, outbreaks appear to be less this year than in the United Kingdom, but test and lab facilities are less advanced.

Professor Deolibeira announced his findings with a colleague at the University of KwaZulu-Natal in Durban, South Africa. Ministry of Health of Angola. Africa Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Universities in Rio de Janeiro, Oxford and Cape Town.

Professor Deolibeira said on Twitter:

‘Also [worried] We were found by three travelers from Tanzania, Angola. There is little data from Covid in Tanzania.

“This is the most diverse when compared to other variants of interest or variants of interest.”

The graphs published in this paper only compared it to the other five major mutants, suggesting that some of those samples contained more mutations than the Tanzania strain. .. Not all samples are the same. Also, some samples have extra mutations because the virus is constantly changing and not all changes continue.

The reason scientists are concerned about many mutations is that they increase the risk of vaccine immunity and past infections failing.

Immune system antibodies that destroy when a virus invades the body are specific and are not very effective against viruses that have never been seen before.

Spotted Dozen of Indian varieties in the British era

India’s nasty Covid variants have been found more than 200 times in the UK, MailOnline reveals.

The latest data from the government’s official coronavirus mutant tracking program show that 103 infected individuals carry the mutant strain.

However, another number published by the same group of experts shows that the B.1.617 variant was actually discovered 215 times. This accounts for about 1 in every 200 positive swabs analyzed.

Scientists said this was a “very annoying” number, with 85% of the samples detected in the past month, evidence of the prevalence of variants.

However, the director of health says that some cases overlap, as the majority are related to overseas travel.

Anyone flying to the United Kingdom from India and anywhere in the world will currently need to take two Covid tests during a 10-day quarantine at home. Due to the very small number of cases, British experts are now successful in ordering the majority of positive tests.

Scientists and senior Labor politicians have accused the government of allowing thousands of travelers from India to pour into the UK every week, even though they knew about the variant for almost a month.

Number 10 just announced yesterday that India will be added to the UK travel “Red List” and measures will not begin until 4am on Friday.

Data published by the Covid-19 Genomics UK Consortium show that Indian variants were found in all parts of the United Kingdom except Northern Ireland. There are 198 samples in England, 10 in Scotland and 7 in Wales.

Professor Paul Hunter of the University of East Anglia said it is “almost certain” that the number of cases of Indian variants will increase, as it can take a few weeks to analyze and publish the sequence.

B.1.617 is more spreadable than older strains and is feared to have mutations that help evade the vaccine, but to what extent remains unknown. Scientists do not believe it is more deadly than the strains currently prevalent in the UK.

That’s why the UK is preparing a booster vaccine campaign this fall. This gives people special protection against South African variants that have mutated from the original vaccine base. The current jab is expected to work, but it may be less effective than it is on the Kent strain.

Therefore, many vaccinated people may be re-infected or ill even after a jab if a new variant becomes predominant in the future.

In their treatise, published as a preprint and not reviewed by independent scientists, Professor de Oliveira and colleagues state that some of the mutations in the Tanzania variant are the same as in other strains. I did.

For example, what is called E484K is found in P1 mutants in South Africa and Brazil and is thought to help the virus bypass immunity from current vaccines. Nothing else was seen before.

The 31 mutations occurred in a way that meant that the amino acid (component) of that sequence was exchanged for another amino acid. These are called replacements. And in the remaining three mutations, the amino acids were completely eliminated – deleted.

In this paper, researchers suggested that Tanzania variants may have “resistance to neutralizing antibodies and potentially increased transmissibility.”

The team wrote: “Although only three cases of this new subspecies of interest have been detected, there are mostly undocumented epidemics in the source countries and public health measures to prevent their spread domestically and internationally. It’s rarely done, so an urgent investigation is needed. “

The actual magnitude of the outbreak in Tanzania is unknown, but the World Health Organization has recorded 24,518 confirmed cases and 563 deaths there.

Both Tanzania and Angola are on the UK Travel Red List. This means that visitors from these countries are not allowed to enter the UK. Only British citizens or residents can travel and must be quarantined at the hotel for at least 10 days and regularly inspected.

The latest variant that rattles British politicians and scientists is the first strain found in India, found on more than 200 positive test swabs.

Number 10 just announced yesterday that India will be added to the UK travel “Red List” and measures will not begin until 4am on Friday.

Due to the desperate scrambling to meet the quarantine deadline, at least 5,000 people will arrive from India to the United Kingdom before travel restrictions come into effect.

With the growing number of variants in the country and the spiral epidemic in India, the Prime Minister had to cancel his scheduled visit to Delhi next week.

Professor Paul Hunter, an epidemiologist at the University of East Anglia, added: in response to the incident of a new Indian variant:

“It’s still a bit early to know what’s really going on with this variant, but the signs aren’t looking good.”


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