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Zydus Cadila’s “Virafin” receives urgent approval from DGCI.Know how it works


New Delhi: On Friday, the Drugs Controller General of India (DGCI) granted urgent approval to Virafin, an antiviral drug for Zydus Cadila. The drug, pegylated interferon alpha-2b (PegIFN), is used to treat moderate COVID-19 infections in adults.

In the release, Cadila Health emphasized that “this drug has also been shown to be effective against other viral infections.”

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According to ANI, Dr. Sharvil Patel, Managing Director of Cadila Healthcare Limited, said: It is a very necessary time for patients and will continue to provide them with access to important treatments in this battle with COVID-19. ”

How “Virafin” works:

A single subcutaneous regimen of the antiviral drug Vilafin will make the treatment more convenient for the patient. In a press release, the company said that early administration of COVID-19 will help patients recover faster and avoid many of the complications.

Vilafin is also already used to treat hepatitis C caused by the virus. However, when the outbreak of SARS (the first variant of the coronavirus) occurred in 2004, studies conducted at the time showed that the drug was also effective in treating SARS. Therefore, it is now being reused to treat Covid-19.

Promising results:

In its Phase III clinical trial, this treatment showed better clinical improvement in patients suffering from COVID-19. During the study, a higher proportion of patients receiving the PegIFN arm were RT-PCR negative by day 7. This drug guarantees faster viral clearance compared to other antivirals and has some additional advantages.

Side effects:

Media reports show that, like most drugs, villafin has some side effects. According to the New18 article, it can develop flu-like symptoms and, in some cases, can change blood composition and cause neuropsychiatric disorders, so it should only be taken after consulting a doctor.

According to Saturday records given by the Ministry of Health India reports 3,46,786 new reports COVID 19 In the last 24 hours, 2,624 people have died and 2,19,838 have been discharged. India is currently fighting the second wave of Covid-19, which is endangering the healthcare system. Therefore, drugs like Virafin are essential for early treatment of the patient so that the patient’s condition does not deteriorate.


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