The importance of exaggerated social distance, research says
MIT professors claim that unfounded fear of how COVID-19 spreads unnecessarily forced the closure of schools, office buildings, and other indoor venues.
Not all indoor settings are the same. Ventilation is different, size is different, and occupancy is different. Not only that, but the activities that people do indoors are also very different. Therefore, the 6-foot social distance extension protocol assigned by both the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO) does not always apply. Research In the journal PNAS (((Proceedings of the United States Academy of Sciences).
Dr. Martin Z. Basant, a researcher at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), a professor of chemical engineering and applied mathematics, and Dr. John WM Bush, who teaches applied mathematics, have provided what they want to be a guide to the school. did. , Companies, policy makers, and individuals will have greater access to the risks of contracting COVID-19 indoors. They argue that their data suggest that things like school closures and occupancy restrictions may not be necessary in many cases.
To MIT Press release“We would like to use this study to establish a science of aerial propagation dedicated to Covid-19, taking into account all factors, available data, and the distribution of droplets of different types of activity,” said Basant. I think. “
The rules of social distance must be flexible. More if you need it, less if you need it. “If you understand science, you can do a lot in your own home, your business, your school,” Basant said in a press release.
In the same press release, Bush provided an example of this. “My mother is over 90 years old and lives in a long-term care facility. Our model makes it clear that it is convenient to wear a mask and open the windows. This is under your control. Thing.”
President Bush said the participants felt that they could safely attend an athletic class at the facility because the participants were six feet apart. However, the space in the exercise room and the number of participants actually make it a risky activity.
Their work has been promoted by some as evidence that many closed locations do not need to be closed. “Often the spaces are large enough, well ventilated, and the time people spend together is such that they can be safely operated even at full capacity, against the reduction in capacity of these spaces. Scientific support isn’t really very good, Basant said CNBC.. “If you run the numbers, you’ll see that there are still many types of spaces that don’t require occupancy restrictions.”
Bazant and Bush integrated data from indoor spread events to estimate infection levels for 10 aerosol-mediated virions.
“Case studies are presented for classrooms and nursing homes, and spreadsheets and online apps are provided to facilitate the use of guidelines,” the study said. “The impact on contact tracing and quarantine is considered and appropriate warnings are listed. Special consideration is given to breathing jets, which can significantly increase the risk if you are not wearing a face mask. “
They used an app and website developed by Kasim Khan to collect data. The app and website are populated with specific details of what is happening in the indoor environment, including the above variables. Next, we estimated how long it would take for the virus to spread from one person infected with COVID-19 under various circumstances.
They used real-world events like the Skagit Valley Choir in Washington. State of WashingtonDuring the two hours of chorus practice, 86% of the elderly were infected with COVID-19.
“Similarly, when 23 of the 68 passengers were infected on a two-hour bus trip in Ningbo, China, their seating location was uncorrelated with the distance to the proband,” the study said. “Aerial transmission was also associated with the outbreak of COVID-19 among residents of South Korean skyscrapers where apartments are connected via air ducts. The study found that up to 16 feet from infected patients in the hospital room. It has also been confirmed that infectious SARS-CoV-2 virions are present in respiratory aerosols floating in air samples collected at distance. “
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