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Researchers develop new promising treatments for HIV


The University of Nebraska Medical Center has developed new tools to prevent HIV infection. This allows people with or at risk of getting the virus to take the drug once a year.

Progress has the potential to eliminate complications resulting from a shortage of life-saving medicines, according to a study published today. Natural materials, Leading peer-reviewed biomedical research journal.

The team, led by Dr. Benson Edagwa, associate professor of the UNMC Division of Pharmacology and Experimental Neuroscience, and Howard Genderman, MD, chairman and professor of the department, is the world’s first potential antiretroviral drug (ARV). Developed a prophylaxis for HIV infection by converting a one-month ARV drug into a once-a-year treatment.

This drug development has the potential to prevent as well as treat viral infections. This could certainly be a therapeutic milestone. “

UNMC, Chairman and Professor of Department of Pharmacology and Experimental Neuroscience, Howard Genderman Doctor of Medicine

Genderman designed a pharmacological study.

This study describes what acts as a vaccine mimic to protect the body from HIV infection over time.

“While viral vaccines and long-acting modified ARVs have very different mechanisms of action, both can function to protect against infection,” Dr. Gendermann said.

Currently, people infected with HIV must take medication daily to control their illness. UNMC treatment allows HIV-infected individuals to receive an injection once a year if clinical trials prove it safe and effective.

Innovations currently under development can prevent HIV transmission in vulnerable individuals. Existing ARV regimens can help individuals with HIV live with minimal health complications and prevent the transmission of HIV to their sexual partners, but the risk of missing daily treatment is a major health care Is a problem. Insufficient daily ART dose can cause the virus to rebound and cause associated comorbidities.

Dr. Edagwa and Gendelman recognized a large team of scientists in the department for projects such as instructor Aditya Bade, Ph.D. and graduate student Tanmay Kulkarni.

Scientists have created a drug that works for one year from its parent drug, cabotegravir (CAB). CAB is a powerful HIV-1 drug that blocks the virus from inserting its genetic material into human cells. Drugs are slowly released from tissue depots by chemically converting CAB to nanocrystals, allowing enzymes in the body to slowly convert the modified drug to its active form.

“This happens over a long period of time, and up to a year in laboratory and animal studies,” said Dr. Edagwa, who designed and manufactured the necessary modifications of the new prodrug. Prodrugs are a class of drugs in which an inactive compound is converted by the body into its active form.

The UNMC team has developed an ARV treatment by altering the molecular structure of prodrugs manufactured and engineered at the UNMC campus laboratory and tested in mouse and non-human primates.

Human testing has not yet begun, but the development necessary to reach this goal is underway with the help of scientists from the Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI).

CHAI’s Paul L. Domanico, Tai-Yuen Yue and Gary Moore Natural materials He has published papers and is actively collaborating with UNMC scientists to facilitate the transition from animal testing to human testing.

Current active research into the properties, dosing, and potential toxicity of pharmaceuticals is currently underway, and vaccine mimics are needed before final approval by the US Food and Drug Administration for market entry. So far, no adverse side effects have been shown in any animal test model.

CAB was originally developed by ViiV Healthcare, a pharmaceutical subsidiary of GlaxoSmithKline, which specializes in developing treatments for HIV infection. Prodrug nanocrystal approach invented by Dr. Edagwa and Gendelman have enhanced previous versions of the drug.

“The partnership and collaboration will leverage what we have done at the Nebraska Nanomedicine Production Plant (NNPP) to develop drugs that could be used by patients with HIV and those who are vulnerable to infection,” said NNPP’s Provisional Director. Dr. Gendermann said. Resources to support product research, development and manufacturing of nanoprescription drugs.

According to Dr. Genderman, drug prescribing is an important tool to drive the treatment of science-based illnesses, from HIV to the outbreak of other viruses that may include COVID-19.


See journal:

Kulkarni, T. A., other. (2020) Cabotegravir prodrug with long-term nanorelease for one year. Natural materials.


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