Pamplin Media Group-When the Spanish Cold Hits Cloak County
About 102 years ago, Crook County and the world were dealing with a pandemic
As the world has entered a pandemic era in the past four months, one history seems to repeatedly emerge for reflection. About 102 years ago, the world was dealing with a pandemic, and those infected with the virus also suffered from the complications of pneumonia. However, the “Spanish flu” was targeted at young, healthy adults and had many more unpleasant side effects.
A quick look at what was happening in the world, especially in the 1918 Prineville, is a reflection of what has changed, reminding us of how the Plineville came together a century later.
1918 Spanish flu overview
The United States entered the First World War in April 1917 with 378,000 military personnel. Overcrowding and global military movements led to the spread of the flu, later known as the “Spanish flu.” Ironically, the pandemic coincided with the beginning and end of World War I. The pandemic is reported to have begun to rage in Europe from May to July 1917. The war is over.
According to the Central Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the 1918 flu pandemic was the most severe outbreak in recent history. It was caused by the H1N1 virus, which carries a gene of bird origin. There is no universal consensus on where the virus originated, but it was spread throughout the world between 1917 and 1919. The first mention of Spanish influenza in the United States was on April 5, 1918, in a weekly public report in Haskell, Kansas.
The 1918 H1N1 virus has been synthesized and evaluated, but the properties that made it devastating are not well understood. Since there are no vaccines to prevent influenza infections and no antibiotics to treat secondary bacterial infections that may be associated with influenza infections, management activities around the world are quarantining, quarantine, using adequate personal hygiene, and using antiseptics. Was limited to non-pharmaceutical interventions, such as restrictions, of public gatherings that did not apply equally.
The CDC reported that the Spanish flu killed 675,000 people in the United States and 50 million people worldwide. The H1N1 virus is estimated to have infected 500 million people, or one-third of the world’s population at that time. The virus caused deaths primarily in people under the age of 5, 20-40, and over 65.
The closest demographic information available shows that in 1920, Prineville had a population of 1,144. Bend had a population of 5,415 at the time.
Timeline of the Spanish influenza epidemic Prineville from the 1918 Crook County Journal (Central Oregon)
October 17, 1918
A local resident, Letica Pratt, traveled to Portland, Oregon, and fell ill when she visited Portland. “She was isolated in an isolated location in the southern part of the city, and the situation did not justify the closure of schools and other locations,” the report said.
Local health officials have determined that the school will not be closed until the disease begins to spread.
During the pandemic, US health authorities began an educational program to promote the risk of coughing and sneezing and the spread of infection.
The October 17th entry also seems to address this.
“Uncle Sam’s Advice on Influenza: Public Health Department Issues Public Health Bulletin on Flu”
In this bulletin, we looked at symptoms to watch out for, the protocols that were recommended at that time, some history of the epidemic, and the best information available at that time. Excerpts from this breaking news included in the Crook County Journal:
Spanish authorities have denied any claim to the flu as a “Spanish illness”. US surgeon Rupert Bleu said of the Spanish flu: “This disease, which is currently occurring in this country and is called the” Spanish flu “, resembles a contagious cold with fever and pain. ”
It has been described as affecting the eyes, head, ears, back, or other parts of the body, with the sensation of “severe illness”. In most cases, the symptoms disappeared within 3-4 days and the patient recovered rapidly. However, some patients developed pneumonia or ear inflammation or meningitis, and many patients in these complex cases died.
The Crook County Journal also reported that the flu epidemic has visited the United States since 1867. The first epidemics came from Valencia, Spain in 1889 and 1890. It began in the Orient, first spread to Russia and then to the civilized world. In May, June, and July of 1917, it was also reported that the then Spanish flu was rampant throughout Europe. The flu spread rapidly throughout the region, and the number of sick people suddenly increased. The struck person felt weak, had pain in the eyes, ears, head, or back, dizziness, chills and nausea. High fever was also associated with this disease.
The cause of the flu was suggested, “The flu is always spread from person to person, and it is believed that the bacteria are carried with the air along with tiny droplets of mucus expelled by coughing, sneezing, and strong conversation. More and more similar-those who already have the disease pathogen. ”
For prevention, “it is important to keep your body strong and to fight off disease-causing bacteria to protect yourself from all kinds of diseases.”
The recommendations also included eating enough healthy foods, and drinking milk was emphasized as “one of the best all-round foods for adults and children.” Overcrowding of houses and close relationships with companies have also been recognized as a way to spread the flu even further. It was thought that once the person who had the flu recovered, he would get the flu again.
For those who are caring for patients, it was advisable to wear “a rapper, apron, or gown while in the hospital room”. You should also wear a simple folding gauze or mask when you are near the patient. When the patient became ill, they were immediately advised not to go home and go to bed and be in the same room as other members of the family. Only caregivers were allowed in the room, and cold compresses could be applied if the patient had a fever.
“It’s silly to ask a pharmacist for prescription, and it may be dangerous to take what is called a safe, secure and harmless remedy advertised by a patented drug manufacturer.”
November 7, 1918
The main headline on November 7, 1918, which read “The war is over!”, Also said, “German signed the terms of the armistice at 11 o’clock and hostilities stopped today at 2 o’clock.” wrote.
Under that heading, “Influenza cases occur here.”
Several more cases occurred during the week of November 7. One death was due to the Spanish flu, but “almost all other cases are considered convalescent or considered mild by the attending physician”.
The prompt action of local authorities in closing public meetings was initially credited with preventing the widespread spread of the disease. At the time of this edition, all schools, churches and other public places were closed, and meetings of all kinds were banned by city authorities.
The number of cases at present was estimated to be 6-18, but many of them were mild cases, so the exact number could not be easily determined.
This entry in the November 7 death announcement: Mrs. Lakeview’s Ed Greenslet died at Home Hospital (in Prineville). Her cause of death was influenza-induced pneumonia. When she was ill, she stopped at Prineville on the way to The Dulles, Oregon. Originally Lera Holder, she was originally from Prineville. Her father was the editor of “Review”.
November 14, 1918
F.N.’s Family Wallace, a family of five from Tumaro, was reported to have a flu illness in Spain.
The bend was hit hard. There were a number of cases at the morgue last night, saying, “Bend is terribly suffering from the Spanish flu epidemic. Reports reached the city today that four funerals took place yesterday and several nights last night. The body was in a morgue. ”
December 5, 1918
The school was scheduled to open on December 2 after five weeks of quarantine. Prineville was announced as “substantially free from the flu.”
December 12, 1918
Crook County Journal Powell Butte News:
Joe Townsend was ill in the field and was taken to Redmond Hospital. It was full of “flu patients.” He was then taken to Prineville Hospital.
Bend lifted the ban on public meetings. They used to run an emergency hospital for several weeks at the peak of the pandemic.
With the exception of the 6-18 November 7 excerpts, there was no information on the number of cases of Prineville having the Spanish flu.
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Information about the Prineville timeline, derived from the archives of the Crook County Journal (Original Central Oregonian), October 1918 to December 1918.
History of Spanish influenza from the Center for Disease Control (CDC) Archives.
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