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A family of women in Quebec who died of a blood clot after the AstraZeneca vaccine warns


A family of women in Quebec who died of a blood clot after receiving the Oxford-AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine is urging others to keep an eye on their symptoms and seek immediate help.

Francine Boyer, 54, loved ones confirmed her identity late Tuesday and issued a statement confirming that her death took place on April 23.

Boyer and her husband, Alan Sale, received their first dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine on April 9. The family then says she experienced headaches and malaise in the next few days.

“Then she went to the nearest hospital,” the family said. “She was then transferred to the Montreal Neurological Hospital Institute because of her condition. Francine died of a stroke.”

read more: Quebec reports first death from blood clot after AstraZeneca vaccination

According to the statement, her husband had not experienced any side effects from the vaccine.

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The family is urging anyone who may experience symptoms similar to Boyer or other side effects to immediately call the Quebec Info-Santé hotline (811) in case of doubt.

According to the obituary, Boyer was originally from San Remi, about 30 kilometers south of Montreal.

She was the mother of two sons and had two grandchildren. The family will celebrate Boyer’s life in May with a small ceremony seeking privacy when they are sad.

Boyer is believed to be the first person to die in Canada after receiving the AstraZeneca vaccine. Authorities emphasized that serious side effects are rare and that vaccines save far more lives than danger.

The brain has a much higher risk — up to 10 times more likely — Blood clot From COVID-19 infection, rather than from vaccines against disease Researcher says..

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Quebec woman dies of blood clot after AstraZeneca vaccination

Quebec woman dies of blood clot after AstraZeneca vaccination

Health Minister Christian Duvet said on Tuesday that the state is currently investigating four serious complications out of about 400,000 people who received the AstraZeneca vaccine.

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Health Canada approved the AstraZeneca vaccine for people over the age of 18 after concluding that it was safe and effective, despite evidence suggesting that it could rarely cause blood clots. Meanwhile, the National Advisory Committee suggests that people over the age of 30 can provide an injection if they don’t want to wait for another vaccine.

Quebec is vaccinating people between the ages of 45 and 79.

Dr. Oracio Aruda, head of public health in Quebec, said Tuesday that the state would continue its strategy.

— — Using files from Global News Alessia Simona Maratta and The Canadian Press

© 2021 Global News, a division of Corus Entertainment Inc.


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