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People who gather after receiving both Covid vaccines are “incredibly safe” but not allowed


The two fully vaccinated can meet, which is “incredibly safe,” said England’s Deputy Chief Medical Officer.

Jonathan Vantam said at a press conference in Downing Street that he was “very confident” that the meeting between the two vaccinated people who received the Covid-19 jab would not take a significant risk. It was.

But he said the British people are now being prevented from doing so because the young population still needs to be vaccinated.

Van-Tam replied why such contact is possible in the United States, not in the United Kingdom, where a quarter of adults are taking both AstraZeneca or Pfizer jab.

Health Minister Matt Hancock told the briefing that the decision was made to move as a unified country for greater freedom, as set out in the government’s blockade roadmap.

Should people who have been vaccinated twice be allowed to meet?Please let me know in the comments

Mr. Vantam
Vantam said the reason the two vaccinated people couldn’t meet was because the young people hadn’t got the jab yet.
(Image: Getty Images)

In the United States, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states that fully vaccinated people can start some of what they did before the pandemic.

Two weeks after the second vaccination, people are said to be able to gather indoors with other fully vaccinated people without wearing masks or social distance.

They can also gather indoors with unvaccinated people from one other household, without social distance, unless the household has someone vulnerable to Covid.

Asked why Britain does not obey the United States, Hancock said:

Matt Hancock
Matt Hancock said the roadmap is designed to “move together” with the country.
(Image: Pool via Getty Images / AFP)

“As you know, in the fall we traveled to different parts of the country, depending on the rates seen in those areas.

“While this had some advantages, it also had the disadvantage of seeing cases pop up in less restrictive areas.

“So we made the decision when we all wrote a roadmap that worked together, and I think it’s very widely supported.”

Professor Vantam said: “If you get two vaccinations and two people get them at least 14 days after the second vaccination, you’re scientifically convinced that a reliable vaccine is actually incredibly safe. For the two to meet “

A quarter of adults have both doses of Covid jab
(Image: Reuters)

As for when that could happen in the UK, he said: “Soon, I really hope soon, but now it’s not perfect.”

He warned that people under the age of 42 have not yet been vaccinated, except for clinically very vulnerable people and health care workers who “may have a slight reduction in the effectiveness of the vaccine.”

“I know this feels appetizing and very close, and it can sometimes be frustrating for people, especially those who take two doses,” he said.

“But you need to make sure you don’t have to go back about this again and keep the line a little longer.”

It was cultural, partly because Dr. Mary Ramsey, head of public health services (PHE) vaccination, had previously told MPs that the country did not follow the United States to grant greater freedom. After that.

Jonathan Van Tam
People over the age of 42 are now called for their jabs
(Image: PA)

Dr. Ramsey told the Commons Science and Technology Commission that the UK’s policy of leaving vaccination intervals of up to 12 weeks (a move that she said she saved lives) lags the United States in the United States for fully vaccinated individuals. He said it meant taking.

“Perhaps because of the fact that more people received two doses, I think they (US) can be more cautious than us.

“Our data show that even a single dose is very good (for transmission), so I think we can start investigating those factors, and we can start investigating those factors. We are investigating the factors.

“I think the other is that the cultural perspective is a little different in that this country tends to do everything together.

“This is about the entire population, not the individual, and it means that a privileged individual who receives two doses can manage to do something that no one else can.”

Dr. Ramsey also told the MP that it was “very important” for as many people as possible to be vaccinated before all restrictions were relaxed.

“As more people get vaccinated, we gradually release and observe what happens, which allows us to continue, but what the future holds, what people do. It depends on how you act and how the vaccine works. “


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