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Actor Shawn Thia's Parody Video Satirizes DPM Wong's Emotional Succession Message

Actor Shawn Thia's Parody Video Satirizes DPM Wong's Emotional Succession Message


Singaporean actor Shawn Thia () recently posted a parody video on his social media platform, humorously imitating Deputy Prime Minister Lawrence Wong's video response to the announcement of his succession as Prime Minister of Singapore.

Last Monday, the Singapore Prime Minister's Office (PMO) officially announced Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong's decision to resign, with DPM Wong expected to succeed him on May 15, 2024.

Shortly after Monday's announcement at 4 p.m., Deputy Prime Minister Wong immediately shared an emotional video message on his social media, seeking the support of Singaporeans “in a shared vision of one united people”.

“Wawrence Long”, in an AC/DC t-shirt, wants to pursue his own dream

However, Shawn Thia also uploaded another parody video the next day, satirizing DPM Wong's original video message.

The parody video humorously depicted “never-before-seen” footage of a political figure named “Wawrence Long,” played by Shawn Thia himself, during the recording of the moving video message.

In the video, “Wawrence Long”, bearing a striking resemblance to DPM Wong, recited a scenario similar to Wong's video message: “My fellow Singaporeans, when I was invited to enter politics in 2011, I did not I didn't expect that I would then be the Prime Minister of Singapore.

However, “Wawrence Long” quickly questioned himself, saying he did not even want to become Prime Minister.

The director (also played by Shawn Thia himself) had to intervene, reminding “Wawrence Long” to stick to the script.

“Wawrence Long” then asserted that “every ounce of his energy will be devoted to the service of the country” and assured Singaporeans that “their dreams will inspire his actions”.

Yet when speaking of dreams, “Wawrence Long” faltered once again, revealing his own aspiration to become a musician when he was younger.

“You know, when I was younger, I really wanted to be a musician,” “Wawrence Long” said.

Interestingly, in real life, DPM Wong, also Singapore's Finance Minister, is known for his passion for music and his talent for playing the guitar.

Once again, the “director” interrupted, pointing out that “Wawrence Long” is about to rule a nation and his musical activities must stop.

“Wawrence Long” then argued, “Do you think I play guitar on social media to be relevant? No, I play so people will call me for their next gig.

“I mean, everyone deserves to change their dreams, right? he asks himself, frustrated by the contrast between his aspirations and the fulfillment of others.

“I’m out, I’m out,” he exclaimed, his frustration boiling over. “I don’t care anymore; I want to be a musician! “Wawrence Long” shouted, and at the same time he took off his white shirt to reveal a T-shirt of the rock band AC/DC underneath.

However, the director, appearing to receive a message, informed “Wawrence Long” of the authorities' announcement regarding the Prime Minister's annual salary, showing it to him.

Afterward, the scene showed “Wawrence Long” seemingly coming to terms with reality, calmly completing the recording.

He read the script and let his audience know that he felt honored to be their Prime Minister.

“Let us move forward as one Singapore team,” concluded “Wawrence Long,” a few tears visible in his reddened eyes.

The camera shot also captured a guitar sitting in the corner, adorned with a note reading “Lawrence – don’t touch.”

Internet users amused by the parody of “Wawrence Long”

The parody video certainly caught the attention of netizens and went viral beyond Shawn Thia's social media page.

Many are amused by Shawn Thia's portrayal of “Wawrence Long”, noting his “uncanny resemblance” to real-life DPM Wong.

Some mocked that the video humorously depicts how the salary keeps “Wawrence Long” on the “right track” despite his desire to pursue a music career.

A netizen offered comfort to 'Wawrence Long', suggesting that with his high salary, he can surely afford to indulge his passion for guitars.

It is worth noting that Singapore's ministers are among the highest paid in the world. The Prime Minister, in particular, receives an annual salary package which includes a 13th month bonus, an annual variable component (AVC) and a national bonus.

According to Civil Service Division Under the PMO, the Prime Minister's annual salary is set at twice the MR4 benchmark, or S$2.2 million.

Meanwhile, some netizens also praised Shawn Thia for including the poignant “crying” moment in the parody video.

In March 2020, Lawrence Wong, who was Minister of National Development and co-chair of the multi-ministerial task force on the COVID-19 outbreak, weep during a parliamentary session.

He emotionally commended frontline workers, including healthcare professionals, for their exceptional dedication and sacrifices during these difficult times.

Bloomberg columnist:Wong's guitar skills unlikely to help him as prime minister

Following the succession announcement, Singapore's state media covered the city-state leadership succession last week, with analysis and expert opinions praising Wong for his compassionatedata-driven and consultative.

However, in aopinion articleFor Bloomberg, columnist Karishma Vaswani warned that Singapore was entering uncharted territory following the departure of Prime Minister Lees.

She warned that the global landscape facing Singapore could be more precarious than ever and stressed that Mr Wong will need to bring new ideas, wisdom and experience to effectively lead the country.

Vaswani suggested that while Wong is known to be sincere and hardworking, it will take more than that for him to effectively address diplomatic challenges.

Interestingly, Vaswani cited Ian Chong, a non-resident fellow at Carnegie China and a political scientist at the National University of Singapore, who notes Wong's lack of clear political vision.

We know the hobbies of the new Prime Minister, but we do not know what he has planned for the country.

It's a bit strange that the person who is taking over, and who has had enough time to chart his path, hasn't done so yet. Maybe that tells you that no one in government knows yet, Ian Chong said.

Ms Vaswani acknowledged Wong's popularity on social media due to his guitar skills, but suggested such talents were unlikely to prove useful in his new role as prime minister.




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