A new cell atlas in the COVID lung reveals why SARS-CoV-2 is deadly and different-ScienceDaily

A new study draws the most detailed picture of SARS-CoV-2 infection in the lung to date, reveals the mechanisms leading to fatal COVID-19, explains long-term complications, and others It may show how it differs from an infectious disease in.
The study, led by researchers at Columbia University Vagelos College and Herbert Irving Cancer Center, found that COVID-19 unleashes the harmful triple stars of runaway inflammation, direct destruction, and impaired lung cell regeneration in patients who die of infection. I did. Involved in gas exchange and accelerated scarring of the lungs.
The study examined the lungs of patients who died of the disease and provides solid clues as to why survivors of severe COVID experience long-term respiratory complications due to lung scarring.
“Although this is a catastrophic disease, images of the COVID-19 lung are the first step in identifying potential targets and treatments that disrupt part of the vicious cycle of the disease, especially for pulmonary fibrosis. The causative cells can be targeted early, which may prevent or ameliorate long-term complications of severe COVID-19 survivors, “said a group of more than 40 researchers. A series of analyzes that can be completed in a few months usually takes years.
This study and a companion paper led by Harvard / MIT researchers and contributed by Colombian researchers have been published in the journal. Nature April 29th.
Study Creates Atlas of COVID Lung Cells
The new study is another study in that it directly examines lung tissue (rather than sputum or bronchial lavage) using single-cell molecular profiling that can identify each cell in a tissue sample and record the activity of each cell. Unlike in the COVID lungs, a cellular atlas is obtained.
“Normal lungs have many of the same cells found in COVID, but in different proportions and activation states,” says Izar. “To understand how COVID-19 differs from control lungs and other forms of infectious pneumonia, we needed to examine thousands of cells one by one.”
Izar’s team consisted of 19 lungs that died of COVID-19 and underwent rapid autopsy (within hours of death), lungs that were frozen immediately after lungs and other tissues were collected, and COVID-. The lungs of patients other than 19 were examined. In collaboration with researchers at Cornell University, they also compared their findings with the lungs of patients with other respiratory illnesses.
Drugs that target IL-1β may reduce inflammation
Studies have shown that the lungs of COVID patients are filled with immune cells called macrophages, compared to normal lungs.
Normally, during infection, these cells not only chew the pathogen, but also regulate the intensity of inflammation. This is also useful in battle.
“COVID-19 shows proliferation and uncontrolled activation of macrophages such as alveolar macrophages and monocyte-derived macrophages,” says Izar. “They are completely out of balance and allow inflammation to increase unsuppressed. This allows more immune cells to enter, cause more inflammation and eventually damage lung tissue. Brings a vicious circle of giving. “
In particular, IL-1β, one of the inflammatory cytokines, is produced at a high rate by these macrophages.
“Unlike other cytokines such as IL-6, which appear to be universally prevalent in a variety of pneumonia, IL-1β production in macrophages is compared to other viral or bacterial lung infections. It’s more noticeable with COVID-19, “says Izar. “It’s important because there are drugs that reduce the effects of IL-1β.”
Some of these drugs have already been tested in clinical trials in patients with COVID.
Severe COVID also prevents lung repair
In a typical infection, the virus damages lung cells, the immune system removes pathogens and debris, and the lungs regenerate.
However, in COVID, a new study shows that the SARS-CoV-2 virus not only destroys alveolar epithelial cells that are important for gas exchange, but subsequent inflammation impairs the ability of the remaining cells to regenerate the damaged lung. I understand. Although the lungs still contain cells that can be repaired, inflammation can permanently trap these cells in intermediate cellular states and complete the final steps of differentiation required to replace the mature lung epithelium. lose.
“In particular, IL-1b appears to be responsible for inducing and maintaining this intermediate cell state,” says Izar. “It links COVID-19 inflammation with impaired lung regeneration. This suggests that it targets IL- in addition to reducing inflammation. 1beta brakes the cells needed to repair the lungs. It may help to unlock it. “
Prevention of accelerated fibrosis
Researchers have also discovered a number of specific fibroblasts, called pathological fibroblasts, that form rapid scars in the COVID-19 lungs. When fibroblasts fill the lungs with scar tissue (a process called fibrosis), the lungs have less space for cells involved in gas exchange and are permanently damaged.
Given the importance of pathological fibroblasts in disease, Izar’s team scrutinized the cells to identify potential drug discovery targets. An algorithm called VIPER, previously developed by Dr. Andrea Califano, chair of Systems Biology at Columbia University Vagelos College, plays an important role and has several intracellular potential targets for existing drugs. The molecule has been identified.
“This analysis predicted that inhibition of STAT signaling could reduce some of the harmful effects caused by pathological fibroblasts,” says Izar.
“Our hope is that by sharing this analysis and vast data resources, other researchers and pharmaceutical companies will not only test and extend these ideas to treat critically ill patients, but also severe COVID. Being able to find a cure that reduces the complications of those who survive. 19. “
Team efforts by several Colombian laboratories
“It was only possible to put this study together in such a short period of time with the help of several teams of Colombian researchers,” says Isar.
Importantly, in the first months of the pandemic, the Department of Pathology and Cell Biology in Colombia flash-frozen many tissues from deceased COVID patients in order to maintain the molecular state of the cells. Decided. Hanina Hibshoosh, MD, director of the department’s organization bank, has begun collaborating with Izar’s lab, which has expertise in performing single-cell analysis using frozen tissue. Pathologists Anjali Saqi, MD, a professor of pathology and cell biology, also contributed to the procurement and evaluation of samples.
Jianwen Que, MD, PhD, a professor of medicine, and his lab provided the expertise to identify and characterize lung cells and their ability to regenerate. Dr. Robert Schwabe, MD, an associate professor of medicine who is an expert in fibrosis, was essential in analyzing the mechanism by which COVID-19 promotes lung scarring. “I am very grateful to all the labs for contributing to this effort, and I am very fortunate to be in Colombia with all the expertise needed in one collaboration environment.”
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