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Consciousness is the only key to preventing a dengue outbreak during the Covid-19 pandemic


KAPURTHALA: Pushpa Gujral Science City celebrated National Dengue Day by hosting a webinar on “Strategy to Prevent the Outbreak of Dengue during the Covid-19 Pandemic.” About 200 students and teachers from all over Punjab participated in virtual mode. Dr. Kulbir Kaur, director of the Punjab Institute of Medical Science in Jalandhar, was the main speaker on this occasion. She said that dengue fever is caused by the dengue virus, which is transmitted by being bitten by female Aedes aegypti. It occurs from July to October because it is the most suitable condition for mosquito breeding.

We are already facing a second wave of pandemics that is putting immense pressure on medical facilities, and when faced with another epidemic of dengue, it can have devastating consequences and lead to the collapse of the healthcare system. She added that it could be connected. Moreover, in the early stages, it was difficult to distinguish between dengue fever and Covid 19 due to similar clinical symptoms and laboratory findings. Therefore, she warned that early and accurate diagnosis is very important.
Dr. Nirima Geras, Director General of Science City, made an introductory remark on this occasion, and about 150,000 dengue fever cases are reported annually in Japan. In recent years, the risk of dengue fever has increased due to rapid urbanization and deficiency. Said that. Water management, including improper water storage practices in urban, peri-urban and rural areas, can lead to a surge in mosquito breeding grounds. She emphasized the need to enhance dengue prevention through the integration and integrated efforts of various sectors to control and prevent dengue transmission. An important option available to us is to raise awareness among the masses, control larval habitats around homes, workplaces and dumps, and use pesticide sprays to make contact with human vectors. Is to reduce.
Science City Director Rajesh Glover, who attended the event, said the National Dengue Day, celebrated on May 16 every year, shows that preparations are needed before the dengue transmission season begins in the country. I did.He urged participants to remove water from coolers and other small containers at least once a week during the dengue season, emphasizing the need to wear clothing that covers the arms and legs and the use of mosquito nets / repellents during sleep. Did

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