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Coronavirus: Hospital chief says the government’s test target is “red herring”


The ambitious goal of the government testing 100,000 people a day is a “red herring” that distracts shortcomings in the long run Coronavirus Strategy, painful NHS Provider Report found.

This document states that British medical care that Covid-19 had consistently struggled with to strengthen its grip in Europe and demonstrate a clearly lacking “clear, effective and well communicated strategy”. It highlights how the system started “from a bad position.” Who, when, how and how often they are tested.

NHS ProviderRepresents a hospital NHS The Prime Minister trusted England and said leaders were “ready to play their part” in the testing regime, but needed to know “as much as possible and as soon as possible” to do so. It was

He added, “By the time we reach a testing regime that can be described as fit for purpose, there is still a huge amount left.”

Even though Prime Minister Boris Johnson initially confirmed the purpose of conducting 250,000 tests per day, the government continued to question the daily test goals set by Health Secretary Matt Hancock on April 2 at the end of the month. Is presented. .

Chris Hopson, NHS Provider The CEO said members are increasingly frustrated by the lack of clarity on how the testing regime will be developed for the next phase.

Government remains stoic by refusing mitigation Blockade Measures, unless there are five criteria, including manageable infection rates and test capabilities, despite considerable pressure from several quarters.

Hopson said: “Testing with trust NHS, The health care system as a whole is struggling to develop effective and coordinated approaches.

“When considering the route from lockdown, what trust leaders now need is a clear test structure.

“Setting goals for many tests on April 30 could have had the effect of drawing current, but most importantly, the latest strategy to get out of lockdown.”

Professor John Newton, a government test plemo, said Wednesday he was confident he would reach 100,000 landmarks by the end of April.

However, according to the latest figures released by Foreign Minister Dominic Clave during the Downing Street press conference on Wednesday, the target has been met to some extent, despite Mr Hancock’s announcement of a significant expansion, on Tuesday, 52,429. A person tested Covid-19 in the UK in a group that was tested early in the week.

However NHS Provider The report describes how members felt “at the end of a series of frequent tactical announcements” and “no long-term strategic visibility.”

“Despite the fact that many of the changes have a significant impact on operations, they are expected to wear hats and respond to these changes without prior notice or planning.”

In addition, “A recent general focus on whether 100,000 tests will be performed on April 30th is red herring.”

NHS Provider Targets were described as “voluntary,” he said they risk hindering the development of “adequate next-stage testing strategies,” he added, “maybe they are testing for testing.”

This report addresses virus issues by addressing some issues, including how we intend to improve access to our key worker tests and how we expect swabbed people to be prioritized. Urging the government to update an existing test plan that was published before it was considered to be the first peak of. And how will you track and track new outbreaks after the lockdown is lifted?

It said that determining why these problems arose and whether the response was appropriate was due to subsequent public investigations.

The Ministry of Health and Human Services spokesman said the test is “absolutely important” and the ability is NHS And the British Institute of Public Health more than doubled in a few weeks.

“Our goal with this virus is to make it easy, fast and easy for all the important workers who need a test to get it.

“In addition to building a nationwide drive network at the test site, we introduced the introduction of a home test kit, deployed a mobile test unit operated by the Armed Forces, and set up three We have built a new “megalab”. “

Press Association


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