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Covid vaccination program opens in Northern Ireland between the ages of 25-29


Northern Ireland’s coronavirus vaccination program has been opened to the 25-29 age group.

The latest expansion will take place a few days after the region has reached a breakthrough of 1 million in the number of people receiving at least one jab.

Anyone born between Thursday, May 1, 1991 and July 31, 1996 can book at one of the Trust Immunization Centers in Northern Ireland.

Following the latest JCVI advice, anyone under the age of 40 can book a Pfizer Biotech vaccine. Alternatively, the Ministry of Health can do what the Ministry of Health has stated as an “informed decision” to receive AstraZeneca Jab at the SSE Arena in Belfast or the participating local pharmacies.

Vaccine supply is said to be limited, with approximately 20,000 slots available each week.

Health Minister Robin Swan urged everyone eligible to book vaccinations.

“Vaccination is essential to help us survive this pandemic, and because we are vaccinated, there is no doubt that there are people living in Northern Ireland today,” he said. ..

Robin Swann received the first coronavirus vaccine from pharmacist Stephen Burns at Ballymena’s Balllee Pharmacy (Kelvin Boyes / PA)

“Next week, the restrictions will be further relaxed by reopening licensed and non-licensed facilities indoors, and the rules for remaining tourist accommodations and indoor visits will be further relaxed.

“This is made possible thanks to the success of the vaccination program and the vast majority of people who act on public health advice.

“I call on everyone who qualifies for the vaccine to make an appointment.

“I know there are young people who think they don’t need a vaccine, but I’ve seen what this virus can do, and now we’re all about ourselves and the people around us. There is a mixture of mutations needed to protect. “

Dr. Michael McBride, Chief Medical Officer, said:

“We still need to learn a lot about this virus and Postcovid Syndrome or” Longcovid “. This can be very debilitating for some. When making a vaccination decision, you protect yourself as well as what is important to you. All vaccines really bring us closer. “

The ministry said the continued development of vaccination programs will continue to depend on the availability of vaccine supplies.

Appointments can be booked online [url=]Here[/url] Or telephone reservation number – 0300 2007 813.

Details of participating pharmacies and how to make a reservation are online Here..


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