Covid Mortality Associated with Two Easy-to-Measure Signs at Home: Study
Studies published in the journal Influenza and other respiratory virusesTwo easily measurable signs of health, respiratory rate, and blood oxygen saturation for 1,095 patients admitted with COVID-19 clearly predict higher mortality. discovered. In particular, according to the author, anyone who tests positive for the COVID-19 screening test can easily monitor these two signs at home.
This context directs people with COVID-19 to see a doctor when they experience overt symptoms such as “dyspnea” or “persistent chest pain or pressure” at the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Lacking current guidance from. It may not exist even when breathing and blood oxygen reach dangerous levels, the authors say.
“These findings apply to the living experience of the majority of COVID-19 patients. They are at home, feel anxious, want to know how to know if their illness progresses, and when it makes sense to go to the hospital. I wonder if this is the case, “he said. Neil Chatterjee, University of Washington School of Medicine.
Chatterjee and cardiologist Dr. Nona Sotoodehnia were co-authors of this treatise. The findings suggest that some people with COVID-19 may have passed the window of early medical intervention by the time they felt sick enough to come to the hospital. Stated.
“Initially, most patients with COVID do not have dyspnea. Even very low oxygen saturation can be asymptomatic,” says Sotoodehnia. “If patients follow current guidance, they may not be short of breath until their blood oxygen is significantly low, so they miss the opportunity to intervene early in life-saving treatment.”
The researchers investigated cases of 1,095 patients aged 18 years and older who were admitted to the UW Medical Hospital in Seattle or the Rush University Medical Center in Chicago with COVID-19. The survey was conducted from March 1st to June 8th, 2020. The only exclusion was those who chose “comfort only” at the time of admission.
Patients frequently experienced hypoxemia (low blood oxygen saturation; less than 91% in this study) or tachypnea (fast and shallow breathing; 23 breaths per minute in this study), but in the blood Few people reported shortness of breath or coughing regardless of oxygen.
The primary measure of this study was in-hospital mortality from all causes. Overall, 197 patients died in the hospital. Compared to patients hospitalized with normal blood oxygen, patients with hypoxemia were 1.8 to 4.0 times more likely to die, depending on their blood oxygen levels.
Similarly, patients with tachypnea had a 1.9 to 3.2 times higher risk of death than those hospitalized with normal respiratory rates. In contrast, other clinical signs on admission, such as body temperature, heart rate, and blood pressure, were not associated with mortality.
Almost all patients with hypoxemia and tachypnea required oxygen supplementation that could effectively treat acute cases of COVID-19 when combined with glucocorticoids, which reduce inflammation.
“We give patients oxygenation to maintain 92% to 96% blood oxygen saturation. Only patients receiving oxygenation benefit from the life-saving effect of glucocorticoids. It’s important to note that, “said Sotoodehnia. “Our hypoxemic patients had an average of 91% oxygen saturation on admission, far below where so many patients had already taken life-saving measures. For, that care was delayed. “
Findings are usually associated with family healthcare professionals and virtual care providers who are positive for COVID-19 testing and are the first-line clinical contacts for people who want to monitor meaningful symptoms. ..
“The CDC and the World Health Organization are encouraged to consider recreating guidelines to explain this population of asymptomatic people who actually deserve hospitalization and care,” said Chatterjee. “But people don’t roam around knowing the WHO and CDC guidelines. We get this guidance from doctors and news articles.”
Sotoodehnia says that people who test positive for COVID-19, especially those at high risk of adverse consequences from old age or obesity, should buy or rent a pulse oximeter to monitor less than 92% of blood oxygen. Recommended. Devices like clips fit at your fingertips and can be purchased for less than $ 20.
“A simpler measurement is your breathing rate. How many times a minute you breathe. Have your friends and family monitor you for a minute while you’re not paying attention to your breathing, and if you breathe 23 times a minute, your doctor Should be contacted. “
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