COVID-19 spurred record low influenza activity this season
Claim: Only 2,300 flu seasons have occurred
As a restaurant or retail store nationwide Continue to remove mask requirements The importance of masking was highlighted in social media posts when fully vaccinated according to new federal guidance, claiming that this practice helped prevent influenza this season.
“I would like to point out that this’useless mask use and hand washing’has resulted in the lowest number of influenza cases recorded so far,” said Twitter user Tennessine. May 14 Tweet Share to Facebook May 19th.
The post states that there are only 2,300 cases of influenza, compared to the 38 million cases and 22,000 deaths believed to have occurred in the United States last year.
It was shared about 10,000 times in the first week after posting.
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It is reasonable to imagine that precautions against one respiratory illness such as COVID-19 may provide protection against another respiratory illness such as influenza. Also known as influenza.. But does the 2,300 figure accurately reflect the current status of influenza activity in the United States?
It’s possible, but it’s not accurate.
The number of influenza cases is approximate
He told USA TODAY that the 2,300 number quoted by Tennessine is not an exact number.
“The numbers are everywhere because the CDC is so late about releasing seasonal data,” he told USA TODAY. “We had to put together a quote from weekly reports, updates during the season, and so on.”
38 million influenza cases and 22,000 deaths Based on 2019-2020 dataKate Grusic, a spokeswoman for the CDC, said these numbers could not be directly compared to estimates of influenza cases this season.
“One is a mathematical model-based estimation of influenza burden, and the other is referring to data reported in the US Influenza Monitoring Report Information from the US Influenza Monitoring System,” she told USA TODAY. Said in the email.
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Surveillance data may significantly underestimate the true burden of influenza in the United States, so statistical models are used to estimate annual cases, hospitalizations, and deaths. This was because the CDC could not run during the 2020-2021 season because there was not enough data to make an estimate due to the low activity of influenza.
Grusich says the CDC maintains both sets of numbers for different purposes. Surveillance helps track how influenza progresses weekly, but model-based estimates are a more accurate overall representation of case and mortality.
What if the low number of cases of influenza means that fewer people will be tested and diagnosed?He said it was unlikely Dr. Lee Riley, Professor of Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases, Faculty of Public Health, University of California, Berkeley.
“If there was a high rate of epidemics (influenza cases), I think it would have been recognized, so I think (the number of cases) is still low,” he told USA Today.
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Dr. John SwartsburgAlso agreed with the Honorary Clinical Professor of Public Health at the University of California, Berkeley.
“If we weren’t just diagnosing (flu), I think we would have seen a typical number of hospitalizations and deaths,” he told USA Today.
COVID-19 prophylaxis helped alleviate influenza
What both Riley and Swartsburg agree on Most public health professionals now believe: Mask duty and social distance helped control the flu.
“I’ve been an infectious disease expert for 45 years. I haven’t seen anything close to what I’ve seen this year when it comes to influenza cases,” Swartsburg said. “There is only one major (explanation) that can reasonably entertain-a non-pharmaceutical intervention we have initiated to protect ourselves from COVID.”
Face masks, social distances, and lockdowns all helped limit the spread of the flu, Riley said.
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“Most people wear masks, especially when they go to Asia like Japan during the flu season, but they are still in fashion,” he said. “(When COVID-19 happened) they made a true collaborative effort to limit social gatherings and contact (follow-up), and these activities probably have a greater impact on respiratory infections such as influenza. I think I gave it. “
Riley said the lack of influenza “is not related to any of the current anti-COVID-19 measures”, but rather it is important to pay attention to seasonality. Influenza off season.. Influenza peaks in December-February and decreases by May.
Our rating: No context
Based on our research, we rate only 2,300 cases of influenza this season, as it can be misleading without additional information. True public health interventions used to mitigate COVID-19, such as face masks, social distance, and hygiene, have also helped significantly reduce influenza activity, but the number of 2,300 influenza cases is , Not an exact number based on monitoring, but an estimate. Data publicly provided by the CDC. He also warned against using surveillance data to represent the burden of influenza across the country, as we do not have a complete picture of all the illnesses that have occurred. We also warned against comparing estimates with data from past flu seasons, as these numbers are based on statistical modeling.
Our Fact Check Source:
- USA TODAY, May 20th Home Depot, Costco and others no longer need masks for unvaccinated customers.McDonald’s drop mask friday
- Tennessine, May 14th Tweet
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, September 13, 2019, Important Facts About Influenza
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, October 5, 2020, Influenza disease burden
- Tennessine, May 20th, Twitter interview with USA TODAY
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, October 6, 2020, Estimates of influenza illness, medical visits, hospitalizations, and deaths in the United States — 2019–2020 influenza season
- Kate Grusich, May 21, Email Interview with USA TODAY
- Dr. Lee RileyMay 20th Telephone interview with USA TODAY
- Dr. John Swartsburg, May 20, telephone interview with USA TODAY
- USA TODAY, December 19, 2020, Fact Check: Influenza activity may be low so far due to pandemic precautions
- Mayo Clinic, May 18th How much does a face mask protect against coronavirus?
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, May 6 Influenza season
Thank you for supporting our journalism.You can do it Subscribe to our print version, ad-free app or replica of your electronic newspaper here..
Our fact checking work is partially supported by a grant from Facebook.
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