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Blood oxygen levels may explain why memory loss is an early symptom of Alzheimer’s disease


Blood oxygen levels may explain why memory loss is an early symptom of Alzheimer's disease

Credit: Fakurian Design

For the first time in the world, scientists at the University of Sussex recorded hippocampal oxygen levels and experimented with why this area, commonly referred to as the “memory center of the brain,” was vulnerable to damage and degeneration, which are precursors to Alzheimer’s disease. Proved. disease.

To understand why the region is so sensitive, researchers at the University of Sussex, led by Dr. Kathryn Hall of the School of Psychology and Sussex Neuroscience, studied. And In the hippocampus of the mouse. The researchers then used simulations to predict the amount of oxygen supplied. The furthest from the blood vessels is just enough for the cells to continue to function normally.

Dr. Catherine Hall, a senior lecturer in psychology at the University of Sussex, said:

“These findings suggest that increasing hippocampal blood flow may be really effective in preventing the development of damage, so they are looking for preventative measures and treatments for Alzheimer’s disease. This is an important step.

“If it is correct that increasing hippocampal blood flow is important in protecting the brain from diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease, then it is the importance of regular exercise and a low-cholesterol diet for long-term brain health. Will throw more weight behind.

“I think the hippocampus is in the basin. It’s usually okay, but when something else happens and the blood flow in the brain decreases, In the hippocampus, neurons are reduced to non-functional levels. I think that’s probably why Alzheimer’s disease first causes memory loss. This is because the hippocampus does not function properly if blood flow decreases early.

“The same factors that carry the risk of a heart attack increase the likelihood of developing dementia, which causes the brain to provide energy in the form of oxygen and glucose so that brain cells can function properly. This is because it requires enough blood flow to remove waste products such as beta-amyloid protein that accumulates in Alzheimer’s disease.

“Now I would like to discover if low hippocampal blood flow and oxygen levels are the cause of beta-amyloid buildup in Alzheimer’s disease. Understanding the cause of early damage is the treatment of the disease or It’s very important to learn how to prevent it. “

Dr. Kira Shaw, a psychologist at the University of Sussex who conducted the main experiment, said:

“We found that hippocampal blood flow and oxygen levels were lower than in the visual cortex. Also, when neurons are active, blood flow and oxygen levels in the visual cortex are significantly increased, which leads to hunger. The neurons are energized. But in the hippocampus, these reactions were much smaller. “

Scientists have also found that the blood vessels in the hippocampus are low in mRNA transcripts (codes for making proteins) of the proteins that form the dilation of the blood vessels.In addition, small expanding cells Blood vessels called pericytes had a different shape in the hippocampus than the visual cortex.

Dr. Shaw concludes: The hippocampus cannot expand beyond the visual cortex. “

The· , “Neurovascular coupling and oxygenation are reduced in the hippocampus compared to the neocortex due to differences in microvessels.” Nature Communications..

Cannabidiol improves blood flow to the hippocampus of the brain

For more information:
K. Shaw et al, neurovascular binding and oxygenation are reduced in the hippocampus compared to the neocortex due to differences in microvessels, Nature Communications (2021). DOI: 10.1038 / s41467-021-23508-y

Quote: Blood oxygen concentration was obtained from on May 28, 2021 for Alzheimer’s disease (May 28, 2021). ) Can explain why it is an early symptom. html

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