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According to CDC data, the average daily pace of newly administered Covid-19 vaccine is below 1 million.

According to CDC data, the average daily pace of newly administered Covid-19 vaccine is below 1 million.


The seven-day average of newly administered doses of the Covid-19 vaccine fell below 1 million per day for the first time since January, according to data released Thursday by. US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention..

According to CDC data, about 808,000 new doses have been reported since Wednesday, bringing the total dose to about 298 million.

Former CDC director Dr. Tom Frieden said Thursday that the daily vaccination of Covid-19 is declining in the United States because most people who want and have access to the vaccine have already received the vaccine. Said to.

“We’ve made a lot of progress, but frankly, we’re in a sort of lag in vaccination campaigns. The most eager and most available people get it. You can, “Frieden told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer.

“Now we need to make it accessible and continue to address people’s concerns,” he said.

As of Thursday, more than 51% of the US population has been vaccinated with the Covid-19 vaccine at least once, and 41% have been fully vaccinated. 12 states have arrived Aim of President Joe Biden 70% of adults in the United States receive at least one dose by July 4.

The White House saw declining demand for vaccines Announced a series of initiatives on Wednesday The purpose is to increase the enthusiasm for vaccination. This includes free child care, tax credits and even free beer.

We get news that vaccinations are declining every day as the country is now trying to vaccinate children. The Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine is available to children over the age of 12, but currently children over the age of 12 are not eligible for vaccination. Children under 12 years old Much less likely to become severe Although it is Covid-19, it can still be infected and spread to others.

The CDC advised: Schools that prioritize the use of universal masksHowever, it also states that vaccinated people have very strong protection. You don’t need to wear a mask in most situations..

Dr. Anthony Fauci said on Thursday at CNN’s “New Day” that children under the age of 12 were “carefully optimistic” to be eligible for the Covid-19 vaccine by Thanksgiving.

“We are currently conducting an ongoing study, which is called gradual reduction of age, 12 to 9 years, 9 to 6 years, 6 to 2 years, and 6 months to 2 years. The study focuses on children up to the age of age, “Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, told CNN’s John Berman.

“We hope that as we approach the end of the year, we will have enough information to vaccinate children of all ages,” he said. “So I’m cautiously optimistic that I might be there by the end of the year.”

In the comments to NBC Nightly News On Wednesday, Fauci said children under the age of 12 were more likely to have to wear masks when school was reopened if infections remained high in some areas.

The CDC considers an infection in the county to be “high” if there are 100 or more Covid-19 cases or a test positive rate of 10% or more per 100,000 inhabitants in the last 7 days.

Dr. Rochelle Warrensky, director of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said school guidance was being reviewed as more young people were vaccinated at Good Morning America on Thursday. autumn.

“I’ve said that school instruction remains the same throughout the 20-21 year,” Warensky said when asked why children still need to wear masks. “What we are doing now is looking at evidence in a situation where so many people are vaccinated and the incidence of illness is declining in certain communities. , Now we are actually considering the evidence.

“We are starting to get vaccinated against these people, so we will review this in school guidance,” she added.

When asked if there would be a change in mask instruction in time for school in the fall, Warensky said, “I think we will. We are currently reviewing the evidence and will announce that guidance shortly.”

More vaccinations, less infections

With more vaccinations, fewer cases of the virus. Ensemble forecasts released Wednesday by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention project suggest that newly reported Covid-19 cases, hospitalizations, and deaths are likely to continue to decline over the next four weeks.

Fauci said the trend was very encouraging.

“One of the things we want to make sure is that we declare victory prematurely and feel that things are going in the right direction and people don’t need to continue vaccination,” he said. Told. “We are now on a very good track to really put down this pandemic, and the more people we get vaccinated, the more we can be confident that we can get the vaccine. I will. “

Current vaccination rates have begun to decline gradually and are currently less than one-third of the peak pace of approximately 3.3 million people per day in April. But the July 4th goal is still realistic, Forch said.

CNN medical analyst Leana Wen said it would still take two weeks before the first stress test results, given that nearly half of the United States has not been vaccinated after Memorial Day weekend. I warned.

Wen said some communities could remain vulnerable even if cases peaked or gradually declined from the current rate of decline.

“Some areas of your country have very low vaccination rates,” she said. “I’m really worried that unvaccinated people in those areas will spread the coronavirus to each other.”

Fauci also said he was concerned about communities experiencing high levels of transmission. He told NBC News that it was too early to lift the mask obligation in these areas.

“If you pull back the masking, you run the risk of peaking again,” he said.

More vaccinations are a difficult battle

The CDC said important mitigation strategies may be needed in areas with large-scale community infections, including community settings such as schools and workplaces.

According to experts, in addition to masks and social distance, widespread vaccination is the key to reducing infections, experts say.

However, after the proliferation of enthusiastic participants, the rest are those who often receive or have no access to false information about their safety.

As a result, the road to vaccination of the rest of the population could be a tough battle from here on, said Dr. Vivek Murthy, director of public health in the United States, on Wednesday. never give up”.

“We were so successful early on that we are now working on the tougher part of the campaign,” said Mercy. Further increase access. “

Early success helps protect much of the country, but Mercy says strategies need to be changed to reach a level that stops the expansion of the community.

“It’s a multi-faceted campaign that recognizes that there are many reasons why people aren’t vaccinated right now, but we need to address all three: mobilization, education, and improved access,” Mercy said. He said, “This is how to get the people vaccinated.”

correction: Earlier versions of this story misrepresented President Joe Biden’s vaccination goals. His goal is to vaccinate 70% of adults in the United States with at least one new coronavirus infection by July 4.

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